Well who are Supernaked?

First of all, they are the guys who either start the blues scale or hit the drums fiercely after three sips of beer,  and it’s also them who came together from the members of  the late Románia band and the late Diomede Fuzzdirt – what a coincidence!

Secondly, this new Hungarian band’s gonna do their first gig pretty soon – they are supporting Natural Child on 14th October in Budapest!

Come and see, everybody’s gonna be happy!

New video from Sheffield’s Best friends


Sheffield’s bad kids, Best friends are back with a new 7inch vinyl single titled Happy Anniversary / Nosebleeds out now on Art is Hard Records!

Here’s a weird new retro style green screen video (possibly the best video making technique ever) for Happy Anniversary with lots of fun and a bit of sickness!


TV COLOURS in Budapest!

tv colours plakátCanberra’s TV Colours started out as Bobby Kill’s solo home recording band influenced by noisy suburban desperation (read more about the debut album here). We cannot really tell how this unique scene around the self-managing label, Dream Damage Records exploded in Australia but these bands (TV Colours, Fighting league, Assassins 88 etc.) are definitely worth checking!

To be honest, we wouldn’t really have dreamt that these DIY Australian bands would come over to Europe before they are getting disgustingly popular..

But now, TV Colours is going on an Euro Tour with the help of Eighteen Records (Paris) –  so you are very very lucky to be invited right now to see Bobby Kill and his live band with members from Assassins 88 on 19th October in Budapest, Trafik klub!


A good girl’s guide to bad music – My little hangover playlist



click on the pic to listen to this special hangover mixtape I did for

lots of noise and reverberation for your perfect Sunday hangover with some healing words for those who are still able to read in such a shitty condition





Ma este VLASTA POPIC a Trafikban!

vlasta popicItt a nagy esély, hogy aki hiába volt kíváncsi a márciusban hóvihar miatt elmaradt Vlasta Popic bulira, az ma este pótolhasson!

A horvát triót épp most hétvégén csíptük el Grazban és szerencsére nem dőltünk be a post punk címkének –

Vlastáék fura hangokkal megpakolt szörfös, indies beütésű minimalista zenéje szakít rendesen!

A plakáton olvasható zenekarok közül az Away zenekar sajnos nem fog fellépni, az este pedig várhatóan 8-kor indul, műsor:

20:00 Central

20:30 Fonija (MKD)

21:00 Vlasta Popic (HR)

21:30 Snakes and lions (GER)

jegy: 800 HUF


Miért kell…? – Románia utolsó vicsora

Na EZÉRT! Mert ha feloszlik egy király magyar zenekar, akkor utólag lehet pityeregni, de tessék inkább kebletekre ölelni azt, akit még lehet – meg persze a Románia zenekar tagjait is, mert egyáltalán nem haltak meg, csak úgy döntöttek, hogy a csúcson hagyják abba. Na, de miért kell? Mert sokan nem tudják mikor kell feloszlani – és a Románia most azt mondja, inkább előbb, mint később. Most már szeretitek őket, mi?? Pedig biztosan kevesen voltak ott, amikor Csank Laci (eredetileg jolanás énekes) és Fekete Dávid  (dobverés) akaratuk ellenére kitalálták az elmúlt évek legmentálisabb magyar  zenekarát – ahogy azt kell, kevés ambíció, sok sör. A Myspace-csúcskorának gyermekei közül páran biztosan emlékeznek a sörös üveg burogatásra, meg az első látásra sem épp sejtelmes névre (Románia a.k.a. Bundesliga Superdeath) amik az első demókon emelték a mocskos gyönyört – csodálatosan vandál csürhe. Vagy valamivel később, amikor ezt írtam: ‘Dávid, a dobos nagyon elvetemülten küldte és az egésznek olyan gyönyörű vége volt, hogy a gitáros-énekes srác be lett hajítva a dobok közé – na, ilyenkor úgy érzem, hogy ez a szobazene szart sem ér az ilyenekhez képest.’ Még egy kicsivel később Kele Gabi is csatlakozott a Lömbihead zenekarból és innentől lendült be igazán a négyesfogat, Peti, Dávid, Laci és Gabi, ekkor már szerintem kétszer olyan gyorsan játszották a számaikat, mint eredetileg. És ha egy videóban kéne összefoglalni a zenekar munkásságát, azt valószínűleg szándékosan sem lehetne jobban, mint a tavalyi Lömbihead búcsúturné során felvett legdurvább videóval:


A lényeg, hogy most sikerült az utolsó pillanatban elcsípni őket egy kis csevejre és most megtudhatjátok a válaszokat a legfontosabb kérdéseitekre, amire az országos médiában nem kérdeztek rá!

Tovább / Read more »

olykor jó helyre kerül a közpénz

ma este 11-kor a Duna TV műsorán a címen streamelhető egy mentális Broken Cups koncert!

edit: a streamre úgy tűnik már nem maradt pénz

a good girl’s guide to bad music – TUMO


here’s the first video of Tumo, a band from the members of the late-but-beloved Lömbihead!

Megint jönnek  means ‘they are coming again’ and the song is a slight shift  from the kind of mental punk, for which they used to be either adored or hated by the punk audience.

this new Tumo track is more influenced by moody noise rock and it’s right off from their first demo, give it a listen at the bandcamp site or at one of their raging gigs if you’re around

so, everyone cheer up, Sebő and Kele, the duo of notorious cult fame is back!

a good girl’s guide to bad music – Street Punk from HUNX AND HIS PUNX


One thing I knew before getting acquainted with the music of Hunx & his Punx is that punk can handle any sort of weirdness basically, the more, the better. But I remember how I couldn’t really tell if it’s love or hate when it comes to Seth Bogart and his style –  is gay punk just a stupid joke? Or is it something that new bands are really lacking maybe? Since the irresistible  pop tunes of Hunx & his Punx took the control out of my hands, I don’t really care if it’s trashy and sometimes disgusting – as long as it’s fun and my parents would definitely hate it (oh and one more thing, I just love Shannon Shaw who’s also a lead figure in the band)

Here’s their new album, titled Street Punk, a twisted attempt, you might think and you are right. I’ve heard it somewhere that if you want to make an album as quick as possible, you should turn to street punk – so, whenever I hear the album title, I smell a big deal of irony – needless to say, even though the new songs have a more overdriven sound (especially the opening track Bad Skin),  it’s really far from street punk. But would you miss the soundtrack of supermasculine agression when you can have super-witty ill-behaved fun garage songs instead??

If you like to giggle, here’s a new video with 3 Hunx tracks and hilariously careful narration – the album is available from Hardly Art Records, one of my favorite labels these days!


MA ESTE – hangos zenék a Vittulában

A keverőpultnál a Psycho Galore és a Pyramids don’t exist válogatottja verseng


a good girl’s guide to bad music – ┼ chresus jist ┼ and Bag of dicks


You might not be familiar with too many things coming from Serbia (and let’s focus on the good things, right?) but there’s one man who seems to be everywhere, or at least where the good things are happening in Serbia. So, meet Filip Cetkovic who has an endless list of bands, runs a trve club called MKC Kombinat and is an expert in trash films, obscure music and graphic arts. Trve, right?

Bag of dicks exploded at the end of last year with their over-distorted minimalist interpretation of garage punk. The duo is at least three times louder than any two-piece on this planet and you can easily check this statement if you come to their autumn show brought to you by RNR666. Filip’s yelling vocals, bass progressions from the desert, trash movie cruelty, a kick-ass EP – and I must say once again, it’s done really really loud.


┼ chresus jist ┼ is Filip’s most recent band with slightly more sophisticated sounds but it’s still pure punk (two girls run the rhythm section, by the way but  honestly I could not really tell this while listening) and it’s still pretty noisy. Apart from the sick name – of which I remember laughing my ass off when I first heard, anyway – it’s not a primitive endeavor with its indie rock and surf reminiscences and hell, this EP sounds totally right – it’s unfortunately something we are not quite used to from Eastern European bands.

Go for your free downloads at the bandcamp sites and seek your opportunities to catch these bands at a show!

a good girl’s guide to bad music – Shannon and the Clams’s new LP Dreams in the Rat House


I’m having this pretty weird vision in my head while I’m trying to grab the essence of Shannon and the Clams I’m seeing a heartbroken John Waters trying to be a good girl, I’m seeing the sweetest pop music turning into a psycho-killer lollipop from too much overdrive and most of all I’m seeing lots of eccentric fucked-upness. Just look at these crazy Californian guys and you would probably know more of this band than any shitty record reviews could ever tell the harshest of good old pin-up style, some weird uniforms, lots of gayness and colors everywhere, so obviously all of these (alongside with the catchy melodies) are about FUN and the result is fully pleasing.


Still, Shannon and the Clams are by no means a scam band with only one cheaply over-hyped debut album Dreams in the Rat House is already their third full-length release while Shannon is also involved in Hunx and his Punks (another brilliantly gay band) and Cody is simply King Lollipop  I honestly think they’re just getting better and better in their songwriting skills. If I was a bitch, I would even be envious of them, haha.

All in all, this LP is a perfect pick for the summer for any record junkies who enjoy surf pop with an almost sickening overdose of a hundred different bubblegum flavors, or who appreciate some troubled, nastier allusions meanwhile, or who are still fond of the garage ideal (i. e. exploding band dynamics plus infectious energies) or who are really fed up with bands trying to make an intellectual / arty impression. 

Dreams in the Rat House is out now on Hardly Art Records – sorry for demonstrating the album here so poorly but I’m afraid the label is a lot eager to make you listen to the vinyl and they are probably right!

Or you can catch Shannon and the Clams on tour in France and Belgium this July!

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