Rövid interjú az augusztus 26.-i RNR666 Buli zágrábi fellépőjével a The Hahas & the Blablas– zenekarral. A kérdések egy nagyon szemfüles RNR666 olvasónak akár ismerősek is lehetnek, ugyanis korábbi interjúinkból lettek átemelve.



Who is who in the band, and who plays what ?

Anamaria (vocals), Iva (synth, vocals), Jura (guitar, vocals), Filip (bass), Ognjen (drums)

What other bands you guys play in?

We are playing in Parnepar, Žblj Mozaik, How Yes No and Čudnoređe.

When did you start Hahas& the Blablas?

Last year in January.

–  If you would like to introduce Hahas& the Blablas , what would to say?

We would say it’s a synth punk, power pop, new wawe band with short songs and funney lyrics.

Favorite new and old bands?

New: Powerplant, Duds, Uranium club, Kabelok, Mižerija, Padskarosda, Kibaszott Emberek, Camp Coala…
Old: Devo, B52’s, Gang of four, Joy Division, Blondie, Suburban lawns, S.o.D., Minutemen, Modesty mouse…

What is the atmosphere like in Zagrab now?

It’s really good. Every day you have a concert somewhere. Big bands are comeming to Zagreb, medium bands are comeming to Zagreb, small bands are comeming to Zagreb. We have a lot of venues, a lot of cultural happening. Come and see.

I was only one time in Zagrab at 2009 at a Butthole Surfers gig. Were you there too? The atmospere of the city was so cool, we all very liked it.

Unfortunately we weren’t on the concert. We believe it was a blast.

In Hungary during the past „communist” era, there was a show on tv where people could ask for a song to be played during the big communist national holidays. It was called something like Revolutionaries’ Choice. What’s the song you’d send to the people of Zagrab now?


I got 4 tapes from Yugoslavia years ago, if you want i give them to you. child tales maybe, i dont understand any words. hahhaah!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Awesome. You should play it between bands on the 26th.

–  Any final thing you’d like to add?

Come to the concert while the ticket is afordable. After we become big it will be to expensive. 🙂


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