Waterfall of Sounds – about Garden of Elks’ debut album


Garden of Elks is a Scottish trio, members are from Bronto Skylift, PAWS and Lady North. They say this is „thrash pop”, that’s danceable noisy indie rock, with a little feeling of Sonic Youth and Big Black!, with tight rhythms, hard bass, fuzzy distorted guitar, waterfall of sounds. A Distorted Sigh is a perfect debut album: 10 really good frisky songs within 28 minutes on Song, By Toad Records (UK)



?ALOS. Stefania Pedrettinek, az olasz extrém metál duo, az OvO gitáros-énekesnőjének szóló produkciója. Súlyos, fekete zaj metál rituálé gitárral és elektronikával. / Solo project of Stefania Pedretti from Italian extreme metal duo OvO. Heavy, black noise metal rite on guitar and electronics. >> videos: 1. Matrice  2. with Xabier IriondoBandcamp

RATZINGER. Fehér István költő, avant-garde punk, ipari és elektronikus zenész (Ápolók, Büdösök, Digép) legújabb programja: digitális inkvizíció két fejre és négy kézre. A művelet alatt legutóbb a kivégzett román diktátor, Ceausescu csodálatos életét és halálát bemutató filmjüket vetítték. Lehet most is. / Brand new program of poet, avant-garde punk, industrial and electronic musician Istvan Feher: digital inquisition for 2 heads and 4 hands. Their film about the executed Romanian dictator, Miraculous Life and Death of Ceausescu was presented under the operation last time. Perhaps it will be this time too.

Facebook event


Birth of Rock and Roll


A new photo album with 134 historic images at deluxe size by Dust to Digital. A book with lots of found images. Among those aren’t photos of Bill Hayley, Elvis Presley or any usual person, but there’re ordinary, nameless men, women, and children. Most of the people in the photos wouldn’t have heard of rock’n’roll, much less thought of themselves as rock’n’roll progenitors. Instead, the images capture the gangly musicians, the giddy dancers, and the drunken antics found in smalltown America from the 1930s to the 1960s and beyond. All the musical genres that influenced what we know of as “rock” are represented: everything from jump blues and gospel to boogie woogie and Western swing.

The author, Jim Linderman says: “We have this notion that rock’n’roll started in Memphis in 1955, and it really didn’t. Bob Wills was playing in the ’30s and ’40s in Oklahoma, and Chuck Berry modeled Maybellene on a Bob Wills song. The roots of rock go back a lot further than we realize. It came from the church, from vaudeville, from the music played in after-hours clubs, from juke joints. The whole point was pretty much to get together, get drunk, and get laid. That’s the real history of rock ’n’ roll.”


As Muddy Waters said, “The blues had a baby and they called it it Rock and Roll.”



Play Hooky with Jacques Le Coque


Hooky has seemingly been the only constant in my life” – Pete Mazza v/g


Absolute home made garage rock and roll by Jacques Le Coque. Essence of their second album Hooky:

Home Heart Blues

Ruler Of My Heart Just Last Night Stay With Me
Don’t Wanna Fight, I’m Gold, Dead & Gone
Here’s My Own Wizard Stuff, Can’t Keep Away
Pass It Around, Get it here:

or buy a cassette from King Pizza Records (US), and „skip school, ditch work, and come play hooky with us!”


from the Dark Side of Kalevala


by Finnish power duo BLACK MAGIC SIX


1. Another Lie  2. The Past, the Present and the Future of True Heavy Metal pt.1  3. Suck the Poison Out  4. I Hate People  5. Beaver Killer  6. Homerun  7. Down by the Water  8. Kyllikki Saaren Murha  9. Total Dunkelheit  10. Huda  11. Doomsday Bound  12. The Past, the Present and the Future of True Heavy Metal pt.2



zdravo, zdravo, zdravo


takes post punk from Fugazi, riffs from Black Sabbath,
noise from Sonic Youth, grunge from early Mudhoney, pop from Pixies,
but their music is very Yugoslavian

+ UMRETI FIT – The Hungarian Ex-Yu band

Kisbusz indul Budapestről a koncertre / Bus goes from Budapest to the show

Satan, Punk, Venom

BLACK MAGIC SIX – blues punk from Finland
at RNR666 Party in BUDAPEST > MARCH 26


Egyik bevallásuk szerint zenéjükre három fogalom nyomja rá a bélyegét: Sátán, Punk, Venom. Máshol viszont így nyilatkoznak: „Mi bluest játszunk. Robert Johnson a 61-es és a 49-es országút kereszteződésénél Clarksdaleben kötötte meg a maga alkuját az ördöggel. Mi a Fleminginkatu és a Vaasankatu sarkán Helsinkiben. Robert ligájába tartozunk.” Robert Johnson a legnagyobb hatású blues gitáros, aki valaha élt.

A BM6 hangzásában egyesek szerint a legendás bluesman, Howlin’ Wolf, és a black metal stílus alapítója, a Venom ötvöződik. Mások Iggy Pop zenekarához, a Stoogeshoz, a Dead Kennedyshez vagy az AC/DC-hez hasonlítják őket.

Some people say „It’s Howlin’ Wolf with Venom”, others say „just like The Stooges, Dead Kennedys or AC/DC”

„We’re just playing blues. Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil at the cross of road 61 and 45 in Clarksdale. We have contracted with him at the corner of Fleminginkatu and Vaasankatu in Helsinki. We’re in Robert’s league.” As guitarist Robert Johnson made the biggest impression on blues music.





First Küss Mich Party 2015


„Post Enlightenment” is the slogan of Cult of Youth from Brooklyn, so there is no doubt, their music is pre-modern post punk, but in folky New Yorker style

See the full show

Their albums have been released by the highly exacting cult label Sacred Bones. Some label mates: Blank Dogs, John Carpenter, Zola Jesus, David Lynch, Human Eye, Destruction Unit, Fresh & Onlys, Gary War, Moon Duo.

The band gives a show on this Tuesday (10.03) in Budapest at Roham Bar with tow Hungarian punk bands: der Tanz and Padkarosda.

Facebook event

Cult of Youth on Euro Tour now!


This set has been made like the first broadcast of a weekly radio show for a Hungarian radio station, but it didn’t play this, and the plan of a weekly radio show with various songs just from brand new records stayed in my head. So I’m looking for an internet radio station for my show.  If you want it please write: magazin AT rnr666.hu.

1. Experimental pop by Chinese American guitarist and Japanese j-pop diva: Dustin Wong & Takako Minekawa – Dimension Dive part 3: Deep Sea Dance (Thrill Jockey Records)   2. Keith Richards’ daughter’s favorite: Natural Child – Don’t Time Pass Quickly  (Burger Records) 3. Aussie electro Nun – Evoke The Sleep (Aarght Records, Avant Records)  4. Aussie seagaze Rat Columns – Pink Mist (R.I.P. Society)  5. Canadian chaos brigade: Odonis Odonis – Mr Smith (Buzz Records)  6. “It’s noisy, with keyboards, you wouldn’t like it”: Gentle Friendly – Cloudbusting II (UK, Fat Cat)  7. Atlanta king of garage soul: Curtis Harding – I Don’t Wanna Go Home (Burger)  8. Mix The Fall with Velvet Underground: Parquet Courts – Black and White (What’s Your Rupture Records)  9. Hungarian historicist and liturgical garage rock: Gustave Tiger – Mary of the Seas  10. San Franciscan eclectic pop: Deerhoof – Exit Only (Polyvinyl)  11. Swiss-Canadian art punk or not: Peter Kernel – High Fever (On The Camper)  12. Swiss funeral folk: The Dead Brothers – Black Train (Voodoo Rhythm)  13. A Tasmanian poet with keyboards: Peter Escott – I Believe in Devil World (Bedroom Suck Records)  14. Notorious English art punkers: The Fat White Family – Touch The Leather (redux) (Hate Hate Hate Records) 15. Parquet Courts’ side project: Parkay Quarts – These Boots (What’s Your Rupture)  16. Traditional Columbian jazz punk chaos: Ensamble Polifonico Vallenato – Son (Staubgold)  17.  Poet, playwright & rapper: Kate Tempest – Lonely Daze (Big Dada Records)  18. English countryside doom surfers: The Wytches – Gravedweller (Heavenly/ Partisan/ Dine Alone)  19. American traditionalist Luke Winslow King – Levee Man (Bloodshot Records)

Another sample     The „out now” is just a temporary title.

“we are not fucking twee”


Joanna Gruesome is among the best indie rock band. The Welsh group combines garage punk with indie pop in a very unique style. Their brand new album „Peanut Butter” is coming soon. 4 tracks from it

Fortuna Pop (UK, Ireland), Slumberland (North-America), Turnstile Music (worldwide)

Bad News Boys

Two frantic Canadian garage rockers from the legendary Spaceshits
King Khan and Mark Sultan are together again


Here is The King Khan & BBQ Show’s new album in full


Coming soon on In The Red Records (US)

Spaghetti & Western


Ronin (I) at RNR666 Party in Budapest, 05.02.2015


more pics by Gyerage

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