A következő oldal a nyugalom és a közízlés megzavarására alkalmas!
Böngészését kizárólag:
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Ennek tudatában:
Their songs’ themes are determined by a special circumstance. The founder, vocalist and accordionist, Martyn Jacques spent much of his early years living above a brothel in London’s Soho. His songs describe pimps, prostitutes, drug addicts, losers and other unsavoury characters in their lurid details.
They frequently convert literary works. For example: Hoffman – Der Struwwelpeter (as Shockheaded Peter), Brecht / Weill – The Threepenny Opera (as Two Penny Opera), or the British romantic poet, Samuel Taylor Colridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Furthermore they have written a musical comedy about life of Mozart. And furthermore
Dates for Spain, UK, Germany and France in 2014