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Two London based bands
an all female post punk noise rock band with French singer and Turkish bassist:
Savages (Matador Records) &
an all Japanese psychedelic rock band, similar to another Japanese band, Boris:
Bo Ningen
are in a special collaboration
London 2012. Savages are recording the debut album. In the middle of an intense three weeks, they set out one evening to see the band Bo Ningen. A few days later producer Johnny Hostile begins to muse over the possibility of two bands playing in the same space at the same time. Concurrently Gemma Thopson of Savages is reading about the performances at the Cabaret Voltaire.
“Zurich in 1916 and Hugo Ball is instrumental in creating the Cabaret Voltaire – a club which will become central to the performances of the Dada movement, during which the artists would experiment with forms of sound poetry and simultaneous poetry. A movement created through the horror of World War One, it attempts to understand how society has reached such an illogical decision. Through simultaneous poetry begins the attempt to delve into chaos and maelstrom, to find the voice of the individual struggling to be heard. We decide to approach Bo Ningen with the idea of collaborating on a Sonic Simultaneous Poem.”
The idea begins to take shape in early 2013, they prepare for both bands to rehearse together in a studio with a loose composition based around five chapters. As the musicians of both bands consider how to apply themselves with their instruments to each chapter – revolving, colliding and intertwining with words sang in Japanese, French and English. They also envisage the physical space in which to perform.
„We imagine a stage in a large u-shape to contain as much of the audience as possible in the centre. The two drummers next to each other at the ‘bottom’ of the u, then leading around symmetrically (facing each other): guitarists, bassists and singers at the tips of the u-shape. Bo Ningen have a guitar extra, so we hang one from the ceiling to hit as you would a gong. Eventually we fix a date and a space for what we believe is a one-off performance that we name „Words To The Blind.” It was performed at The Red Gallery, London on May 29th 2013. The 37-minutes long track will be released on November 17th by Stolen Recordings (UK) and Pop Noire Records (France).
Snippets from the performance
They will do it again together this on 19 November at the Oval Space, London.
Tickets have been sold out.
During his career Adam Bomb has played together such artists as Geoff Tate (Queensryche), Jimmy Crespo (Aerosmith), Cliff Williams (AC/DC), Johnny Thunders (New York Dolls), Michael Monroe (Hanoi Rocks), Mick Taylor (Rolling Stones), Lemmy Kilmister (Motörhead), John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin), Chuck Berry, and more.
Some moments from his course of life >>
Chaotic but melodic garage punk rock and roll with a little power pop edge. Their records were released on such labels as Burger, Suicide Squeeze, Volar or Goodbye Boozy Records. Their shows are incredible experience of rock and roll.
boby wawa: FUCK YEAH, ive been looking for this everywhere! sickest moment of my life. i was right there to catch Ty and the guitar. met ty after too. BEST NIGHT EVER
Audacity Euro Tour: Aug 28 – Sept 27: Germany, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Poland, Czech, Hungary, Austria, Italy, France, Belgium, UK
Shel Silverstein (1930-1999) was a highly talented many-sided artist: Grammy awarded (for his song „A Boy Named Sue” in 1970, you know it by Johnny Cash), Oscar-nominated singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist musician, writer, poet:
Last night, while I lay thinking here,
some Whatifs crawled inside my ear
and pranced and partied all night long
and sang their same old Whatif song:
Whatif I’m dumb in school?
Whatif they’ve closed the swimming pool?
Whatif I get beat up?
Whatif there’s poison in my cup?
Whatif I start to cry?
Whatif I get sick and die?
Whatif I flunk that test?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest?
Whatif nobody likes me?
Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me?
Whatif I don’t grow talle?
Whatif my head starts getting smaller?
Whatif the fish won’t bite?
Whatif the wind tears up my kite?
Whatif they start a war?
Whatif my parents get divorced?
Whatif the bus is late?
Whatif my teeth don’t grow in straight?
Whatif I tear my pants?
Whatif I never learn to dance?
Everything seems well, and then
the nighttime Whatifs strike again!
& cartoonist:
He wrote lots of songs for Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show, e.g. „The Ballad of Lucy Jordan”, which also was recorded by Marianne Faithful, Lee Hazelwood and others. One among his evergreens is „25 Minutes to Go”. It has become famous by Johnny Cash. Now here are 7 x last 25 minutes of a condemned man by various artists. Of course there is the original one too.
1. Johnny Cash (from the live album „At Folsom Prison” 1968)
2. Dezperadoz (from the album „An Eye For An Eye” 2008)
3. S.W.A.T. (Jim Goad & Thee Slayer Hippy f.t.a: „Deep Inside A Cop’s Mind” 1994)
4. Shel Silverstein (original, f.t.a: „Inside Folk Songs” 1962)
5. Diamanda Galas (f.t.a: „Malediction & Prayer” 1998)
6. The Brothers Four (f.t.a: „Cross Country Concert” 1963)
7. Tiger Lillies (f.t.a: „2 Penny Opera” 2001)
Intro taken from „Death Row” episode of „Hard Time” series by National Geographic TV.
Interludes taken from „Death Row” report by THV11 (Little Rock, Arkansas, US).
Lyrics > Tovább / Read more »
Sicilian born Rome based Maria Violenza plays dark arabesque synth punk music
under the influence of her homeland’s mixed cultural heritage.
Let’s search for Sicel, Sicanian, Phonenician, Greek, Punic, Roman, Vandalic, Gothic, Byzantine, Arabic, Jewish, Norman, Lombardic, Spanish, Albanian and North-African elements!
She is member of
– French music collective Grand Triple Alliance Internationale De L’Est,
– Capputtini I Lignu, garage rock duo with Cheb Samir from Bobsleigh Baby, The Normals, Trans Upper Egypt, Vernon Sélavy,
– Corpus Christi, a duo with Tina (TJ and the Lipstix, The Intellectuals, Cokerocket, Felt Ups), play traditional country & western tunes on guitars, tambourines, toy keyboards, kazoos, whistles, bird calls, and bones. They have recently been joined by an American banjo player Sam Crawford (The Goodwill Orchestra, Bowery Boy Blue).
ALONE (Srb, Nikola Vitkovic graphic artist’s dark-electro project)
(H, urban blues on acoustic guitar by an RNR666 founder)
Scene Point Blank: Slop pop, power punk, etc. I see a lot of hyphens
when writers describe your sound. How do you describe it when people ask?
Cameron Crowe: Rock
Audacity Euro Tour: Aug 28 – Sept 27: Germany, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Poland, Czech, Hungary, Austria, Italy, France, Belgium, UK
At the time, back in the early seventies the Vietnam war was still raging, Susan Dietrich and her husband Joel and their tiny daughter were political exiles, living like refugees in the States. Joel would be imprisoned for having resisted the draft. For nine years they had subsisted on spare change and meager sales of their artwork on the streets. Finding a dilapidated, old accordion in a junk store was the major cause in turning her life around. And „the Space Lady began her odyssey on the streets of San Francisco in the late 70s, playing an accordion and dressed flamboyantly, transmitting messages of peace and harmony. Following the theft of her accordion, she invested in a then-new Casio keyboard…” and plays minimal prog lo-fi space pop.
04.09. IT Macerata – Ficana Terra di Mezzo Festival + 07.09. GR Athens – Some Bizarre + 08.09. GR Thessaloniki + 10.09. HU Budapest – Kontra Club + 11.09. AT Vienna – Rhiz + 13.09. CH St. Gallen – A-Synth Fest + 16.09. BE Brüssel – Les Ateliers Claus + 18.09. NL Tilburg Incubate Festival + 19.09. BE Antwerp – Het Bos + 20.09. NL Amsterdam – OCCII + 21.09. DE Darmstadt – Oetinger Villa + 24.09. SE Malmö + 25.09. SE Stockholm – Mother Shows + 26.09. SE Göteborg – Koloni + 29.09. DE Berlin – Marie Antoinette + 01.10. F Paris – Le Chinois + 02.10. + F Paris – Espace B + 03.10. F Nantes – Le Lieu Unique + 07.10. ES Barcelona – Heliogabal
Sept 10, Budapest, Kontra Klub with
Maria Violenza (I, lo-fi dark arabesque synth punk)
Alone (Srb, Nikola Vitkovic graphic artist’s dark-electro project)
Szentcsalád Oral Orchestra (H, urban blues on acoustic guitar by an RNR666 founder)
The multi-instrumentalist Emil Amos is known as drummer of post-rock band Grails and drone metal band OM. My favorite Amos’ project is the cinematic duo Lilacs & Champagne. It was created to be a direct tribute to the musical outsiders of the past. His very personal side project is Holy Sons with mainly acoustic, folkish and little psychedelic songs. His „also like” artists: Jandek, Scout Niblett and Damo Suzuki show the way.
Holy Sons’ umpteenth album will be released on Thrill Jockey in September. Among the 4 bonus tracks Circle Jerks, Black Flag and Slapshot covers. There’re free to download:
„I began to struggle with severe depersonalization, where nothing seems real. You don’t think you’re actually alive. You basically melt down the DNA of your personality, and become a puddle of broken-down potentialities. It took me years to figure out why I would still want to exist, let alone function in front of others. (…) I’m still trying to piece together my mind.” Read the full interview
The New Zealander writer and musician Bill Direen‘s situationist exposé of current world political events:
The Utopians R Just Out Of Boozin’
The utopians are just out boozing
Mercy killing their sense of losing
Another century of Europa facing
Another gangland of mephistos embracing
Hardened enemies are friends this year
Designing bombs & announcing clear
Resolutions, shaking hands,
Aiming drones over African lands.
All interventions have a second motive
The food is free, but the aid is loaded.
War medallions, better blow the dust off
Tools of torture, better scrape the rust off.
Every country has its Kremlin
Every religion has its Vatican
Be your boss, but bring your boffin
Visit the moon in your cryo-coffin.
A little bribery is always convenient
Wherever justice might be lenient.
A new breed is making gold from dirt
The writer vomits down his last tee shirt.
The new geneticists o! they cut and suture
The free market guarantees their future
As antique lands are blown to splinters
A spring uprising keep us warm next winter.
The madhouses have rainy eyes.
The sane willingly tranquilised.
Psychiatrists are sporting their i-phones
Individualists are carving up their headstones,
All the goddesses are in Hades,
All the gentlemen are in the Ladies,
Beadles gleam as years in jail
Are meted out to kids who fail.
The poem will be released on his bands’ brand new record. Thank Bill for the words.
The author plays on his guitar and sings his another song on the seaside here.
He has begun his career in the mid-70s as folk singer and stepped in the New Zealander punk, indie-rock scene with electronic music. His most known groups are the Bilders.
About his music works About his literary works
12th item of the series
Tim Presley (= White Fence) sings a very Velvet Underground-like song about Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (37-68) who was the emperor of Roman Empire as Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (54-68) and committed suicide with the aid of his secretary. The imperator’s bust is on the cover. In accordance with order of the series the A-side artist suggests a band to the B-side. Presley picked the tour guitarist of White Fence, Jack Name (aka Muzz, Fictional Boys and John Webster Johns).
100% of the digital proceeds going to VH1 Save the Music program.
It will be released on 2 Sept > pre-order / the recently released White Fence album