Scottish electronic musician Jonnie Common has gone to his kitchen and made an album using only noises what he has found there. Here is an album preview

He’s releasing the album on a set of four hand-made fridge magnets. Each one of these magnets is unique because they were all cut directly out of a stomach-churning 80s cookbook. He says: inside each set, I have even gone to the trouble (and believe me it was painstaking) of including the name of the dish from which each magnet was taken. I must stress that the combinations (or menus) were chosen for what looked good together rather than what would taste good together but I did spread it out so that every set includes 4 different types of dish. The categories are: soups, salads & starters, meat dishes, poultry dishes, fish dishes, vegetable dishes, supper dishes, savouries & snacks, puddings & desserts, cakes & baking.

Kitchen Synch is going to be released on Song, by Toad Records on May 9th.


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