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Sloks : Viper (Goodbye Boozy Records) 2025
208 : Posession (Goddbye Boozy Records) 2024
Wayne Pain & The Shit Stains – EP (Goodbye Boozy Records) 2023
Ez az első lemez, amit 2023-ban elém evett a fene. Így kell indítani egy új zenei évet! Mármint, hogy a hangszóróból rád kiáltják: Hey-hey Fuck You!
Kansas City borzalmai a Wayne Pain & The Shit Stains már régi ismerősök, az ez előtti Ep a Feed The Dog is nagy kedvenc, meg a zenekarból ketten is benne voltak a FAG COP-ban, ami 2012-ben olyan koncertet adott, hogy nekem az simán ilyen top5 RNR666 Buli.
Négy szám, négy igénytelen, szemét részeg hőbörgés. Érdekes, minden számról bevillan valami videóklip ötlet.
Az elsőnek ugyan The Zoo a címe, de nekem valahogy az van a fejemben, hogy bebaszott, bedrogozott surmók balhéznak a cirkuszi állatok ketrecei előtt, az állatok meg ott visonganak, rohangálnak a rácsok mögött. Az aláfestő zene meg ez a Cramps szerű lepattant genyó. A második klip már a számcím My Daddy’s Got White Thrash Friends miatt adja magát. Részeg, idősebb arcok egy kocsmában gázoskodnak, kurvára nem fogják fel, hogy manapság már nem menő csajokat fogdosni, meg dohányozni is tilos már az ilyen helyeken és magukhoz ragadják a karaokegépet! Betesznek valami szar rock ‘n’ roll számot, amiből miattuk egy fasza Butthole Surfers szerű káosz lesz.
A következő Eye Blew My Mind című szám klipjét akár saját élményem alapján is le lehetne forgatni. Egy beLSD-zett és egy hótrészeg kilép a Trafik Klub ajtaján miután felkóvályog a pincéből, a hótrészegnél basszusgitár. A környéken lomtalanítás van, kidobott kacatok mindenfelé. Persze egy idő után ráröppennek az érdekesebb kupacokra (minden érdekes). Hazaérnek. Nincs meg a basszusgitár. Vissza megkeresni. Nincs meg. A zene amúgy engem a nagyszerű detroiti Clone Defects-re emlékeztet, belőlük lett később a Human Eye.
És az utolsó a Shut The Fuck Up I’m On The Phone itt már tényleg egyszerű a képlet, tényleg kurvára idegesítő, ha telefonálás közben valaki még pofázik is hozzád.
Kenneth az énekes/gitáros amúgy meg egy kurvajó grafikus, itt van pár dolga >> ITT << másik bandája >> ITT <<
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Qinqs – Qinqs (Goodbye Boozy Records) 2023
Öt számos kislemez két sráctól, akik mindenféle jobbnál jobb ausztrál zenekarokban játszanak, mint a Ghoulies, Kitchen People, Pensioner M.S.O.L. (Jó hír, a Ghoulies szeptemberben koncertezik Budapesten a Kriptában!)
Ez más mint amit eddig hallottam ezektől a srácoktól, ez totál Country Teasers inspirálta valami. A második szám kezdése meg teljesen The Fall. De a perpignani Sonic Chicken 4 vagy a honfitárs UV Race HOMO c. albuma is beugrik és lehet hülyeség, de én hallok benne valamit a legelső Cheap Time lemezből. Nagyon fasza, ritmusos egyszerű zene, de valami csavar van benne, lehet a monotonitása miatt. Nekem ez a dance-punk. Meg az ilyenek.
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rock n roll for dumb kids from Australia: GEE TEE
60s garage rock for dumb adults: THE SPOOKIES: members from Italian garage folk rock Mojomatics and psych rock group Squadra Omega together with Pantichrist Butler from American 80/90s garage rock band The Miracle Workers. He has relocated to Switzerland where worked together with Lightning and Reverend Beat-Man, nowadays he is in The Shit. On bass D. P. Jørgensen from Danish garage beat bands David Peter And The Wilde Sect and The Youth.
loud, snotty, boozy, punk rock’n’roll for smart humans by BETA BOYS from US
Canadian PHONE JERKS originally formed as a punk cover band for party dogs, but anyway they are currently available for children’s birthday parties too.
US garage punk rock and roll for mutants by ANDY HUMAN & THE REPTOIDS
It’s one of the best European garage rock/punk labels. The Italian label is focusing limited edition 7″ vinyls. Here is the first load in 2016
GB 112 – MILK LINES 7″ single. 250 copies with three different covers.
Band of Jeff Clarke and his wife. Jeff is known from Demons Claws and Hellshovel, Emily is the founder of Bum’s Trading Zone, a flea market where the only rule: do not use money. Debut album has been released last year fall on In The Red Records. Tags on their Bandcamp page (where you can download some demos songs free): country experimental folk country psychedelic rock. (Canada)
GB 113 – SICK THOUGHTS / BLACK PANTIES split 7″ EP. 300 copies.
Apropos of a previous GBB release RNR666 wrote about Sick Thoughts: „Lo-fi raw garage punk. As if the LiveFastDie and the Outdoorsmen would play at the same time. Sometimes like a lo-fi garage Motörhead.” The Black Panties are similar. The song, Shoot Me in My Head is brilliant, the best Sick Thoughts track what I have ever heard. Sick Thoughts euro tour march 2016!!! (They are from US)
GB 114 – ANDY HUMAN and The REPTOIDS – Sarcastic – 7″ EP. 250 copies with three different covers.
Pop like Devo, Roxy Music, Buzzcocks, X-Ray Spex. Debut album in early 2015 by SS Records. (US)
GB 115 – NO LIMIT 7″ single. 250 copies with three different covers.
Play Jake and Jeff !!! Jake play also Ausmuteants , Frowning Clouds, Hierophants (all was released by GBB) and Jeff in School Damage, Chugga and the Fuckheads. (Australia)
GB 116 – UFUX – III – 7″ single. 250 copies with three different covers.
UFUX is Christopher Ilth’s new band. He was in Functional Blackouts and Daily Void, and play hc-punk. As montage artist he said in an interview: „I gravitated towards Dada & Surrealism through the pioneers of the punk movement in the 70’s. Those art movements shared individuality, autonomy, rebellion. However, punk, while having a visual side through fashion, record sleeves & fliers, was mainly about music. Dada & Surrealism was not only a visual art movement, but was also a revolt of everyday life with manifestos, pranks, and revolution that made a statement against the establishment and reason.” (US)
Be fast if you want one or all of them!
You can find some free Goodbye Boozy releases from the previous years here. For example: Mikal Cronin, Outdoorsmen, Ty Segall, Useless Eaters, BBQ (Mark Sultan), River City Tainlines, King Khan, etc. If you can’t see the download link, seek it with your cursor below the “download:”
Easy Aussie pop music by Hierophants, their single will be released on such great garage rock and punk labels as Goner (US), Goodbye Boozy (I) and Anti-Fade Records
The members also are in Ausmutenats (synth-punk) and Frowning Clouds (psychedelic garage folk rock)
Most fashionable garage rock from the end of the 60s. I can’t compare them to no one, so much not, that I have successfully discovered the Sex Pistols, the Clash, even the Joy Division in their music, but they haven’t to do with these, because they rather tell about Chuck Berry, John Lee Hooker, Rolling Stones or Jesus & Mary Chain (!?), but let’s say, you mix the Stooges with Black Lips, grate a Spanish male singer with twang in it, and sprinkle lot of vocals on it. This is the essence of Davila 666 from Puerto Rico. I have written it when they played in RNR666 Party in Budapest some years ago. Posthumous single collection on LP, CD and cassette on Burger Records (US)
THE TOWELHEADS – 7″ – AUS, surfin’ on sandwaves (distributed by Anti Fade in AUS)
WET BLANKETS – 7″ – AUS, punk (Anti Fade in AUS)
STRANGE ATTRACTOR – single sided 7″ – Canada, garage rock
MARTIN SAVAGE GANG – 7″ – Swedish garage punk rock
AUSMUTEANTS have been started as a synth’n’drums punk duo, but within a short time it evolved with a bassists and a hardcore „non guitarrist” into a full band, and they do it so good, that such big international labels want them as: Goner, Goodbye Boozy and Total Punk.
6 tracks from 4 fresh releases
1-3 tracks: „Order Of Operation” upcoming LP by Goner (US) and Aarght Records (Aus). The 3rd song also on a 7″ single by Goodbye Boozy Records (Italy). 4-5: „It’s Alive”, cassette on Welcome In The Shit Records (Italy). The 4th song also on the LP. 6th: upcoming 7″ single by Total Punk Records (US)
And there everyone is called on this beautiful German name: Kurt. Very strange that it’s a female name – according to the Wikipedia. (Was, meanwhile it would be revised.)
is the slogan of Goodbye Boozy Records.
It’s one of the best European garage rock/punk labels.
The label is focusing limited edition 7″ vinyls. Some names of his roster:
Ty Segall, Mikal Cronin, King Khan, BBQ, Lantern, LiveFastDie, Red Mass, Straight Arrows, Movie Star Junkies.
Interview with the boss, don Gabriele
Is it a one man label or are there a bunch of fanatics?
I am Gabriel and Goodbye Boozy Recs. is a one-man label, with a lot of fanatic friends who help me buying my release by spreading them all over the world and I’m very grateful to all of them!!! I am very happy to know that the few copies I put out are going to all these „fools”!!
How does it started and when? What was the cause?
from 7″ vinyl on Bubca and Goodbye Boozy Records (Italy)
One of the best European garage rock/punk label is Goodbye Boozy Records. It was founded in the late 90s in Teramo, which is a little central Italian town. The label is focusing limited edition 7″ vinyls. Some names of the roster: Ty Segall, Mikal Cronin, King Khan, BBQ, Lantern, LiveFastDie, Red Mass, Straight Arrows, Movie Star Junkies.
Some of the recent 7″ vinyls are free to download now: The Hemingers, Sick Thought, Blowtops, Cosmonauts, People’s Temple, Tight Jeans, Livids, Drags, Warm Soda.