
The first part of the show was rock and roll.
The second part was rock an roll total destraction.
At 11 the amplifiers were strictly turn down.
One song left: I Love You, OK.
He used to play it alone.
So it was played without sound.
Finally he was conducted down from the stage.

Euro tour is under way:
Norway, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain.

Berlin: Oct 17, Vienna: Oct 20.

Best fun. Highly recommended.


Oh, my biedermeier friend

„Öld, bajnok, a gaz despotákat,
Kik embervérben fürdenek,
S kik megtapodván jussainkat,
Lopott bíborban fénylenek.”


Hát szóval ez egy sorozat lesz a GUSTAVE TIGER szövegeiről, mert nagyon érdekes szövegeik vannak. Nemrég megjelent Chaste And Mystic Tribadry című albumuk valamennyi száma sorra kerül, és egyéb érdekességek is kiderülnek.

Hát akkor jöjjön a THERMIDOR. A pillanat, amikor leszámolnak Robespierre-rel.



Ideák, remények, államcsőd – így keződött a francia forradalom. Lett belőle éveken át tartó országos vérengzés, aztán meg 23 éves európai háború.

Közben bevezették az emberi és polgári jogokat, meghirdették az ész kultuszát, rendszeresítették a guillotine-t, lefejezték a királyt, meg a feleségét is.

Aztán megtartották a legfelsőbb lény ünnepét – főszerepben a vezér. Megváltoztatták a naptárt. Az év első hónapja március. Egy hónap három hét. Egy hét 10 nap. Minden tizedik szabad. December 25 pedig Jézus mellett Newton ünnepe is.

A legfelsőbb lény ünnepe után egy hónappal a Nemzetgyűlésben a vezér bejelentette, hogy árulók újabb körét készül leleplezni. Másnap a Nemzetgyűlés rendeletére lefogták, de a városháza csapatai kiszabadították, a városházára vitték. De mivel a katonák az éjszaka folyamán dezertáltak, hát letartóztatása nem ütközött különösebb nehézségekbe – a csetepaté során azonban ellőtték vezér állát. Még aznap tárgyalás nélkül kivégezték haverjaival együtt.

Ez a Szabadság Érájának 5. évében, Hőség (Thermidor) havának 10.-én, öntözőkanna napján – ez majdnem olyan, mintha azt mondanám, hogy szerdán – történt.

Azért majdnem, mert az év minden napjának más nevet adtak. Például március 14 százszorszép, május 20 lucerna, június 8 vasvilla, december 24 meg kén napja volt.

Aztán meg jött Napóleon, és a franciák lángba borították Európát. És az a katona, aki 1794-ben ellőtte a vezér állát tábornokként halt meg 1812-ben Borogyinónál.




Oh, my biedermeier friend, my courtesan,
you’re so pale
When the violins stop playing, wake me up
wake me up
Lily-bosomed empress, shake the starry ways

I told you so, I go, as I came, on a flash
Unlike you, unlike you
A flagellant never walks alone
Unlike me, unlike me

Untempled queen-regent in vast peristyle
Watching the moon and milk with solemn idleness,

I told you so, I go, as I came, on a flash
Unlike you, unlike you
A flagellant never walks alone
Unlike me, unlike me

Soft yellow light overflow


Gustave Tiger az Auróra kerthelységében elmondta, hogy a Thermidor itt metafora, amit az akkori események tükrében kell értelmezni.

„Ez a szám 1919-ben játszódik a Tanácsköztársaság idején Budapesten. Tormay Cécil bizalmas barátnőjével az operában ül. A darab Medici Mária francia királynéről szól. Azért róla, mert ellenszenves, és teljesen súlytalan egyéniség volt. Az opera szembesíti őket az ancien regime-mel. Tormay unja, s kéri barátnőjét, hogy a végén keltse majd fel, miközben kint tombol a patkányforradalom.”

És egy flagelláns csakugyan „never walks alone.” Merthogy középkori önostorozó mozgalom tagja. Járványok idején ellepték a vidéket, s nagy buzgalmukban olykor más bűnösöket is megkorbácsoltak.

– Na de hogy kerül ide, hogy „biedermeier friend”? Mikor a biedermeier polgári művészeti irányzat volt a XIX. század első felében.
– Az a kispolgár szinonimája.
– És a végén az, hogy „soft yellow light overflow”, az mi?
– Az egy effekt valami grafikai programban. Itt a múltat színezi melankolikusan szépre. Ez egy odaszúrás azoknak, akik azt gondolják, hogy régen jobb volt, pedig ugyanolyan.


Mindezek után, íme a videóklip. A szőke nő nem más, mint Thérèse, Jugoszlávia új királynője.

A zárda a turai Schossberger-kastély, az elhagyatott objektum a Haludovo Palace Hotel, az a nagy betonizé meg A Forradalom Emlékműve Moslavinában, mindkettő Horvátországban.


A sorozat 2. része.




LC PUMPKIN comes from a shambolic low-fidelity musical attempt Les Cactus & The Rumpy Pumpkins, somewhere from Brighton. He makes funny tinker music with fuzz banjo, piano, sampler, cut & paste backbeats. It rattles and clicks. As if every sound would be clinched together loosly. He has made an EP with four Thee Oh Sees covers. Of course these are very particular covers, would be hard to recognize the original ones:

1. The Gouger (Sucks Blood, 2007)
2. Tidal Wave (7″ single 2009).
3. Koka Kola Jingle (The Master’s Bedroom Is Worth Spending a Night In, 2008)
4. Make Them Kiss (Demos EP, 2007)

Published with kind permission from John Dwyer. He said they’re „interesting takes of the tunes”. FREE DOWNLOAD

You can see LC PUMPKIN with Samara Lubelski and Stephen Steinbrink on 4th of October at The Lexington in London.


Swiss psychedelic rock and roll dub blues punk cult band


(Voodoo Rhythm Records)

SEPT 26 MONDAY 20:06



Ticket: 1000 HUF




hardcore country from NASHVILLE


downtown blues from DOHÁNY UTCA


see Trashville documentary about the Nashville country underground

and go to the show. Ticket: 1200 HUF



At first on Sept 23 Friday at Gólya. There going to play a highly intellectual Hungarian garage rock band GUSTAVE TIGER. This song from the new album Chaste And Mystic Tribadry about Queen of Madagascar, Ranavalona I (1828-61). Some say she was a simple tyrant, but others suggest she was driven by insanity.

And there also will be a grunge beat band from Pécs, THE BEANS. FREE ENTRANCE.

Sept 25, Sunday at Trafik: evil motherfucker from Tennessee JOE BUCK YOURSELF plays hardcore country or hellbilly as a one-man-band. He is well known from bands of Hank Williams III, and The Legendary Shack Shakers. Ticket: 1200 HUF.

Sept 26, Monday at Trafik: Swiss psychedelic rock and roll dub blues punk cult band ROY & THE DEVIL MOTORCYCLE (Voodoo Rhythm Records). Ticket: 1000 HUF.


Have You Talked with Your Cat Today Yet?




„It is often said that curiosity killed the cat, but what is less often stated is that the actual cause of death was the improper discharge of firearms by a poorly trained feline.”

Other issues of the series are How to Talk to Your Cat About Evolution, and About Abstinence.

You can find other great zines and more in Antiquated Future online store. E.g. there are a series about the movies of the 30s A Great and Terrible Golden Age.





Dark Monday Evening

roypostercut11 éve várunk erre a napra

  1. 09. 26. hétfő

psychedelic rock and roll dub blues punk cult band

a svájci ROY & THE DEVIL’S MOTORCYCLE Budapesten

régi poros blues lemezek, gospel, koszos garázs rock, és olyan pszichedelikus rockzenekarok, mint a Spacemen 3, vagy a 13th Floor Elevator a fő hatások

újabban dub technikát is használnak, akár még reggaenek nevezhető számuk is van, első lemezük viszont nagyon punkos, nekem az a kedvencem

olyanokkal koncerteztek, mint Acid Mothers Temple, Sonic Boom/Spectrum, Black Lips, Disappears, Strange Boys, Psychic TV, Martin Rev (Suicide) vagy Spiritualized

kiadja a Voodoo Rhythm Records


2016 09 26 20:06


Bands of RNR666


Until this day RNR666 has organized 126 shows, and 3 are coming soon. Here is the first part of a playlist series with 25 bands from our shows. You can find here garage-, glam- and noise rock, rock and roll, punk, hardcore country, shoegaze and metal music. Taste us!

1. I Love 69 Popgeju (Czech) – Ahoj (Intro)  2. Magnetix (Fra) – 60’s Ball  3. The Bloody Hollies (US)- I Dream Of Bees  4. Wildmen (Ita) – D.R.U.N.K.  5. Daikiri (Fra) – microncon  6. Vagina Town (Fra) – Ecstasy  7. Yussuf Jerusalem (Fra) – Through Winter’s Darkest Day  8. Davila 666 (Puerto Rico) – Si me vez…  9. Vaadaat Charigim (Isrl) – Haolam avad mizman  10. Acid Baby Jesus (Gr) – Who’s First  11. Haunebu (Hu) – Green Stove  12. Black Magic Six (Fin) – Homerun  13. TV Colours (Australia) – The Kids Are All Grown Up  14. Digital Leather (US) – SCREW  15. The Feeling Of Love (Fra) – I Want You (Ust Like An Ambulance)  16. Traumahelikopter (NL) – Losing Grip  17. Steam Engine (Hu) – Orphan  18. Pozvakowski (Hu) – Jasa  19. Monno (CH) – Defekt  20. Adam Bomb (US) – Kick It Out  21. The Goddamn Gallows (US) – Copper King  22. Movie Star Junkies (Ita) – I Love You More As Dead  23. Animal Trophies (Fra) – A Break  24. Piresian Beach (Hu) – Blood In The Gutter  25. Big Mountain County (Ita) – I’m Satisfied

On the top picture Magnetix in Budapest at RNR666 Party, 23.11.2008. Photo by Mark Martinko. More pics.

On the pic on the player The Goddamn Gallows in Budapest at RNR666 Party 21 July 2016. Pic by Márk Martinkó. More pics.

More some live shots. And more

Roy & The Devil’s Covers

We have been waiting for 11 years for this day: 26 SEPT 2016

Swiss psych garage blues rock and roll cult band


The band was founded 25 years back by three countryside brothers after they went to a Spacemen 3 show in the nearby big city. Their music is distorted rock and roll of the 50-60 years with a big spoon blues and dub technique in highly psychedelic manner. They’ ve only released 3 three albums on Voodoo Rhythm Records. In 2014 they made music for a documentary Tino – Frozen Angel about legendary Swiss counter-culture hero Martin „Tino” Schippert (1946-81), who was the president of Swiss chapter of Hell’s Angels. Because of a rape the Angels became a target of prosecution, he escaped from Switzerland. He lived in Lebanon, where he worked as a hashish farmer. But finally he went to Bolivia, and died there in a small village Tutilimundi, it means All Worlds.

On their albums there are some covers. Now you can listen to the original and the cover ones too


About the songs

Johnny B. Goode is a 1958 rock-and-roll song written and first recorded by Chuck Berry.

Little Anthony and the Imperials is an American rhythm and blues/soul/doo-wop vocal group from New York City, their first single was Tears on My Pillow in 1958.

The song It Hurts Me Too is a blues standard. First recorded in 1940 by American blues musician Tampa Red. Elmore James (1918 – 1963) who was an American influential blues musician, recorded his own versions in 1957, and in the early 60s.

David „Junior” Kimbrough (1930 – 1998) was an American juke joint blues legend. Whose first single was released in 1967, but his first album came out just in 1992 by Fat Possum Records. The song Baby Please Don’t Leave Me taken from his last album Meet Me In The City (1999). In 2005, a tribute album was released with such artists as Iggy Pop, Mark Lanegan, Jack Oblivian, Black Keys, Spiritualized or Blues Explosion. Even Daft Punk also made a 15 minutes long re-edited version of a Kimbrough’s song I Gotta Try You Girl in 2016. Reputedly he was survived by 36 children.

The Ballad of Casey Jones is a traditional song about railroad engineer Casey Jones. It tells of how Jones and his fireman Sim Webb raced their locomotive to make up for lost time, but discovered a freight train ahead of them on the line, and Casey tried to stop the machine and save the passengers. His body was found lying under the cab, with his skull crushed and right arm torn from its socket. The fireman jumped just in time to save his life. The express messenger was thrown against the side of the car, having two of his ribs broken by the blow, but his condition is not considered dangerous. The train was only two minutes behind schedule.

Soon after Casey’s death (30 April 1900), the song was first sung by engine wiper and friend of Casey to the tune of a popular song of the time known as „Jimmie Jones”. As railroaders stopped in Canton, Mississippi they would pick up the song and pass it along. American country blues guitarist Walter E. „Furry” Lewis (1893 – 1981) recorded his version in 1928. Anyway he was a street sweeper for the city of Memphis, he held this job until his retirement in 1966.

Red Foley (1910 – 1968) is one of the greatest country musicians. He was an inspiration to rock ‘n’ roll, in particular Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley, who both covered many of his songs. Will the Circle Be Unbroken? is a popular Christian hymn, was written in 1907. The Red Foley version was published in 1958.


Lust macht frei

The film Desire Will Set You Free paints a picture of contemporary underground Berlin. It’s based on a true story: Ezra, an American writer of Palestinian and Israeli parentage living in Berlin, spends his days clubbing, taking drugs, having pseudo-philosophical conversations and wanting to be more punk, whilst wishing he wrote more. Most of his time is spent with his privileged dark, but witty friend Catharine, who has an unsettling fetish for Nazi paraphernalia. As the two of them look for their next excitement fix, they end up in one of Berlin’s famous gay hustler bars. Almost on a dare Ezra meets Sasha, a Russian immigrant working as an escort. Ezra pulls Sasha on a journey through Berlin’s underground and queer scenes…

Of course there is a soundtrack wich was inspired by trash music films from the 70s and 80s. There Blood Orange plays a Malaria! song, Peaches did a cover of Claire Waldoff the great lesbian cabaret singer from the 1920s, and also you can find songs by Molly Nilsson, Rollin Hunt, Anni Rossi, Nina Hagen, The Prostitutes, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge

and more. Furthermore Einstuerzende Neubauten and Blixa Bargeld appear in the movie too.

The soundtrack album will be released soon by Moniker Records (US)

Bandcamp     iTunes


American director Yoni Leyser‘s previous film, a documentary about W.S.Burroughs, also with many musicians like Sonic Youth, Iggy Pop, Laurie Anderson, Jello Biafra or Genesis Breyer P-Orridge.

Suce moi

Christophe Clebard, a Belgian electronic musician, at the moment in Vancouver. His new cassette „Suce moi” will be released on 30th September by Canadian label Agony Klub.

Hard to categorize, but it is telling that he published music as Tucano on Italian NO=FI Recordings, home of strange other music (Hiroshima Rocks Around, Cheveu, Trouble Vs Glue, OvO, Dan Melchior, Maria Violencza and more). Of course RNR666 gave news from Tucano. Then I wrote about his music: psychedelic no wave disco with gothic and oriental moments. Then he used Italian, Polish and Englisn langueges, now he uses French. Some phrases what came to my mind by his brand new tape: minimal, electro, acid, techno, industrial, in 80s retro style, when the Belgian undergroung electronic scene was dominant. And it called a French music collective Grand Triple Alliance Internationale De L’Est to my mind, there are some similar acts like The Dreams, Klaus Legal or Cheveu.



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