The story of INSECURE MEN has started in Paris when Fat White Family’s main songwriter Saul Adamczewski was asked to leave the band temporarily after refusing to vacate the Paris venue the band was playing on the night of the Bataclan attack because he’d arranged to meet a heroin dealer there later on.

He said about: “I fell into a downward spiral, living on a friend’s floor just smoking crack and heroin and doing nothing else. After four months I snapped out of it and realised I needed to get clean. When I came out of rehab I had nothing left other than these songs – I was like a ship without a sail – so it started to look like Insecure Men was something I should definitely pursue as my main project.”

He teamed up with his school friend Ben Romans-Hopcraft (from the band Childhood) and recorded those songs, blend together exotica, easy listening, lounge and timeless pop music.

INSECURE MEN debut album released on FAT POSSUM RECORDS (US)



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