
Todd Tamanend Clark started out listening to his mother’s Yma Sumac records as a child in the 1950s. Some of his favorites were Bo Diddley and Screamin’ Jay Hawkins. Then he heavily influenced by the 60’s psychedelic rock bands like Jimi Hendrix Experience, Doors, Electric Prunes and particularly the United States of America, in consequence of their synthesizers. He has fallen in love with these instruments. Then there were some bands from the end of the 60s sure, but rather he worked with occasionally collaborators. For example Cheetah Chrome (Rocket from The Tombs – David Thomas’ pre-Pere Ubu band, Dead Boys) or W. S. Burroughs. The Aardvark Thru Zymurgy LP was recorded and released in 1977 under the name of New Gods:

Reissue by Burka For Everybody


Silly surfy cartoon rock by King Lollipop aka Cody Blanchard, the guitarist of Shannon & The Clams:

7″ by Surfin’ Ki Records


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