20140509gustave-tigerThe debut full-length of Gustave Tiger is titled At the Idyll’s End and believe me, it sounds quite the contrary!

And what’s new with the band since their latest release, Mitanni Mares? First of all, they have extended into a four-piece with singer, graphic designer and visual artist Erika Szurcsik. It is also notable how Gustave Tiger has advanced into the direction of  more eclecticism, which would have seemed impossible half a year ago. Their music involves much more pop, psychedelia and even weirder sounds – and to my regret, less eunuch vocals this time.

Their new, less than one minute long video for Clitoris Crucifix is quite probably a result of a thorough experiment in cross-fertilizing surf pop music with black metal and VHS-philia. Well, that’s a fair appetizer.

Without sinking far too deep into the praise of Hungary’s number one cathedral punk band – which is basically impossible – listen to the album, download it for a name-your-price donation and make sure to go to their record release party… in about two hours time (an advice better late than never, right?)



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