It is our pleasure to share an upcoming worldwide screening event of Tomorrow’s Gone, the 2019 documentary film about Charlie Megira directed by his long time friend Boaz Goldberg. The film documents the struggles of Charlie Megira (born Gabi Abudraham) from a friend’s point of view using personal, behind-the-scenes footage. This is great news for those who are fascinated by the mysterious persona of Charlie Megira because so far there has been very little to actually know about him (by the way, we had the honour to interview him in 2014, check that out here)

So, if you are a fan of the otherworldly music of Charlie Megira, join us online at the Miami Jewish Film Festival from 15-29 April.

Free tickets are available for pre-order at the festival’s website. The virtual screening offers English subtitles and you are welcome to donate money to support the festival.


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