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Last Friday there was the unforgettable Lux Interior Funeral Bash in Budapest by RNR666. This set is just a snippet from that night
1. Lantern – Evil Eye 2. Parquet Courts – Black & White 3. Midnite Snaxxx – Pull Down The Shades 4. Theo Verney – She 5. Bass Drum Of Death – Shattered Me 6. Vagina Town – Ecstasy 7. Peter Kernel – High Fever 8. Chris Imler – Dark Spot of Joy 9. Parkay Quarts – These Boots 10. Gustave Tiger – Clitoris Crucifix 11. GG Allin – Son of Evil 12. Wildmen – I Spit on Your Graves 13. Hunx & His Punx – You Think You’re Tough 14. Natural Child – Don’t The Time Pass Quickly 15. Luke Winslow King – Swing That Thing 16. Jutott Neki – Lájt máj fájör 17. Shel Silverstein – 25 Minutes to Go 18. Tahtiportti – Tahtiportti IV: Luciferin pylvas 19. Mr Marcaille – It’s Time to Freak 20. Gino & The Goons – Gotta Getaway 21. Tit Wrench – Goat Fucker (Pea Mix 2014)
classic Italian crime noir and spaghetti western feeling with folk and rock elements under the influence of Morricone and Badalamenti
This is from 2004. Listen to the new album here
+ der Tanz (H, free punk) Ticket:1200 HUF Facebook event Start: 21:15! Exactly!!
Other half of OvO, Stefania Pedretti, also will playing with his side project !ALOS in April in Budapest at RNR666 Party
Here you can listen the final and previously unreleased song from Nyírmada-based Hungarian instrumental metal band, Steam Engine.
Fun fact is that although technically this is their last record (ICYMI: they disbanded in 2013), the main theme was written among their first ones back in the 2006/07 era. It’s also worth to mention that Steam Engine was the sole metal band ever played at an rnr666 show.”
The song and their all albums are free from here
You can read the background story here (it’s Hungarian though, but feel free to google translate it, which is always a funny way)
Fekete Dávid (dob) koncertajánlója
– ‘Pálinkásat, fél kilo krumplit kérnék, két zacskó leveszöldséget, egy macskát meg két tálca luxuszserbót.
– ‘Potkivánok Pöpi néni, csak nem az onokák jönnek megint nagypestről?
– De, de azok, ritkán néznek ide, évente egyszer, akkor is pénzt kunyerálni jönnek, hogy rohadnának meg.
– No, akkor vigyék még nekik egy vödör kovászosat is, jobban csúszik majd nékik a bográcsos.
– Hagyja el, kényes a belük, pesten állandóan csak a kézmíves tarhonyát zabálják.
– Akkor vigyen egy jó Románia lemezt Pöpi mama, no csak kis talpalávalónak.
– Románia? De hát azok már meghaltak, nemde?
– Pöpi néni, az a Rolling Stones.
– Hát jól van Böfi bácsi, viszek, bár az onokák csak ilyen pityegésre dobálják a testüket, de hátha jó lesz nekik na. Na elég is lesz ez így akkor, mennyivel tartozok?
– 17 685 Ft lesz Pöpi néni.
– Huszonötből kérek vissza Böfikém.
– Köszönöm szépen, ég áldja, szép napot!
– Na csá!
Infamous Hungarian punk band ROMÁNIA gives a final show posthumously on the occasion of release of their first and only album on vinyl by Fucktone Records. Guest: PISS CRYSTALS.
16 Jan 8pm Budapest at Gólya: VIII d. Bókay u. 34. Ticket: pay what you think.
Vrystaete is a record label founded to release free spirited music, more or less related to psychedelic, folklore and lo-fi sounds. Sub-label of electronic music publisher Enfant Terrible Records in Netherlands. New albums
Brunnen is a Dutch minimal psych folk project of Freek Kinkelaar from the very experimental pop band Beequeen. It’s sounding a bit like a lo-fi Legendary Pink Dots. He is a modern day acid troubadour telling small stories accompanied by minimal instrumentation
„I have been active in the experimental music scene since 1984, when I first started recording my battered homemade electric guitar, plugged in my 1940s tube radio system, which had been a precious gift from my grandparents. The resulting tapes featured a lot of abstract and loud noise, which I loved but the neighbours hated. (…) In the winter of 1988 long time friend Edward Kaspel of The Legendary Pink Dots asked me to fill in as support act for a live Pink Dots performance in January 1989. Since I didn’t have a clue what to do, I contacted Frans de Waard (whom I had met a few years previously) and together we formed Beequeen. This collaboration was initially based upon our mutual admiration of the ideas of German conceptual artist Joseph Beuys.”
Two German experimental projects in one: Baldruin + Brannten Schnüre = Diamantaner Oberhof. Subtle electronic sounds are mixed with snippets of accordion melodies, even though this is contemporary folk music it sounds very pure and authentic, like obscure lo-fi field recordings, bringing to mind some of the better Fonal recordings from the past (think Kemialliset Ystävät, Paavoharju and Islaja) or a more folklore minded Kaa Antilope, this is a sort of new primitivism and nothing less as in between archaic-electronic-ambient-folk-Dada-pop music
SKIP JENSEN GROUP (Can) – Supersonic Rock n Roll
THE HANDS (F) – Hard Psych Garage
ODDDS (H) – Fuzz Punk
We want to organize SKIP JENSEN for 10 years, since from the established of RNR666. And the dream comes true now. Born as Serge Gendron and comes from Montreal, Canada. The city was one of the most important places of underground rock’n’roll in the first decade of the XXI. century. King Khan also comes from this scene. Its special vigorous sound is represented by the album Symphatetic Sounds of Montreal. Two bands of Skip Jensen appeared on it, Scat Rag Boosters and The Stack O’Leas. After the break-ups he continued his music career as a classic one-man-band under the name of Skip Jensen & His Shakin Feet, meanwhile he was the drummer of Demon’s Claw for 2,5 years. Later his one-mand-band became a duo with Seb Normal (The Feeling of Love, Normals, Delacave etc.) from France. Finally it has became a trio. They have made an album, a single and a video last year:
The style is self-described as Supersonic Rock’n’Roll. It’s spiced with blues and other American folk elements. For the fans of Oblivians, Bassholes, Mojomatics. Skip Jensen also a fine graphic artist
Bad luck lurks in the footsteps of Bono Vox. At first the tail-gate of his private plane detached over Germany, then, almost right after this, he had a serious bicycle accident in New York. Were these really accidents? Our reporter who investigated the case had to face some gruesome facts.
is a worldwide network, its roots go back to the early 90s to San Francisco.
Experimental rock band Negativland released an EP in 1991, which was titled U2, with two cover versions of U2’s song “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”
The effect didn’t fail to come. The Irish band’s record company and management sued them and their record label, SST, instantly. The charges: violation of trademark law and copyright, and fraud, because millions of confused U2 fans would buy the EP (which was released in 6951 copies) believing it to be the new record from their favourite band, making million-dollar profit for the swindlers. Furthermore this EP damaged U2’s so expensively formed image, and mocked at the covered song: Tovább / Read more »
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