
7 years ago in Atlanta 4 girls have decided to start a band, walked in a pawnshop, bought the most cheapest instruments and begun to learn play. So their early recordings are not too defined works, but I like these nice no wave-like primitive garage rock songs. Since then there were 3 albums and some split 7″ singles (Audacity, Nü Seanse, Davila 666). Naturally they have developed their musical skill, but the music stayed simple,  not too sophisticated but great garage rock. Oh, almost I forgot that one of them quit. So the brand new album ‘Suck My Shirt’ was made by a trio. Out now on Suicide Squeeze Records

The title refers to salvaging of some spilt Tequila during the recordings.

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Oops. They’re The Coathangers! I’m a little absent-minded tonight.


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