After more than 10 albums QUINTRON‘s first book EUROPA MY MIRROR is recently released by GONER RECORDS. Illustrated by the amazing Miss Pussycat!


Ostensibly it is a chronicle of Quintron’s last European tour, but the book is just as much about the myriad illusions of American identity. The tales are funny and thrilling and mostly true and someone almost dies on every page.

“If Dr. Frankenstein were working with raw material from Madame Curie, Delia Derbyshire, James Brown, and Wilhelm Reich, the result might be something like QUINTRON. Underground inventor, composer, record maker, impresario, and performer par excellence. There is nothing and no one like him and this is his first book and it’s a gas!” – said Ian Svenonious – musician: Nation Of Ulysses, The Make-Up, Chain & The Gang, Escape-ism, and writer.

Quintron is a nightclub organist (and member of Gary Wrong Group) who runs an electronics repair shop/recording studio called Spellcaster Lodge in New Orleans. He invented a mechanically-rotating, light-activated drum machine called Drum Budy. His current project is centered around a weather-controlled synthesizer he made called WEATHER WARLOCK designed to produce mellow, healing tones, randomly modulated by sun, rain, wind, and temperature.

WEATHER WARLOCK also is a band. Their first album Sunset Waits For No Man was recorded with Weather Warlock on the Gulf Coast with Quintron, Aaron Hill (EYEHATEGOD, Missing Monuments), Gary Wrong (Wizzard Sleeve, Vatican Dagger) together with two New Orleans free jazz sax players to glue this mass of southern scum rock:

Weather Warlock’s second album Headless Falcon was made by the core group with with a handful of local musicians in Abu Dhabi.


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