
Vaadat Charigim is the new band of Juval from TV Buddhas. The latter is a primaeval garage rock band. The new one is a shoegaze, exactly like the title of this post with the voice of Morrissey and Ian Curtis (Joy Division). The latter statement was declared by New Musical Express. The British magazine has given 8 points from the 10 for the Israeli band’s debut album which was released by Burger Records (US). It’s about how the Israeli youth feels themselves in their homeland where the war is so natural.

Ze Beseder Lefahed  (It’s Okay To Be Afraid)

“Let’s become nothing together; let’s run away and disappear.”
– It’s a conversation between a guy and a girl.
I’ve had that kind of conflict living in Berlin — it was like leaving the real world here
in Israel and moving to a place that’s safe for young people to not do anything
or do whatever they dream. It’s kind of like disappearing, in a way.”

Plaza Real Cultural Foundation & Underground Cultural Association
in co-operation with Israeli Cultural Institute present

Vaadat Charigim in Budapest at RNR666 Party on
Sept 27 at Kontra Klub (at Trafo Contemporary Art Institute)
with one of the most interesting Hungarian band
makrohang: jazz for metalheads

Facebook event          Listen to the full Vaadat Charigim album


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