
Obnox is the solo project of Bim Thomas (drums) from Bassholes, Puffy AreolasThis Moment is Black History. He has wanted to do a recording that raw and blown out, done quickly for cheap.  Opened up the four track tape machine with a lot of scotch whiskey and reefer around…

7″ by Southpaw Records

1. Paul Lawton was teaching media and digital culture at the University of Lethbridge for five years and really hated it.
2. He has started a blog with Death to the Canadian Music Industry subtitle, „because I love Canadian music so much and I feel sad about the state that it’s in.”
3. He is one of the two core members of the Ketamines and plays bass:

You Can’t Serve Two Masters LP by Southpaw and the Ketamines own label: Mammoth Cave



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