30 years of The Monsters

This year The Monsters – the band of Reverend Beat Man, Voodoo Rhythm Record boss and his male club – turn 30 years old. To celebrate this nice round anniversary, they re-released their – by now totally unavailable – 1995 10”, originally released by the German Jungle Noise Records on CD and LP, supplemented by 7 more songs.


This was the first Monsters album where they used electronic bass instead of the double bass, and since their guitarist left the band, Beat Man remained alone at that position. So he distorted the hell out of his guitar. In addition the band decided that they will not deal with studios anymore, and record the whole album at home on an AKAI 1224 recorder, and that should be it!

This way, they nicely departed from the psychobilly sound of their first two albums, in a GOOD way, the RIGHT way, that is none other than the TRASH FILTH BRAIN-FUCKING PRIMITIVE ROCK N ROLL!!!

And on the occasion of this anniversary release, let me tell you a personal story.

Exactly 10 years ago in 2006 I found out that The Monsters will play in Graz. I told my – then girlfriend, now beloved wife:
– We are going!
– OK, but we hardly have any money.
– Let’s hitchhike! Budapest-Graz is not that far.
– OK.

To tell you the truth, none of us thought that we would ever hitchhike abroad for a concert; we were no teenagers, not even twenty-somethings, and we were over thirty. We had some pretty good rides though, the last one being an Italian owner of a sweets shop in a suit who was heading exactly to Graz to attend his new shop before its opening. He insisted that we visit his store too. We didn’t really feel like doing so, but said SURE. It was getting dark already by the time we got to the pastry shop, he opened the store, all three of us went in, he was explaining all kinds of things to us while everything was foiled up (there was some renovation going on), and this Italian guy in suit with a mustache.  The whole thing was as we were in a gore movie, so I told my girlfriend, let’s get the hell out of here! We left our guy there and stepped outside to the street, and who was walking across the street? The Monsters! Of course we told them right away that we are their fans from Budapest and we are heading to the concert! A magnificent moment, I will never forget: Marta all smiley, hugging Beat Man and padding his shoulder. And him, being a gentleman, offered to take us in to the concert. Danke Schön! This way we could also buy some records.

The concert was extra super, both of us had quite some vodka, and the whole audience was really getting into it, dancing and so on. Everything was just wonderful except for the one manager who discovered us sleeping in behind one of the speakers after the concert, and kicked both of us out.  Afterwards things became a bit torturous; going through the trash early morning at the railway station (I found a handful of unopened chocolates – though melted) as while dancing during the show I managed to lose all our sandwiches that were in our pockets. Then we came across an old (Hungarian!) gypsy who advised us to go back through Wien. Then we were on the train from Graz to Budapest in the morning, no tickets of course, trying to hide from the conductor till we are in Hungary, then my good ole trick with the conductors there, and we are already at home. True, it was tiring, but it was worth it! And I am not only saying this after 10 years, but also when we got home back then, and opened up our first beer in the kitchen.

Here are two little videos from this concert:

And now a few words about the album. How would a record be like that starts out with ‘Psych-out with me’? Awesome! Brutal party R n R! Then the song ‘Searching’, hard as Venom; then pot hymn ‘Pot’, then one of my favorite, ‘It’s not my way’, perfect fast pogo punk song!!! And damned be whoever’s legs don’t start moving after listening to ‘The Rock around the tombstone’ – he or she is hopeless! Then a fucking great Rolling Stones cover, ‘Play with fire’, and so on. Oh yeah, and all bonus tracks are also great! It’s worth keeping in mind that this brutal rock n roll record was recorded and put out during 94-95!

Note: Today it is worth to follow Voodoo Rhythm’s own Instagram page, where you can continually discover such treasures like this photo down here:


So a lot of things were trendy during the 90s, but a record sounding like this surely wasn’t! On one side all the Seattle rip-offs were going on, techno and all kinds of electronic dance music was coming in, and everyone was trying to figure out how to force together genres that were completely different from each other. On the other hand only people who really knew and liked the Ramones and Moorhead were wearing their t-shirts, even if they could not pronounce their names correctly (Motorhead or Matorhid were in quite widespread usage, and I for one did not know a single soul that pronounced the Ramones Ramonz vs Ramonez). Of course back then I did not even hear about The Monsters.



A legerősebb és legolcsóbb sör amit találni lehet – Thee Maximators interjú

Screen Shot 2015-04-29 at 6.40.43 PM

– Hogy, mikor, miért jött létre a Thee Maximators?

– Az egész történet Bourgeban kezdődött, ahol Arséne élt, Hugo és az ő szülei már huszonöt éve ismerték egymást, mi tizenöt évesen találkoztunk, gördeszkáztunk, ilyenek. Később Hugonak lett egy zenekara a Les Jeunes Cesars mibe beszállt Arséne és végül is ekkor alakult meg a Thee Maximators. Három hónapja pedig basszusgitárosunk is van, ő Lou, vele Párizsban találkoztunk.

– Honnan a Thee Maximators név?

– Ez a legerősebb és legolcsóbb sör amit nálunk a szupermárketben találni lehet, roppant büszkék voltunk magunkra, hogy ezt isszuk!

– Úgy látom, hogy a zenétek elég sokat változott az évek során. Ha a korai számaitokat és a nemrég megjelent első albumotokat vesszük figyelembe.

– Igen korábban valami féle 60-as évek garage-et játszottunk, a felvételek lo-fi módon és élőben voltak rögzítve, Korzikán egy jó barátunk apja segítségével. Előre elhatároztuk, hogy a nagylemezre változtatunk pár dolgot, sokkal komolyabban vettük a felvételeket, összesen 8 hónapig dolgoztunk az új dalokon amiket át is írtunk, sokkal összetettebbek lettek és igen talán egy kicsit dallamosabbak is, és ami még fontos, hogy a lemezen van basszus is.


– Hogy születnek a dalok, mi a munkamódszeretek?

– Eddig úgy volt, hogy Arséne megírta a számokat egyedül, megmutatta és elkezdtük együtt játszani. Most, hogy már van basszusgitár is a zenénkben éreztük, hogy változtatni kéne ezen. Most már jamelések során alakulnak ki a számok, ami egy nagyon érdekes dolog számunkra.

– A szövegeitek honnan jönnek, mik az inspirációk?

– A szövegeinket egyértelműen két részre lehet osztani, az egyikbe tartoznak amik olyan beszélgetésekből születnek mikor elvont dolgokról, álmokról, párhuzamos univerzumokról beszélgetünk egymással a másikba meg azok amikor a beszélgetés a hétköznapi dolgokról folyik: rossz dolgok, szerelem, mit kéne enni stb.

– Milyen zenéket hallgattok mostanában és miket hallgattatok tizenévesen?

– Mostanában amit sokat hallgatunk az Sonic Youth, Kagoule, Ty Segal, Thee Oh Sees, régebben meg Cramps, The Clash, Billy Childish, Nirvana ilyesmik….

– Ti amúgy párizsiak vagytok, milyen a párizsi zenei élet?

– Csak Lou az eredeti párizsi gyerek, Hugo Bouge- ból, Arséne meg mindenfelől. Amúgy a külvárosban élünk északon, ami eléggé gettó, de mi szeretjük a mocskot és lehet zenélni jó hangosan otthon anélkül, hogy a rendőrök baszogatnának minket. Párizs jó hely rengeteg koncert van egész héten, jó kiadók vannak, mint például a Howlin Banana, jó a kapcsolat a többi francia várossal, szóval nagy pezsgés van.


– Tagjai vagytok a Black Totem kollektívának, beszélnél erről egy keveset?

– A Black Totem egy 100% ig DIY dolog, két éve kezdtük el. A saját kiadványaink jelennek itt meg, próbáljuk megtanulni hogy kerüljük el azt, hogy átbasszanak idegenek az un. zeneiparból. Végül is ez inkább ilyen művész kollektíva barátainkkal dolgozunk együtt, videósokkal, képzőművészekkel, fotósokkal, közösségben alkotni mindig jó!

– Utolsó, hülye kérdés. Melyik lenne az a három banda (mai vagy már nem létező) akikkel szívesen játszanátok egy este.

– Nem tudjuk miért, de mondjuk ez a három: Sonic Youth, Night Beats, Jimi Hendrix.

The Brutal Blues

Some people say: it’s Howlin’ Wolf with Venom, others say: just like The Stooges, Dead Kennedys or AC/DC.

„We’re just playing blues. Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil at the cross of road 61 and 45 in Clarksdale. We have contracted with him at the corner of Fleminginkatu and  Vaasankatu in Helsinki. We’re in Robert’s league.” As guitarist Robert Johnson made the biggest impression on blues music.



RNR666: When, where and WHY did BM6 form?
Yukka (g/v): Black Magic Six was found 2006, but we count our birthday form the first gig 14.2.2007 in Chemnitz.

Why we put up the band?
Maybe we were just bored, hehehe.

I heard originally a lot more people were going to play in the band. Would the band’s name really have been J- Tan & the Black Magic Six? And so would there have been seven of you in the band? How did you finally become a duo?
That´s true. Originally we had some dudes from Damn Seagulls, The Mutants and Disgrace playing in rehearsals, but pretty soon we realized non of these guys came to rehearsals. Then there was just me and Japandeer in rehearsal room. I went to local music store and bought distortion pedal and octabass pedal and the sound of BM6 was there.

Jukka, what’s the deal with your other band, the Disgrace? I found an issue of the Hungarian Metal Hammer zine from 91 or 92, and they were already writing about you! (They also wrote about Japa’s old band’s – Sweetheart – demo at about the same time)
Well, I started playing heavy metal when I was kid late 80s. We played grindcore & death metal couple of years and got bored pretty soon. We started to play straight punkrock until last year. The band ceased all activities January 2015.

This is the seventh time you are visiting Hungary, and you are playing here since your first album. How did you get to know people here?
We were counting sixth time, but you are probably right, ´cos we are old sods and it´s hard to remember what happened yesterday. The basic reason for our tourin’ was Myspace. When we put our music there 2006-2007 we got shit loads of response all over the world – also Pali from Hungary. People asked us to play all over the world, so we did – and still do that, even though Myspace is pretty dead.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind about Hungary? If I am not mistaken, besides Budapest you also played in Debrecen, Szolnok and Miskolc.
We haven´t played Debrecen yet, but gonna do that this Friday. First thing coming my mind from Hungary is the venue in Miskolc and how the guys did the load into the venue. It was in basement, there was a window about three meters high from the floor – and this tall guy took shaky ladder, and guys upstairs gave him big Marshall cabinets thru window – and this dude single handed took Marshalls in his lap, on shaky ladder and took them down one by one. That was scary shit…

You know Hungary pretty well (besides the region west of the Danube). How were these gigs outside of the capital?
Loved to play in Szolnok and Miskolc. Especially Tomi Pub from Szolnok is always in our hearts. Friendly people, good atmosphere, drunk and having a hell of a party!

You have a song called “Imre you are a punk’”about Imre Antal (RIP), the unforgettable Hungarian TV personality. What is the story behind this – how does a Finnish band know about Imre Antal?

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Sister Morphine in Budapest

Baroness von Sacher-Masoch aka Marianne Faithfull
gives a concert in her mother’s hometown on Dec 15 at MUPA

There she presents her new album which was made in collaboration with Nick Cave, Roger Waters, Anna Calvi, Rob Ellis, Dimitri Tikovoi, Pat Leonard, Tom McRae and more, along with her famous song.

She has begun her singing career as a folk music performer in coffeehouses in 1964. Her first hit was “As Tears Go By” was written by Jagger, Richards. It was among their first original compositions. As Jagger’s girlfriend in these years she made big impression on the Stones. For example she is co-author of Sister Morphine. First it was recorded by herself with Jagger, Ry Cooder, Jack Nitschze and Charlie Watts, and was released as B-side of her single in 1969.

„Things are not what they seem
Please, Sister Morphine, turn my nightmares into dreams
Oh, can’t you see I’m fading fast?
And that this shot will be my last
Sweet Cousin Cocaine, lay your cool cool hand on my head”

The Stones’ version was released in 1971, but by this time she broke with Jagger, and became a drug  addict homeless…

You can find an article about her life here

She is on Euro Tour in Dec-Feb

a good girl’s guide to bad music – Roy & the Devil’s Motorcycle ‘I’ll Sing You a Song’ 7 inch


Swiss independent label A Tree in a Field Records is hitting you this time with a triple reverb attack from Roy & the Devil’s Motorcycle. The four piece around the three Stähli brothers unveils a most unpolished garage/basement sound on their new 7 inch single I’ll Sing You a Song. The title track and Sweet Reputation both lead us back to good old Velvet Underground but with an unmistakable 21. century appeal and a juvenile charm.

After switching to another side (and to a speed of 33 rpm) things get a bit peculiar  with Rock’n’Roll Soldier – it’s a bright psychedelic tune infused with traditional reggae sound. It made me ponder a bit about this strange combination, although I’m aware that this is far from unprecedented… Actually, the term Jamaican fusion sounds like a horrible idea in theory (with numerous mainstream examples supporting this notion) but if you consider Bad Brains, Serge Gainsbourg or Polish post punk pioneers, Brygada Kryzys for example, the outcome can be the coolest thing ever. Roy & the DMC’s  effort is by all means within the cool league!

Order the vinyl from A Tree in a Field Records and check it out for yourself!

From New Records


Danceable noisy electronic beats by Martial Canterel, aka Sean McBride, who is one half of synth-pop duo Xeno & Oaklander. His new album bears very strange title: „Gyors, Lassú”. For the majority of the Universe: it’s in Hungarian; pronunc: diorsh, lushew; means: quick, slow. Sean is a New Yorker, he also loves our hometown, and now living in a small town in Campania, Teano. The album is about these cities, and the wanderings between these. Funny that sometimes he writes in Hungarian on his fb page.

On the cover there is a figure from the so-called Hungarian deck of card: Stüszi vadász (Stüssi hunter), otherwise Tökfilkó, which means Blockhead in the vernacular. Strange fact that on the cards the depicted characters and scenes are taken from Friedrich Schiller’s William Tell. The Swiss figures substitute for Hungarian historical heroes and scenes, because at the time of birth of card (around 1835), Hungary was one province of the Hapsburg Empire, and there was hard censorship.


One of the seven fundamental principles in the ancient Hindu scince of health is the RAKTA i.e. Blood. This has been choosen by 4 Brazilian girls for their progressive deathrock band

debut 7″ by La Vide Es Un Mus (UK), Dama da Noite / Nada Nada Discos (Brazil), 540 Records (US)

I can’t find their Euro tour dates nowhere on the net, so here are:

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Dead Mall Blues

„I’m tired of American bands that sound like they’ve listened to more New Order than Howlin’ Wolf or Hank Williams.”  – John Schooley


The harmonica player Walter Daniels and guitarist John Schooley have been shadowy figures in the rock n’ roll underground for a combined forty years. Daniels was mixing blues with punk rock as far back as 1992 with Austin, Texas combo Jack O’ Fire, alongside the Big Boys’ Tim Kerr. He recorded with the Oblivians the Melissa’s Garage Revisited LP (1999), but recorded and performed live with everyone from James Williamson to Eugene Chadbourne, most recently lending his harp to the OBN III’s for their latest album. John Schooley is known as a root rock’n’roll one man band (but he is also member in The Revelators). His first single was among Goner’s first records, and another cult label, Voodoo Rhythm also released his records. It’s a meaningful fact that he toured with blues legend R.L. Burnside as his guitarist.


Now the two together on one, exclusively acoustic album, titled Dead Mall Blues. It’s mainly a selection from the American songbook. 8 from the 10 songs

We Got To Meet Death One Day by Blind Willie McTell (1898-59)

Poor Willie lost his eyesight in his childhood. Soon after lost his father, then his mother, so went whither he could. Wandered in Georgia with his 12 strings guitar. His records were frequently released between 1927 and 35, but under different names because he signed exclusive contracts with concurrent labels… It was a generally established custom at that time. After his record of 1949 he became itinerant musician again. In 1956 a record shop owner recognized him at a corner in Atlanta. The man lured him to his shop with a bottle of corn whiskey. During some shows his last tracks were recorded there.

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Jackie Robinson’s Diary Vol.1 / Swans On A38

Shit!, I said, all chips on the table! . Before Swans took the stage, on board the ship at anchor, watching the purplish clouds, we talked or held our breath in reverence, and to get the best night out of sweet smoke, because if there’s a time to tune in – this must it. And let me make this a disclaimer: maybe I was tuned in too much; my shoes smell like a pair of rats; I often badly miss contact at shows where everyone is facing the stage, like an altar; and most relevantly, I hadn’t got into their reunion albums deep enough.

Swans really hurt, ears and heart, by their sheer volume. The ship A38 is famed for its excellent sound, but, strangely, Gira’s sonorities got trapped in the mix – coming loud and clear, but without the depth to his voice. Count crashes to 22 – a lighthook poises! or some such intermission. Huge blocks – a bit short of details -. cold shiny storm of steel, bluesy downcast drudge, and in the center: immediacy. They bared themselves – were hypnotic, to be kind – or focused beyond bias. Earplugs came with entry, but using them would have felt like betrayal.

Levels of experience (and how they lapsed):
shimmering transfusion swept legs, twitched back and back, off with poses at the joints, I was shaking + the sense of being in the moment (but noone really broke loose)-> communal
release and abandon -> surfing, fun in the sun ( more fun fun fun!) -> magic (a few waves) -> [magical] fairy tale (alas,only a few moments of that…you know, mythic reenactment – but maybe I went to the wrong show)

It was great, it was real, it promised rapture, maybe companionship, but I didn’t totally get it.

Back in the streets, I stopped by an old man playing a woodbox guitar and singing just beautifully to it. Bucolic songs,ballads – almost myths. Thank you, Swans! Thank you, Mr Péter Lóczi!

Baroness von Sacher-Masoch

This month will be released the next album of the British singer and actress Marianne Faithfull, entitled Give My Love to London. From Paris, because she is living there.


Her life was pretty vicissitudes. She has begun her singing career as a folk music performer in coffeehouses in 1964. Her first hit was „As Tears Go By” was written by Jagger, Richards and then Rolling Stones’ manager Andrew Loog Oldham. It was one of the first original compositions by Jagger and Richards, as until that point The Rolling Stones had chiefly been performing blues standards. Oldham locked Jagger and Richards in a kitchen in order to force them to write a song together: “I want a song with brick walls all around it, high windows and no sex.” The song was given to her. Later the Stones also recorded it.

As Jagger’s girlfriend in these years she made big impression on the Stones. For example she is co-author of Sister Morphine. First it was recorded by herself with Jagger, Ry Cooder, Jack Nitschze and Charlie Watts, and was released as B-side of her single in 1969.

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Rakéta Fest Final Days

RAKÉTA FESTIVAL, Budapest, the most exciting young Hungarian musicians, free entry


26.07 > 6th stage: Gólya

AIRES ALTOS (Bittersweet melodies from the girls’ room) – CLOSINGTOWN ORCHESTRA (Trans-Euroiean folk) – EYES ON U (Lo-fi pop ) – GIRLS SAY YES (guitar pop) – RICSÁRDGÍR (art-fart pop) – I AM SOYUZ (The Girl and her Ukulele from Stockholm) – THE BUZIK (indie rock) – SAYNO DÁVID (Mariah Carey) – POPMÉTER (All-night indie)

27.07 >final stage: A38

THE ADOLESCENS (rock) – ANN MY GUARD (doll metal) – GUSTAVE TIGER (garage rock) – NEA (indie rock) – TERRIBLE TED (wrest rock) – TUMO (punk rock) – FATIME DJ SET


Just For Food

Agnese is a beautiful, sensitive, thoughtful, and strong-charactered woman. She is a beautiful and loyal friend, and will support you no matter what. Everyone needs to know an Agnese. Andrea is a gorgeous lady that one of a kind, the most rare female on the face of the earth; the kind that every guy dreams about. She is confident, honest, loyal, protective of what she has, strong, artistic, beautiful inside and out, excellent lover. A tower of strength for those she cares for, the rock to her family. She is a person you can depend on, just don’t go too far in crossing lines with her or those she loves. Or else you better run and get out of her way… because she will come out and get you. Mauro Just about the best boyfriend ever! Mauro is a person you can always be with and never be bored. Hes funny, cute, smart, talented and everything you could ever want! Very Very sweet! Michele is a very good friend. Someone that is always there for you and never leaves your side. Basically amazing.”

They are FOR FOOD. Not a simple psychedelic rock band from Ferrara.

La petite mort

from digital album Don’t BeliEve In Time. Video by highly talented Italian visual artist and musician tab_ularasa. One inactive of his bands: E.X.P.excellent psychedelic rock band, full discography free download.

„La petite mort” is an phrase for post-orgasmic state in French, i.e: little death.

From New Records


STRANGE HANDS of Bordeaux. 60s-like dynamic psych garage rock trio without bass, but with 12 strings guitars and organ.

„Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things” LP on Azbin (France) and Ayo Silver (Spain), cassette on Burger Records (US)

Western Euro tour in July. One of the craziest parties of RNR666 was of theirs. Look!


„Solo Paradise” MOLLY NILSSON‘s musical reports from Buenos Aires. Bittersweet heart beats, sunny economic breaks, romantic cats and plane crash. The Latin mood didn’t touch very much her Scandinavian attitude. She’s one of the most interesting performers in the synth pop underground.

Sólo Paraíso (The Summer Songs) on Night School Records (UK)

+ „These Things Take Time”, her debut CDr from 2008 is on double LP with unreleased recordings from the same period  by Dark Skies Association (Swe)

In the future too:  “Our knives are never dull / our moon is always full”


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