Armand Margejka was born an Albanian small town Tropoia, located on the highland near the border of Kosovo. Tropoia district has had a long reputation as one of the wildest and most conservative regions in Albania, virtually out of control of every government in Tirana. The family arsenal often takes up a whole room and typically includes anti-tank mines, hand grenades, and rocket launchers besides rifles, revolvers, machine guns, stilettos, swords, baseball bats and all sorts of old guns which goes from father to son. Instead of insurance brokers insurgence agents go about the countryside. Albania was the most isolated and most poorest among the Eastern-European communist states. The Stalinism was the most persistent here. Moreover there are the tribal differences and the beautiful tradition of vendetta.


Margejka’s musical influences were Western cinema, MTV Europe, and fortuitous cassette tape of American pop/rock legends Little Richard, Fats Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley taught Margjeka the fundamentals of rock and roll, and subsequently the English language. The country is however friendly and secure, he has changed Albania for Alabama. He plays indie folk rock with sure hands.

„Hummingbird” LP, CD on Communicating Vessels (USA)


Ghetto Ghouls are (a handyman, a geography assistant, a sound guy, and a student) like their predecessor Texan punks,  Bobby Soxx, Dicks, Stick Man With Rayguns or Scratch Acid. This 7” couples a pair of songs from the S/T LP sessions


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