Acid, Not Music

new releases by CLAN DESTINE RECORDS Scotland, UK


DJ LOSER from Greece, he has two projects as minimal techno maximum noise Body Snatchers with Raw Ambassador, and industrial ambient Magdalena’s Apathy with Penelope’s Fiance. Cassette and digital album.

MARC ASH – aka Plovdiv – is a Berlin base Italian, drawing his inspirations from electro pioneers, early new wave and „dirty industrial” (esp. mining industrial). He is the founder of Blacksilk Records. Ostracism cassette and digital album.

„existing is useless. life is pointless. throw it away. be free” is the motto of the existentialist American DJ/producer COLLIN STRANGE, founder of the early American power electronics act Intrinsic Action which started in 1984. How I Creep cassette and digital album out now.




It was a time full of adrenaline and rapid changes.

The second half of the ’80s. This was a decade marked by the rise in tension between the American and Russian blocks in the Cold War, the fall of the Berlin Wall. Thirty years have passed since the historical events which dramatically changed the cultural scene of the Soviet Union forever.

A team of filmmakers decided to carry out their own investigation into the change that was started by one man: Indulis Bilzens. He stood by the birth of rave culture in Germany and successfully has brought it on the other side of Iron Curtain in the second half of the ’80s.

Techno first appeared in the Baltics in 1986.

Bilzens was born in Riga in 1940, in the last year of the first independent Latvian Republic. In this year happened the first Soviet invasion, and his father was deported to Siberia. Between 1941 and 44 the country was occupied by the Germans. His mother fled the country with him into West Germany because of the second Soviet invasion in 1944.

Bilzens studied English in Cambridge – and was involved in the British peace movement -, medical informatics in Bonn and Stuttgart, and electronic composition at the University of Düsseldorf. Worked for a number of German newspapers and organized avant-garde music events and exhibitions. He began to visit his homeland in the late ’70s (then part of Communist Russian Empire i.e. the Soviet Union).

His friendship with the German DJ Maximilian Lenz (WestBam) led to an interest in the new electronic music coming out of the US. He was involved in the founding of Low Spirit label, Love Parade, and Mayday parties. Bilzens and Lenz made repeated visits to Riga in the late ’80s, introducing DJ culture.


a film about the first techno beats in the USSR.


More videos from the film.

A long article about the movie on Deep Baltic



Berlin based Israeli musician Charlie Megira is dead.

It is total unbelievable for me. No, that is just a bad joke. He is so young, and need to play at RNR666 Party.

But it seems the whisper is real.

Charlie Megira was an exceptional musician, a guitar virtuoso. On the picture above with his last band The Bet-She’an Valley Hillbillies. „Surf, Poetry, Rockabilly” was the slogan

but the formula is not so simple.

When I met his music at first he played wispy almost ethereal surf rock and roll on guitar, piano and castanets. But after he made a Joy Division- , Cure-, Sisters of Mercy like dark wave album with his girlfriend as Charlie Megira & Hefker Girl. After Charlie Megira and The Modern Dance Club was founded, where every mentioned style merged into high energy garage rock. And finally he went back to the beach with The Bet-She’an Valley Hillbillies. The last album.

And a free download live show on WFMU radio with covers of Joy Division’s Heart And Soul and TV Personalities’ Diary Of A Young Man.

And an interview with almost all of his music, and a „best of” playlist on RNR666 mag.

A fragment from it:

„I also used to hang out with my older cousin that introduced me to some rock music like Whitesnake, Iron Maiden, Scorpions, and more. I remember I once asked him why all those bands are wearing dirty and ripped cloths, I thought they were poor and maybe could not afford to buy nice cloths… Anyway I really got into this heavy rock and also liked Bob Marley a lot. (…) I had a roommate that played The Smiths on a tape and for me it sounded horrible so I punched him in the face and broke the cassette and put on the Scorpions’ gold ballads.”


Hey Charlie, just one more song, please!


Lust macht frei

The film Desire Will Set You Free paints a picture of contemporary underground Berlin. It’s based on a true story: Ezra, an American writer of Palestinian and Israeli parentage living in Berlin, spends his days clubbing, taking drugs, having pseudo-philosophical conversations and wanting to be more punk, whilst wishing he wrote more. Most of his time is spent with his privileged dark, but witty friend Catharine, who has an unsettling fetish for Nazi paraphernalia. As the two of them look for their next excitement fix, they end up in one of Berlin’s famous gay hustler bars. Almost on a dare Ezra meets Sasha, a Russian immigrant working as an escort. Ezra pulls Sasha on a journey through Berlin’s underground and queer scenes…

Of course there is a soundtrack wich was inspired by trash music films from the 70s and 80s. There Blood Orange plays a Malaria! song, Peaches did a cover of Claire Waldoff the great lesbian cabaret singer from the 1920s, and also you can find songs by Molly Nilsson, Rollin Hunt, Anni Rossi, Nina Hagen, The Prostitutes, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge

and more. Furthermore Einstuerzende Neubauten and Blixa Bargeld appear in the movie too.

The soundtrack album will be released soon by Moniker Records (US)

Bandcamp     iTunes


American director Yoni Leyser‘s previous film, a documentary about W.S.Burroughs, also with many musicians like Sonic Youth, Iggy Pop, Laurie Anderson, Jello Biafra or Genesis Breyer P-Orridge.

Are you intereseted in revolution?

The Civil Rights struggle has gotten this treatment in particular. Its now been ossified as a series of marches and sit-ins which led to the overturning of the most glaring US racial inequalities, and which culminated in the the martyrdom of Martin Luther King Jr. With the riots following MLKs assassination, and the malaise following his death, „the movement” lost its hope, drive, and focus.

But Civil Rights was never just the monolith of angry Malcolm vs. peaceful Martin, and the history channel wants the population to forget that the „movement” was radicalized beyond what is generally understood.

In the 60’s therefore, the nation stood on the precipice of some kind of revolution. In many ways, the country experienced a civil war.


The INVADERS of Memphis were like an intellectual street gang with incredible style, who devoted themselves to justice and confronting white supremacy. A group or „gang” of organizers, they were on the front lines of the struggle in the South, and experienced extraordinary harassment, violence, and imprisonment. They conducted the last meeting with King at the Lorraine Motel before he was murdered, and yet their story is almost unknown.

THE INVADERS, a fast-moving re-telling with a funky soundtrack produced by King Khan and Jack Oblivian


Two soundtrack 7″ singles from King Khan and his band

on limited military marijuana green vinyl:

mixed and mastered by Nene Barratto (Movie Star Junkies)


Electronische Melodie und Harmonie aus Karl Marx-Stadt


Once upon a time when every German workers’ dreams came true in the German Democratic Republic, where citizens were so perfectly defended by the inner security service that every seventh one was an informer. It was so democratic that the media was totally controlled by the communist state, and any private publishing was illegal. In Karl Marx-Stadt (aka Chemnitz) there was a really underground new wave electronic experimental label klangFarBe run by Frank Bretschneider from 1985 till 1989. It published only 8 cassette releases.

A double compilation LP with AG Geige, Kriminal Tanzkapelle, Frank Bretschneider and Stein Im Brett

will be released soon by Mannequin Records (Germany)

You can download a Karl Marx-Stadt underground V/A tape from the 80s

and there is a film about AG Geige.

Bretschneider today run Raster-Noton. It is meant to be a platform – a network covering the overlapping border areas of pop, art, and science. It has been emerged from the fusion of Rastermusic, founded by Olaf Bender (AG Geige) and Bretschneider (also was in AG Geige) in 1996, and the sublabel Noton, which was run by Carsten Nicolai (aka Alva Noto). It realizes music projects, publications and installation works. The common idea behind all releases is an experimental approach – an amalgamation of sound, art, and design, which is not only apparent in the music, but also visible from the artwork and cover design. In music the label’s aesthetic focus is on rhythmic, minimal electronic music alternating between playful pop and introspection.

Jimmy a mocsokban

Ritkán vezet eredményre amikor egy angol név jelentését megpróbáljuk kiszótárazni, főleg, ha szokványos szótár helyett az Urban Dictionary szleng-adatbázisában kutakodunk, ám
a soron következő RNR666 buli
egyik fellépője,  Jimmy Trash esetében meglepően pontos eredményt hozott a rendhagyó próbálkozás:

JIMMY: highly attractivee person. Someone who is caring, loving and will always be there for you. any girl would be lucky to be dating a jimmy. also very sexy and erotic. You’ll easily fall in love with his personality.

TRASH: a term for a person who is dirty and stupid. Often the same as whitetrash, but any race can be trash.

jimmy t und big d

Öröm és boldogság lesz ezt a félőrültet rászabadítani Budapestre…

…vagy kettőt, mármint a Jimmy Trash and Big Daddy Mugglestone két tagját, Jimmy Trash -t és Big Daddy Mugglestone -t. Az elektromos orgona+dob felállású zenekar afrikai ritmusokra pakolja a SUICIDE (’70 -es  New York-i szinti punk banda) legmocskosabb szinti hangzását, az ének és az előadásmód pedig baptista szertartásokra emlékeztet. Koncertjeik felszabadult jókedvet és rémületet egyszerre válthatnak ki a közönségből, a voodoo ütemek bibliai idézetekkel pedig tovább növelik a bizonytalanságot és a káoszt.

Big Daddy Mugglestone 1981 ben született az Egyesült Államokban, élete 13 éves korában vett drámai fordulatot amikor születésnapjára kapott egy Fostex 4-track recorder-t, amin elkezdett felvételeket készíteni. Ezek, a többnyire dob és ének/szöveg hangkollázsok, sokszor a Ween zenekar dolgaira emlékeztető idióta kis darabok voltak. Ezek a korai felvételek később megjelentek Mugglestone saját, Valis Records nevezetű kiadójánál, ‘Mugglestone Remix Archives Vols. I & II’ címen. Jazz zenekarokban játszott, egyetemen néprajzot, népzenével kapcsolatos dolgokat hallgatott, 2000-ben pedig Afrikában és Ázsiában tanult illetve dolgozott. 2003-ban Prágába költözik, 2005-től pedig Berlinben él, ahol aztán igazi termékeny időszak kezdődik számára, ami a mai napjainkig tart.


‘The Mugglestone Revue’ név alatt régi, ’20-as – ’30-as évekbeli amerikai slágereket ad elő. A ‘The Mugglestone Jubillee Singers’ néven futó performaszai vallási prédikáció és hittérítő jellegűek. ‘Mugglestone Hi-Fi’ a DJ alteregója, szívesen játszik privát házibulikon de akár meleg házasságkötések alkalmával is, kizárólag 7 iches kislemezekről. ‘Professor Mugglestone and The History of Science’ projectjét a kísérleti fizika és a low-tech elektronika találkozásának tartja, jelentsen ez bármit is. A 2000-es évek közepén tagja volt a Assdroids nevű punk-metal-break core duónak, manapság egy német pszichedelikus world rock zenekarban, a Scared Trvelers -ben is dobol. Újabban van egy igen érdekes projektje is, amit Raw Capella-nak nevez. 

A csapat másik fele, az ausztrál születésű, de Berlinben élő Jimmy Trash is egy érdekes figura. Vele pár éve ismerkedtünk meg egy RNR666 bulin, akkor éppen úton volt a Balkán kis falvaiba, hogy anyagot gyűjtsön réges-régi népszokásokat bemutató dokumentumfilmjéhez, a‘Roots in The Heart’-hoz.

Az akkori találkozáskor nem is került szóba, hogy zenél is, pedig a Mugglestone-al közös zenekaron kívül játszik még a The Gunpowder Temple of Heaven-ben, a Jimmy Trash Orchestra-ban, de fellép öregek otthonában, vagy éppen együtt zenél kényszerházasság elől Németországba menekült afrikai ikerpárral és Berlinben van egy saját mini fesztiválja, a Trash Fest.

From New Records


DD OWEN is Drew Owen from punk band Sick Thoughts (Goner, Slovenly, Goodbye Boozy Records) armed with keyboard, guitar and pedals. A Wizzard Sleeve and a Gary Wrong cover on his brand new single

on Windian Records‘ subscription series (US)

Also a new Sick Thoughts single on Goner Records (US)


There was an electro-industrial band Musumeci in Torino in the 80s with some side-projects and a cassette label, Der Zeltweg.
A selection of the 1982-1984 side projects Errata-S-Corrige, Gasdehyde and Herpes-Z

on Mannequin Records (Germany)

Dynamite Rock

Charlie Megira is a highly talented Berlin based Israeli guitarist. He has released some different style albums under various monikers in the last few years. His music ranges from 50s style surf rock and roll through dark wave to garage rock.


I grew up in the 70s and was surrounded mostly by traditional Moroccan music and on top of it all my father still owned a very nice records collection of popular music in the likes of Elvis Presley, RitchieValens, The Platters, Buddy Holly, Little Richard, Bill Haley, James Brown, The Temptations, Santana, some disco records like Boney M and ABBA. I can also recall some Sanremo records and Julio Iglesias, Johnny Holliday, Nino Ferrer and so on… A beat later I also used to hang out with my older cousin that introduced me to some rock music like Whitesnake, Iron Maiden, Scorpions and more. I remember I once asked him why all those bands are wearing dirty and ripped cloths, I thought they were poor and maybe could not afford to buy nice cloths… Anyway I really got into this heavy rock and also liked Bob Marley a lot.

I was a very good student and a talented swimmer

Tovább / Read more »



Chris Imler was one driver of German satiric electronic duo Driver & Driver. He mix traditional one-man band guitar’n’drums sound with electronic music and some special instruments. „I Used To Too” comes D.A.F., Urban Junior and Quintron to my mind. His moustache is a broad hint at Boris Blank (Yello)

Nervös album on Staatsakt Records (Germany)

From New Records


Hey!Amphetamine Reptile mode Deutsch noise punk by UV Glaze

7″ single on Bachelor Records (Austria). You can find some free tracks here


Smell swamp psych garage blues rock by The Ukiah Drag

In The Reapers QuartersLP and digital on Wharf Cat Records (US)

Jacko, az ördög és a húszméteres fasz

Ezt a képet berilni tudósítónk küldte.

Meg ezt is.

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