
At first there was the legendary Gibson Bros. in Ohio in the mid-80s. They played a unique mix of American roots music: blues, gospel, hill- and rockabilly with punk attitude. After split of the Gibsons the Bassholes were founded in 1992 by a “Gibson”, Don Howland (guitar) and Bim Thomas (drums). They’re the best blues punk band: crude, rude and harsh

After 4 years here is a new album with three covers: The Groundhogs – Express Man (1969), Wayne County & The Electric ChairsParanoia Paradise (1977) and Noh MercyCaucasian Guilt (1978). Boogieman Stew LP by Columbus Discount Records

Beside the Bassholes Bim Thomas plays in Puffy Areolas and This Moment in Black History. His solo project is the Obnox: weird garage blues soul punk with Tricky-like remixes.


Strange Attractor: fuzzy garage punk from a small town in Northern Ontario, Canada

„Total Shit” trilogy on the b-side. „Feel Like Total Shit” / „This is Total Shit” / „I’m Total Shit” – three songs that give you a 360 degree views from the dregs of modern life : making bad choices, feeling powerless against the will of people who make bad choices, and just generally having everything stacked against you and turning those bad vibes inwards. In the Strange Attractor land, when we point fingers we have to remember that we are simultaneously pointing at ourselves.”

Back To The Cruel World LP by Resurrection / FDH / Mammoth Cave Records


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