The original was played by The Strangeloves in 1965. This was a fictional band created by a producer group: Feldman, Goldstein, Gottehrer. The members played significant roles in the careers of War, Blood Sweat & Tears, Richard Hell, Blondie, Fleshtones, Circle Jerks, Sly & The Family Stone, etc. Gottehrer produced the Dum Dum Girls’ debut full-length album and continues producing them to this day.

Then comes the famous cover by Bow Wow Wow from 1982. The band was created by Malcolm McLaren after the Sex Pistols. The third one is from the Megapuss, a joke band with Devendra Banhart and Fabrizio Moretti (The Strokes) among others. They have written own peculiar lyrics in 2008. And now here is an up to date version by the experimental electronic duo, Matmos: I Want Snowden

The track is free! Just click the download.


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