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Most a Gustave Tiger rock együttes Chaste and Mystic Tribadry című albumának szövegeiről szóló sorozat második része következik, avagy három felvonás a New Heptameron kapcsán. Első felvonás, avagy A bevezetés.
„Szeretnéd tudni, hogy Leó pápa halálos ágyán miért nem kaphatta meg a szentségeket? Hát mert már rég eladta azokat.”
Cetli a nagy városi faliújságon, Róma, 1521.
„E század, mint új aranykor, ismét ráveti a fényt a szabad művészetekre, melyek majdnem kivesztek: nyelvtan, költészet, ékesszólás, festészet, szobrászat, építészet és zene. No és ott van még a csillagjóslás. Az is tökéletesedni fog.” Gondolta Marsilio Ficino filozófus 1492-ben.
Ebben az évben született Navarrai Margit. Navarra középkori királyság volt Spanyol- ország és Franciaország között. Déli részét a spanyolok foglalták el 1512-ben, az északi meg Franciaországba olvadt, mivel Margit unokája megörökölte a francia trónt.
Rendkívül reneszánsz család tagja. Például anyai nagyapja, II. Fülöp szavojai herceg, pápai kérésre börtönbe vetette Pico della Mirandola humanista filozófust. Leonardo meg öccsének karjai között lehelte ki lelkét. Egy másik rokonát, III. Károlyt, Bourbon hercegét, aki seregei élén éppen Rómát készült kifosztani, maga Benvenuto Cellini lőtte le – legalábbis ezzel kérkedett.
Ez a Bourbon herceg azért akarta kifosztani Rómát, mert V. Károly német-római császár, spanyol király és még, a „legkatolikusabb”, akinek birodalmában sosem ment le a nap, nem tudta sem fizetni, sem ellátni katonáit. Károly herceg korábban a francia hadak fővezére volt, de menekülnie kellett hazájából, mert kiderült, hogy megegyezett a császárral meg VIII. Henrik angol királlyal Franciaország felosztásáról. Azért mert a herceg elhunyt feleségének reáhagyott örökségét a király az elhunyt unokatestvérének, történetesen saját anyjának ítélte.
A várost persze kifosztották. A szerteszét heverő holttestek miatt járvány is kitört. Róma lakossága 1/5-ére csökkent. Isten ezzel torolta meg a papság bűneit – magyarázta a császár titkára.
1527-et írtak ekkor. Az Itáliáért folyó spanyol – francia háború 33. évében járunk. A háborúskodás azzal kezdődött, hogy az egymással vetélkedő olasz államok idegen hatalmak segítségét kérték egymás ellen.
S mivel a császár hiteleit sem tudta fizetni – hát legyen meg Isten akarata – az augsburgi Welser bankház megkapta Venezuelát A bank megbízottai pedig elindultak megkeresni El Doradot.
„We are still mythical;
we are still
permanently trapped
somewhere between the heroic and the pitiful”
Kate Tempest, writer, musician
„Metrical rigour and adroit rhyming are not yet among her accomplishments. She has a pretty, cherubic face, framed by unbrushed red blonde hair and she speaks in a Caribbean lite patois that translates ‘those things’ into ‘dem fings’. This linguistic pattern has many fans among the elite. It’s seen as an emblem of barbarous innocence, of instinctive passions bred in the ghetto, of an unschooled and therefore superior creativity. And it particularly excites Arts Council grandees who believe their mission is to reach down to the uncivilised and protean human type. Which Tempest perfectly represents.”
About Kate Tempest’s poetry by Lloyd Evans playwright and sketch writer in good old British conservative magazine The Spectaor. He also says „She is also pessimistic to the point of superstition. She sees malevolence everywhere.”
from the album Let Them Eat Chaos on Fiction Records (UK). Her former records were released by Big Dada/ Ninja Tunes.
„Illusion, my darling, everything is just illusion. Believe me! Causeless bustle, but many of us think it is the order itself. Childish illusion. But the method, it is deserving.”
Alexander the Lame
Punk among the last things come to my mind from Pakistan. Rather a short, but hard story of a young country: bloody secession from India (1947), and of Eastern Pakistan (Bangladesh, 1971), Kashmir, violent power games, and millions left it behind for a better life. How total the chaos there nowadays?
Hassan: The usual. Life trudges on despite the numerous national tragedies we’ve faced over the years. I’ve become desensitized to the usual power games and propaganda, because otherwise it is very easy for someone to lose their sanity if they focus only on Pakistani news. I would rather use my free time to detach myself from the chaos, and study the complex power structures at play.
Are you the Dead Kennedys of Pakistan?
Hassan: Nope. We had no intention of being that. Musically we are different, and we would never like to be considered “this or that” band of Pakistan. We’re just making music we can relate to, regardless of who we’re influenced by or where we come from.
Your hardcore is like the Finnish. What are your music influences?
Hassan: I don’t know how accurate that comparison is, but yes – Finnish hardcore is one of my favorite styles. Tampere SS, Terveet Kadet, Riistyet, Mellaka, Rattus, Kohu-63 are some bands I enjoy a lot from the scene. To an extent, I guess hearing punk music in Finnish (as well as in Japanese, Swedish, Spanish, etc) actually inspired me to do vocals in Urdu.
Basim: Yeah the cold crusty stuff is great. I end up playing so much rock stuff and listening to it when we are recording, in my spare time I try to mix it up.
Punk and underground music scene there?
Hassan: It is small, close-knit but with a potential to grow. However, people lack general enthusiasm for music, so the entire situation can be quite hopeless sometimes. I have been putting on shows, been in different bands, run zines etc for the last 7 years and it’s always an uphill struggle trying to maintain the DIY ethics.
The Pakistani society is conservative – at least I think so. What is the reaction of the society for punk?
Hassan: Conservative societies make for great motivation, in a perverse sort of way. If I didn’t get ostracized for my speaking the truth, I would not have this rage inside me nor the desire to shout on a microphone.
Basim: Sadly nowhere has been immune to these right wing morons. They hold power in Hungary, could very soon do so in France, can’t really make head to tails of what’s happening in Poland, USA is going down the toilet, and the UK is so far up its own ass (and by referendum!) Fuck Victor Orban & everything he stands for.
I have read your lyrics.
„Hammer and sickle, a slogan of the people / But what was achieved? / The people got fucked / Since then we’ve been crying, while all the bastards keep looting” (Democracy is the Best Revenge)
„Bread, clothing, medicine / A small house to live in / Give me free education / For I am a Muslim too” (What is the meaning of Pakistan?)
You are seem disillusioned. Democracy is the best revenge for what?
Hassan: Who knows? You’ll have to ask the Bhutto family for that answer, it’s their quote.
RNR666: Reputedly it was said by twice prime minister Benazir Bhutto, but we can not ask her, because she was assassinated in 2007 two weeks before the next election. She was the first woman elected to lead a Muslim state.
Are you students or/and workers or/and aliens?
Hassan: I concluded my education last year, and am currently working. Sheraz is finishing his education, and Basim lives and works most of the time in the USA.
What is your opinion about Pakistan Antarctic Programme?
Hassan: I don’t know too many details about it. I know there is a Jinnah Antarctic Station by Pakistan, but the public hasn’t been disclosed much information.
Basim: That is where the mothership is located!
RNR666: I have asked this because so strange that a young country with so many social and political tensions is running an Antarctic programme – anyway that station is named after the founding father of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. I am sure it is just because India is also running one.
But now here come The Real Bhuttos!
Benazir father’s Zulfikar Ali Bhutto founded the family business Pakistan Peoples Party with the slogan „Islam is our faith, democracy is our policy, socialism is our economy. All power to the people” in 1967. He was president between 1971-73, and prime minister between 1973-77. Military coup 1977. He was accused of murder and after a show trial he was hanged in 1979.
After the execution Benazir was imprisoned until 1984. Her brothers Shahnawaz and Murtaza fled the country and founded a terrorist organization in Afghanistan. Tried to assassinate Pakistani military dictator general Zia-ul-Haq more times. Shahnawaz died suddenly in his 26th year in France in 1985. It is said by poison.
Murtaza went home after seventeen years, but because did not get desirable position formed a maverick fraction inside the party. He was sought by the police on the charge of inciting attacks on two CIA centres. He was killed along with six other party activists in a shooting affair when the police tried to arrest him during Benazir’s second government in 1996.
After the killing Benazir was removed from office on corruption charges. She was given jail sentence together with her future president husband, but she went into exile. After eight years she went home to run on the elections in 2007. She was very careful, two days before her homecoming wrote her last will.
They all lie in the home of dead Bhuttos. It was built by BB. It ‘s beatifully harmonizes with the slogan of Pakistan Peoples Party: Roti, Kapra or Makaan, id est „Bread, Cloth and Shelter” for everyone.
Challenging childhood on a council estate outside Swindon (UK), saw him immerse himself in music, books and poetry as a means of escape.
„As a kid, I thought no one in the world felt like me. Then I discovered Nick Drake, Daniel Johnston, Conor Oberst and Kurt Cobain. Hearing Sparklehorse was a revelation. Their music expressed exactly how I felt. It was a hugely liberating experience because suddenly I wasn’t alone.”
„I was this loser emo kid, sitting in my room, trying to come to terms with all the negativity in my life. As self-therapy, I made these little songs about how I felt. Writing them was a cathartic release. Rather than carry this heavy subject matter around in my head, which made me depressed, I turned it in to music. I took the cliche´s of pop – the structure, the form, the earworm hooks, the emphasis on rhythm – and made them ugly in order to address wider demons. The idea that anyone would hear it was appalling. Those really were my diary entries. They were so personal and humiliating. I felt incredibly exposed.” But by accident, one of Oliver’s early songs was discovered by Adrian Dutt, his co-worker at a Bristol record store and co-owner of Howling Owl Records.
“You’re So Kool-Aid, for example, has a catchy tune, a beat and a bass synth. It’s funky, but it’s about suicide.”
From the album Post-Frenz Container Buzz
LP on Howling Owl Records (UK). Digital
– is a duo of Lily Pourie and Sebnormal, whom has many formations, the most known is psych garage rock band The Feeling of Love,
– plays degressive rock like Neue Deutsche Welle group Malaria! in the early 80s,
– and they have another duo together Le Chemin De La Honte,
– on the recordings Cheb Samir was playing on drums from Italian psychedelic no wave band Trans Upper Egypt
„Our mission is make LOVE for make PEOPLE.”
and make hot ambient industrial & horny drone noise
Mentula Aurum cassette on NO=FI Recordings (Italy)
(Mentula Aurum means Golden Dick in Latin)
CREAPOPOLVSQVE = Katzy and Matzy, aka Stefano and Valentina.
I know Stefano from noise rock band Hiroshima Rocks Around, and noise wave duo Maximillian I°.
Valentina as Mushy plays Cocteau Twins-like haunted minimal synth (Three Legged Cat and Clandestine Recs), and as Phantom Love fabricates kraut cosmic trance (Mannequin Recs).
ADOLF FILTER or Schwedisch Deutsche Freundschaft. 7″ on sublabel Petit Enfant.
UNRUHE (ie Restless), a compilation all about acid: spacey and trippy by ZARKOFF (Croatia); distorted and freaked out by ROBERTO AUSER (Holland); industrial by FOQL (Poland); and uncompromising analog terror by THE UNTITLED (Netherlands). 12″ EP on sublabel Gooiland Elektro.
BRANNTEN SCHNÜRE, German psychedelic dark folk duo, inspired by Nico, Novy Svet and David Jackman. LP on sublabel Vrystaete.
Adolf Filter + FOQL + Zarkoff + Adolf Filter + Brannten Schnüre + The Untitled >
But most telling about the world of UNIFORM the artists they like:
Pier Paolo Pasolini, Hermann Nitsch, Monte Cazazza, Helios Creed
Berdan says about lyrics: Thematically these songs have more in common with the works of Hubert Selby, Jr (Last Exit to Brooklyn) than Lucio Fulci (City of the Living Dead). These are stories about people at the end of their proverbial ropes. Their old medicines are no longer effective and their old ways of living cause them nothing but confusion and despair. They are paralyzed by fear, regret, and self-doubt.
Greenberg says about music: This music is our response to and our reflection of the overwhelming violence, chaos, hate, and destruction that confronts us and everyone else in the world every day of our lives. When we play, I don’t feel powerless anymore. I hope this record can help others transcend their anger and frustration.
Western-Sahara is the home of Sahrawi people. They are speaking a variant of Maghrebi Arabic, and have Berber, Bedouin and Black African ethnic backgrounds.
Their basic instruments are percussions and traditional stringed instruments which ones often replaced by electric guitar nowadays. The region was under Spanish rule until 1975, then Morocco and Mauritania divided up, but there is a movement of independence, called Polisario, which established his state in the inner Western Sahara.
On the one hand – The leader of Group Doueh was born in Dakhla in 1966, at that time it was a village. Of course he made his first guitar himself with metal can and fishing wire – as the legend says. His heroes are Jimi Hendrix, James Brown and Mark Knopfler, and also influenced by Moroccan chaabi and psychedelic music, e.g. Nass El Ghiwane, which was established as an avant-garde political theatre in 1971.
„When I take the instrument, I leave elsewhere. I am absent. Music is my life. I inherited from my father who played percussion from house to house. I can approach any kind of styles, but I track down traditional music, the source.”
On the other hand – French trio Cheveu is not really punk in fact, rather outsider, in out of control zone, somewhere between the crazy psychedelic rock of the 60s and the no wave, industrial and electronic music of the late 70s.
At first files were exchanged, then Cheveu went to Dakhla to play, write and record songs together for two weeks. It was hard to bring together these distant universes.
The music of Doueh is often very ornamented improvisation. „The trigger thing was to fix one of their themes in punk rock mode. It freed us. They made a lot of improvisations, variations, and whenever you thought you had picked up, they left elsewhere…” „At this stage we played a few selected pieces of our repertoire to show what we are going to see (…) in response they suddenly started „Acid Waltz”, a theme brought by us, but they little by little made twists on it.
And finally there was a common live show at a venue. „At first Group Doueh goes to the stage, later Cheveu joins them. And everyone begins to find his place in a repertoire that they have refined for ten days. David takes the microphone. Some women dance. There is even a Parisian who made the trip after he saw the announcement of the event on Facebook. All of a sudden, Hicham turns to me: „Alan Vega in the sand! ”
TERRY is an Aussie quartet with members of such great bands as UV Race, Total Control, Dick Diver, Constant Mongrel or Lower Plenty – and Xanthe Waite sings one of Mick Harvey’s Gainsbourg album.
It has been formed after a Total Control US tour in Mexico City in 2015 when two couples have decided to start a simple and charming pop band that could tour and vacation together. But more telling about that “simple and charming pop” that The Rebel (ex-Country Teasers) was chosen to play with them on their first show in London.
The three songs explores themes of patriarchy in politics, mass consumption versus lifestyle choices and the dating scene. On the cover you can find seven Australian politician women, and one Angela Merkel. They said about
The national identity in Australia is primarily male. Women in the public sphere are expected to take on the characteristics of national identity more so than men. They are also required to prove themselves as Australian women.
Not only are female Australian politicians expected to represent characteristics of national identity they usually also show a greater level of Australian masculinity. It’s a fast track to be taken seriously. But many of the females in power seem to give up common sense.
Some women I have found
Health Minister poor Sussan Ley has resigned after using a taxpayer-funded trip to purchase an A$795,000 (£473,300; $585,200) apartment on Queensland’s Gold Coast in 2015. And also went to New Year parties in 2013 and 2014 on taxpayers’ money.
Lower house speaker Ms Bronwyn Bishop charged taxpayers A$5,000 (£2,300, $3800) to fly by helicopter to a Liberal Party fundraiser in 2015. It was a journey of 65 km (40 miles). At longest one hour with car. And of course she had not just a car, but a driver too, paid by taxpayers, of course. She also claimed expenses for attending weddings, opera and art events. Resigned as speaker, and was defeated on the next election.
Right-wing populist senator Ms Pauline Hanson and her male mate were sentenced to three years imprisonment in 2003 because of false statements about their party members in order to register their organisation in Queensland as a political party, and apply for electoral funding.
In her book, titled The Truth, Ms Hanson predicted that in 2050 Australia would have a lesbian president of Chinese-Indian background called Poona Li Hung who would be a cyborg. No wonder that one of her party candidate, Ms Stephanie Banister, said in an interview that Islam is a country, and the Jews worship Jesus. And she is a graduated woman.
„Money, you got plenty of it
You leave it around your place
Who knows?
You might end up in the bin”
Terry – Bin
Ha-ha-ha, those amounts of money are ridiculously tinies. A tip category in the post-communist Hungary. But the rate of stupidity of senator Ms Hanson and Ms Banister is ordinary in the Hungarian policy and public life.
But what is absurd. The almighty Liliputin dictator, Viktor Orbán – aka über führer – , his government and the feudal lords of Hungary have recently made war on the civil society, in order to prevent the organized objection and extirpate the pluralism.
Just like in the pre-Stalinist Hungary in 1947-48, when communist minister of the interior, László Rajk, banned the civil organizations. He ended up on a gallows as the star of a show trial in 1949.
So dear Australian friends you must – how comrade Lenin said – learn, learn, and learn.
from their debut album TERRY HQ on UPSET THE RHYTHM (UK)
„As some of the injuries done us have become intolerable we have still been clear that we wished nothing for ourselves that we were not ready to demand for all mankind – fair dealing, justice, the freedom to live and to be at ease against organized wrong.”
Woodrow Wilson, president of US, inaugural address, 1917
new album A Self-Help Tragedy on Skin Graft and 3-1-G Records (US)
You can listen to in it its entirety
After five years, Doomsday Student will be touring Europe again. We’ll be there May 27 though June 8 of 2017! More details, including cities and venues are forthcoming.
DS has been formed by ex-members of perverse noise rock band Arab on Radar. It was so perverse, that when it was opening for Marilyn Manson in their hometown, Providence, Rhose Island, the band was expelled out from the club by the audience.
„Going to the Feelies this evening, Henry?” enquired the Assistant Predestinator. „I hear the new one at the Alhambra is first-rate. There’s a love scene on a bearskin rug; they say it’s marvelous. Every hair of the bear reproduced. The most amazing tactual effects…”
In Huxley’s Brave New World THE FEELIES are entertainment devices,
in the reality are an American „alternative rock band”,
but today this term means nothing, even it would be startling.
They had one of the biggest influences on R.E.M., but I dislike them,
but I’m sure also on the Parquet Courts.
It was said they were the best underground band in New York,
and are among the nation’s most beloved alternative rock bands,
but their first records were released in the UK by Stiff and Rough Trade Records in 1979/80.
„The sound we were after was a reaction against the punk scene (…) we felt it had all been done before. We wanted the guitars to be cleaner, and we started experimenting with a lot of percussion.” But punk is just an attitude.
After their first album CRAZY RHYTHMS there were five years hiatus, because two members left the band. One of them, the drummer, Anton Fier went to The Lounge Lizard, worked with Pere Ubu (the 1978 Pere Ubu EP Datapanik in the Year Zero was dedicated to him), was in the Voidoids and founded The Golden Palominos.
After four albums The Feelies disbanded in 1992, reunited in 2008 by request of Thurston Moore, new record in 2011, brand new one in 2017 on BAR/NONE RECORDS (US)
Anyway they are like The Velvet Underground without heroin. And otherwise the Assistant Predestinator is an Alpha male that is employed at the Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. His job is to make all the decisions on the new humans being created. Predestinators decide whether that individual will become an Alpha, a Beta, a Delta, a Gamma or an Epsilons. Each caste level is raised with different hynopaedia lessons and has different roles in the World State.
Huxley set the story in London in 2540. There the non-conformity is a crime, so the punks are dead. Or in jail or metnal hospital. But nevermind, here are the AI and the Smart People Party! Get the app!