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Jan 29. SKIP JENSEN GROUP > French Canadian garage rock and roll blues punk + THE HANDS > ex-Jack of Heart members’ psych fuzz garage rock band from France + ODDS > Hungarian raw power > Facebook
Feb 5. RONIN > “soundtrack for the defeated hero” cinematic music by Bruno Dorella, drummer of Italian experimental extreme metal duo OvO + DER TANZ > Lydia Lunch’s Hungarian warm-up band in free punk style (but where the punk isn’t free?) > Facebook
March 11. THE EXPERIMENTAL TROPIC BLUES BAND from Belgium. They already shared the stage with The Cramps, Bob Log III, Heavy Trash, John Spencer Blues Explosion, André Williams, Jay Reatard, The Black Lips. Frantic rock’n’roll
March 26. BLACK MAGIC SIX from Finland > Brutal Blues & Hard Rock’n’Roll > Facebook
Apr 18. ?ALOS > Stefania from Italian experimental extreme metal duo OvO plays „Queer-Pagan-Doom-Avanat-Metal” + RATZINGER > tormenting duo of INRI Stephanus (Digép, Büdösök) > Facebook
Jun 20. VAGINA TOWN > rock and roll from France a la Cramps
All in Budapest
One year in penitentiary and bad conduct discharge was the sentence of Navy’s Court Martial in the fraudulent enlistment case of 15 years old Andre Williams, who was born in 1936, Alabama. „Kiss-my-ass-mother-fuckers!” was his response. Right after his discharge he went to Detroit with 25 dollars in his pocket. The day of the coming he entered for a talent show, afternoon wrote a song and won. His first hit was Bacon Fat in 1956 on Fortune Records
Then he worked with Motown Records as a producer too. Wrote and recorded songs together with Stevie Wonder, The Contours, Ike & Tina Turner and more, and also wrote some songs for Parliament and Funkadelic. In the 80s he became a homeless because his hard r’n’b lifestyle. He came back with a rap album in 1990. Since he has made amazing albums in various style: garage rock, blues, country, funk and soul. These were released such labels as In The Red, Bloodshot or Norton Records.
One of his early songs, Jailhouse Blues from 1958 has been covered by Obnox (aka Bim Thomes, drummer of blues punk band Bassholes)
The new Obnox album Boogalou Red is coming this month on 12xU Records (US). Gospel trash
Obnox on RNR666
Founder of garage rock blues punk band Scat Rag Boosters (which was like the Oblivians and the Gories) and played drums with the Demon’s Claw, but he had a bunch of songs the he’d written that just didn’t seem to fit in anywhere, so he created a solo project. In the beginning it was a one man band, then duo with Seb Normal (Feeling of Love) and finally a trio.
Skip Jensen + The Hand Euro Tour Jan-Feb
and here is a split with The Blues Against Youth on Bloody Sound Fucktory
There she presents her new album which was made in collaboration with Nick Cave, Roger Waters, Anna Calvi, Rob Ellis, Dimitri Tikovoi, Pat Leonard, Tom McRae and more, along with her famous song.
She has begun her singing career as a folk music performer in coffeehouses in 1964. Her first hit was “As Tears Go By” was written by Jagger, Richards. It was among their first original compositions. As Jagger’s girlfriend in these years she made big impression on the Stones. For example she is co-author of Sister Morphine. First it was recorded by herself with Jagger, Ry Cooder, Jack Nitschze and Charlie Watts, and was released as B-side of her single in 1969.
„Things are not what they seem
Please, Sister Morphine, turn my nightmares into dreams
Oh, can’t you see I’m fading fast?
And that this shot will be my last
Sweet Cousin Cocaine, lay your cool cool hand on my head”
The Stones’ version was released in 1971, but by this time she broke with Jagger, and became a drug addict homeless…
You can find an article about her life here
She is on Euro Tour in Dec-Feb
On 11 Sept Californian garage punk band AUDACITY and Hungarian garage rock band DEMJÉN HIRST gave an unforgettable concerts at RNR666 party in Budapest. You can find some fine shots from the night by Gyerage here
+ New Audacity 7″ on Suicide Squeeze Records
This is from 2004. Listen to their new album here FB EVENT
MARCH 11 > THE EXPERIMENTAL TROPICAL BLUES BAND (Belgium) – they shared the stage with acts like The Cramps, Andre Williams, Bob Log, John Spencer Blues Explosion, Heavy Trash and Jay Reatard
MARCH 26 > BLACK MAGIC SIX (Finland) – brutal blues & hard rock’n’roll
JUNE 20 > VAGINA TOWN – rock and roll from France a la Cramps
more to be soon
Dear Jonnie,
I have listened to your new album many-many times, but I can’t write about it too much words, just this: perfect. (Dear reader, please click the play button below, and listen to fine Scotch electro-pop music. Owing to its mood I call it Trip Pop.) Recently I edited a playlist from new releases, and wanted to play one of your new songs, which can arouse the listeners’ curiosity. The task was no easy one, however this is a good album. (BBC6 also played songs from it.) And there are lots of added useful thing. Birnam Wood, the Hangman’s Tree and the little sculptures of characters of Beatrix Potter’s animal tales have come to my knowledge. And I have decided to read my first Shakespeare. Thanks indirectly to your new album. But I can’t enthuse over it. But there is your first album Master of None, happy happy joy joy.
ps: There’s an interlude, a woman leaves a message on your answering machine. She talks about a hedgehog, starts in English after switchs over to German and finally to Dutch – at least for my ears. I don’t understand. What’s the matter with that hedgehog?
Jonnie Common – Trapped in Amber, album on Song, By Toad Records (Scotland)