Last Rapes Of Mr Teach

Áprilisi koncert dömpingünk KLIKK <<< egyik kedves vendége lesz ez a nagyon fiatal francia banda. Nagyon jó 60 as éveket idéző garage punk ot játszanak, lendületesen, lazán, ahogy kell.

 So first, where is this weird name from?
At the beginning the last rapes of mr teach were called the sticky monkeys, I wasn’t in the band , Martin (who has left the band now) was the lead-guitarist, in 2007 he asked me to join the band, I said yes, and we decided to change the name of the band.
We came up with the new name during the summer of 2007  and we spent our holidays in southwest france by the sea. We were laughing about pirate stories and martin found this name. Mr teach is the real name of the famous pirate Blackbeard. Martin wanted our sound to be like the last rapes of blackbeard(mr teach)
here is the complicated story for the complicated name…
                                                                                                                                      Who is who in the band?       
                                                                                                                                           Xavier:Drum, vocals
                                                                                                                                          Max:Bass, vocals
                                                                                                                                           Pierre(me):Guitar, vocal
When did you start LRoMrT?             >>   myspace site   <<<<<
We started our first rehearsal in august 2007, our first recording session was in november 2007 and our first gig in january 2008.
How was the recordings in London? Why London?
It was near London in wycombe, and it was awesome. Our good friend Luke (guitarist of the great band Sex Beet) is a studient in sound technology, he ‘s learning how to work in a studio, so for his degree he has to record a band , and he choose us. We had that big professional studio for us , we were used to recording on my 4 track tape recorder in my parents basement, so it was a big change!
It was really good we have recorded 14 songs in 2 days.
Are you from Bordeaux, arent you? Tons of amazing band from there, could you tell more about whats going on there? (bands, clubs, life etc.)
Hahaha people always think that we’re from Bordeaux , but no ! we all come from briançon the highest city in europe , it’s in the alps , and we moved to grenoble and lyon for our studies. Now me and Xav are in Lyon and Max’s working in Briançon.
Bordeaux is an amazing city, there’s a lot of really good bands and nice peole there. Lyon is really shit for garage bands so we always go to Bordeaux because we’ve met a lot of friends there and it’s always good fun ! However its far away from Lyon, 8 hours by car !  yeah I think they have really good places to play, places that don’t close before 3 in the morning, and there’s a good culture of rock’n’roll and punk music and there’s also the great wine and great food !!
You guys are pretty young, when did you start  listening music, and WHAT?
Personally I started listening to music at the age of 4 or 5 , I used to listen to the same beatles album all the time and a bit of queen (I was 5)
when I was 15 I listened to all of my father’s records: Pink Floyd, Led Zep, Doors, all that kind of shit,(I was 15) then Martin introduced me to the nuggets compilation, and we also used to listen to a lot of 1977 punk.
 The Great RNR666 Rorsah Test
– Look at the picture and talk (write) that you see!
-I see a sort of person with long hair and wings and boobs and a penis flying over his own pee.
What are Last Rapes’s main influances?
It has change a lot , when Martin was with us, we used to listen to 60’s garage bands , bands like Devo , Kraftwerk, Wire and also Black Lips, Spits, King khan…
now I listen to a lot Country teasers (I think it really is my favourite band) , thee oh sees , Jack of heart , Magnetix, 13th floor elevators and many many more

What do you know about Hungary?
I met my girlfriend there during sziget festival 2006, we were there with Xavier and Martin, Max was somewhere else… We walked a lot in Budapest and it’s really nice , we swam in the spas !!

Voila !


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