
khost is an industrial doom metal duo from Birmingham, UK, but it has been named after a city and a region in Afghanistan. An EP titled Needles Into The Ground will be released soon on Cold Spring Records with three songs from their latest album which have been de/re-constructed by Justin K. Broadrick of Godflesh, and one unreleased song.

Yes, this is metal, but literally.

Godflesh is one of the most influential industrial/drone metal bands. It was founded by Justin K. Broadrick (who was the guitarist of Napalm Death in 1985-86) and G.C. Green in 1988. The band dissolved in 2002, and reformed in 2009.

Justin Broadrick (1985-86: guitar) grew up in a hippie commune. He was about 8 when he heard Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music at first. After Napalm Death he was influenced by 80s hip-hop sound and acid house. His other bands: Final (power electronics, dark ambient, founded in 1982),  Techno Animal (industrial hip-hop with Kevin Martin from GOD, 1991), Jesu (post-metal, 2003), Pale Sketcher (“shoegazy dream-pop that’s almost techno”, 2010) and more


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