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Trouble Vs Glue is an Italian duo from Rome where usually Toni plays on drums, and Lady Maru trifles with keys and sometimes strings.
They said „sound like the Residents with a punk drummer, in others like a weird Japanese electronic pop band from the ’80s, while some other tracks bring us back to the no-wave of Lizzy Mercier Descloux and DNA.” I tell: Trouble Vs Glue is such as the electro-clash duo Stereo Total in experimental mood.
A song from the third album featuring David Lemoine from French electro punk band Cheveu
This Age will be released this June on No=Fi Recordings (I)
You can find a pretty different musical background behind the members. Toni has a noise rock band Hiroshima Rocks Around, and his solo project Mai Mai Mai is an experiment based on Italian Occult Psychedelia, which is rooted in Italian horror movies, giallo films, spaghetti westerns and local folklore. His debut album was mixed by Jamie Stewart, aka Xiu Xiu.
Lady Maru is a techno and deep house musician and DJ. Very interesting her collaborative no wave nu disco project with Cascao (who also is a contributor on the new album of T Vs G). They have a deep house cover of Death Valley 69, a masterpiece of Sonic Youth and Lydia Lunch. Find it!
New Zealand, I like it. Home of some great artists like Axemen, Heart Attack Alley, Delaney Davidson, Stomping Nick, and
mr sterile and his company, a bunch of various musicians who working together under the name of mr sterile Assembly from 2004. They have made their latest album as drum and bass duo, so the music is pretty minimal punk
which bring the very early NoMeansNo to my mind when it consisted of the two Wright brothers only. And also bring the Minutemen and English anarcho-punk group CRASS, not just because
„the title track to the album It’s All Over, an anthem to and for the protesters at the front-line of the climate crisis; for Black Lives Matter, for Refugees are Welcome, for No one is Illegal; for resistance, for persistence; for workers struggling to obtain a living wage, decent conditions, a dignified workplace; Occupy, Anonymous, BDS, frontline communities; the opposers of the corporate wars, the oil wars, the water wars, the cyber wars; those fighting for transparency, equity, liberation; old folk connecting with young folk in affinity; for those fighting for potential and hope in health, education, housing; for fighting for freedom of expression from medieval thinking; for the radicals, for the first-timers; for us, for It All, for Everywhere, for freedom, for life!” – said mr sterile.
On their previous album in 2011 there was a bigger assembly with a pretty eclectic music
There come the English avantgarde experimentalist Fred Frith, Dutch anarcho-punk-folk-jazz The Ex, Hungarian psych rock band Másfél and art punk Ápolók to my head. But I could say Captain Beefheart or the Bez Ladu a Skladu from Slovakia too. Or there is the Belgian Morzelpronk, but anyway „they have a distinctive, South Pacific sound based on unusual and urgent time signatures, repetitive heavy rhythms, and angular lyrics.” And it is highly entertaining.
You can find more music on their bandcamp page.
Monster Treasure is a punk noise rock band sometimes with a very little black metal feeling in Stockton, California. In its very early years in the middle of the 19th Century the city was called Mudville.
Their songs are inspired by heartbreak, mortality, and financial struggle
Debut album by Leisure & District Records (UK)
Some shows in UK in May
Thurs 19th – LONDON at The Old Blue Last with Living Hour (CAN)
Fri 20th – NORWICH at The Owl Sanctuary
Sat 21st – LONDON at The Lock Tavern, FREE ENTRY
Mon 23rd – LONDON at The Lexington with NOTS (US, Memphis, Goner Records)
A free download song from the debut album
Galaxie 500 was an influential American indie rock band between 1987 and 91, and released three albums. Somebody said their music is such as if Jonathan Richman (The Modern Lovers) would be backed by The Velvet Underground.
The Blog That Celebrate Itself Records in Sao Bernardo, Brazil just has released a „name your price” tribute album. You can find there indie, dreamy, psychedelic rock, for example also by a big favourite, the Mexican psychedelic rock duo Lorelle Meets The Obsolete. While I was listening to the album just lay on my bed, sometimes dropped off a little, sometimes sipped my beer, and said: so good. Because it is long enough, it is perfect for longer snoozes too.
by Nicolas Belvalette of Headwar under alias Usé
who can even beat two guitars at same time
album on Born Bad Records (France)
He is the head of Parti Sans Cible (Party Without Target)
The party got 2,17 % on Amiens’ local election in 2014.
anybody by self-interest, occassionally – it’s a crime
institutionally, on ideological base, en masse – it’s a policy
from the new album of French garage rock band Sapin
on Howlin Banana Rds & Beast Rds
„you want to know something? We are still in the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages — they haven’t ended yet.” – Kurt Vonnegut
TIT WRENCH Chula Vista Hardcore Technoise Punk Band.
Their music evolved from hc/punk to noise during the 90s.
After a long hiatus they have reformed recently, and new album is on the way.
Another new song, now from their noise side
TIT WRENCH Interview with special playlist on RNR666
bad motherfucker wanna go back to Detroit
where his career has started in a talent show at his age of 15 right after he was bad conduct discharged from US Marine Corps because of fraudulent enlistment in 1951.
New album I Wanna Go Back To Detroit in June by Bloodshot Records. Full of low-end heavy funk. With guitarists Matthew Smith (Outrageous Cherry, Rodriguez) and Dan Kroha (Gories, Demolition Doll Rods), with drummer Jim White (Dirty Three, Cat Power) and more.
Q: Speaking of Jewish people, we hear you are a recent convert to Judaism. How did that come about?
AW: Well, I met a lady who I like real well and she’s from the Naftali tribe, she’s Jamaican. She’s a lawyer and she said „Well, Andre. If we gonna do something, you’ve gotta skin down!” [Laughs]
Q: Was it err.. painful?
AW: Well, it was an experience! I went to the doctor’s office and more in his best interview ever
I put this
on bandcamp as a single b/w Pope Innocent if anybody wants to download it. I hope everyone is happier than me.
Don Howland, The Bassholes
Thanx Don.
ps: At first there were the legendary Gibson Bros. in Ohio in the mid-80s. They played a unique mix of American roots music: blues, gospel, hill- and rockabilly with punk attitude. After split of the Gibsons the Bassholes were founded in 1992 by a “Gibson”, Don Howland (guitar) and Bim Thomas (aka Obnox, drums). But now on drums: James Owen (Burning Bus, Doom Ribbons, Wooden Tit) & keyboard: Kim Roney (The Family Swaggards, Rip & Run).
The Civil Rights struggle has gotten this treatment in particular. Its now been ossified as a series of marches and sit-ins which led to the overturning of the most glaring US racial inequalities, and which culminated in the the martyrdom of Martin Luther King Jr. With the riots following MLKs assassination, and the malaise following his death, „the movement” lost its hope, drive, and focus.
But Civil Rights was never just the monolith of angry Malcolm vs. peaceful Martin, and the history channel wants the population to forget that the „movement” was radicalized beyond what is generally understood.
In the 60’s therefore, the nation stood on the precipice of some kind of revolution. In many ways, the country experienced a civil war.
The INVADERS of Memphis were like an intellectual street gang with incredible style, who devoted themselves to justice and confronting white supremacy. A group or „gang” of organizers, they were on the front lines of the struggle in the South, and experienced extraordinary harassment, violence, and imprisonment. They conducted the last meeting with King at the Lorraine Motel before he was murdered, and yet their story is almost unknown.
THE INVADERS, a fast-moving re-telling with a funky soundtrack produced by King Khan and Jack Oblivian
Two soundtrack 7″ singles from King Khan and his band
on limited military marijuana green vinyl:
mixed and mastered by Nene Barratto (Movie Star Junkies)
Synth punk Primitive Calculators have started in 1978 in same place and same time than the Birthday Party. After a single they relocated to London, in same time than the Birthday Party, and promptly broke up in 1980. But there was a post-split-up single under the name of Zye Ye Ye in England in 1981. The first album was released in 1980. And there was a film Dogs in Space in 1986, in it they play Pumping Ugly Muscle. Also a single was released. Then they have reformed in 2009 at the request of Nick Cave for the first All Tommorrow’s Pary in Australia. Second album The World Is Fucked was released in 2013. And now here is a new single by Emotional Response (US, Flagstaff, Arizona).
like Tit Wrench or a punk Ministry or Screamers
The band intends to record a psychedelic-space-folk album about taking hallucinogenic drugs.
Also from Emotinal Respone LA punk Shark Toys / Florida indie punk UV-TV split 7″
Emotional Response was formed from 555 and Red Square Records after two owners married.
Fucker is a Japanese musician, the founder of Less Than TV, an outsider record label, which tends to be even more outsider than usual. He plays weird folk punk alone, and as a member of Folk Shock Fuckers with his wife Blue Yukari from all-girls ni-hao! („just like Melt-Banana with Cibo Matto with Boredoms with Takako Minekawa with OOIOO with Omoide Hatoba”) on bass, and Takeda Kazunaga, who plays on Cajon, a Peruvian box shaped percussion instrument.
First song from Fucker debut album, will released on 20 April, second one (In My Riffle) from Folk Shock Fuckers debut from 2014, it has been re-released now by Aussie label Tenzenmen. Listen to the full album