– Zac Ives daughter Anna knows our true spirit:


Last spring Texan label Monofonus invited Dan Melchior to Austin to record with local post punk idiots Spray Paint. Over a week or so beers were drank and songs were hammered out. The result is a Krauty-Crazy Horse-y blending of these two distinct artists. Dan Melchior (ex-Broke Revue) is a highly talented British musician. He comes from garage punk, worked together with Billy Childish, Holly Golightly and Walker Russel (Pheromoans), and usually makes experimental other music.

Their collaborative album under the name of Contributors out now. This record is the second in a series of Spray Paint collaborations that will be coming out on different labels. The 1st  with Ben Mackie from Aussie punk band Cuntz was released this September on 12XU Records.


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