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A nyar uccso RNR666 / FÖLDALATTI bulija

2O11 JULiUs 16. szOLNOk / tOmi BuFE        ingyenes!!!!
2o11  jULiuS  17.
BUdaPeSt / TRafiK kLUb   1oOo Huf

Young Garage Punk Nigh with:

Regal saw the light in Lyon, France,in the beginning of the year 2010. Strong cheap crap canned beer and greasy chips, kept Xav, who plays also in different bands of Lyon, as "Last Rapes" and "Le Pécheur", and Caelan, a kiwi-brit fellow, locked in a cave during a few days. Victims of madness and alcoholism, they recorded a few weird poppy-garage-psychedelic songs.
In the end of 2010, Antoine joined the band as a drummer, he originally comes from the "Arbitraire" fanzine, a collective of artists and illustrators in Lyon. Not having a clue how to play the drums, it took another couple of months to resolve this problem, thanks to xav’s amazing skills as a teacher (…).
Early 2011, it seemed were something was missing, at this stage, Max (Last Rapes) joined us, giving a touch of bouncy-funk-rock-garage bass lines to the songs.

Regal’s first gig took place in Budapest, Hungary in the Animal Trophies / Le pécheur Europe tour.

More to come.​ aloflager

The psychedelic garage sound of STRANGE HANDS was born in 2008 in Bordeaux, France. Interested in Psychedelic experiences & 60’s music Lucas, Melvyn & Victor decided to create STRANGE HANDS.

The formation of the band stay as primitive as possible. No bass but, twelve strings guitare, guitare and drums or guitar, organ and drums but without missing a lot of reverb.

Their first 7" called Dead Frozen Deer is out on the famous Netherland record label Fistful Of Records. Then let the flower grow in your mind !​ angestrangehands

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