Polish Kraut Rock?

or rather No Wave Punk Jazz

KURWS in Budapest

with POLE (PL, folk jazz) + TUMO (alt hard rock)
+ JACKIE TRISTE (free noise impro)

22nd May at Müszi. Ticket: 1000

YU-WAVE ATTACK will be same day at a near place.
It will be finished at 10pm.


91st RNR666 Party

Budapest  Sept 19  21:00  Zappa/Trafik

Go!Zilla – explosive psychedelic garage rock duo from Florence

TUMO – noise rock, ex-Lömbihead


91st RNR666 Party

Budapest   Sept 19 21:00   Zappa/Trafik

Go!Zilla – explosive psychedelic garage punk duo from Florence

TUMO – noise rock, ex-Lömbihead


a good girl’s guide to bad music – TUMO


here’s the first video of Tumo, a band from the members of the late-but-beloved Lömbihead!

Megint jönnek  means ‘they are coming again’ and the song is a slight shift  from the kind of mental punk, for which they used to be either adored or hated by the punk audience.

this new Tumo track is more influenced by moody noise rock and it’s right off from their first demo, give it a listen at the bandcamp site or at one of their raging gigs if you’re around

so, everyone cheer up, Sebő and Kele, the duo of notorious cult fame is back!

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