You’re my god / Ain’t no soliloquy by Los Vargitos + Piresian beach


los vargitos piresian beach splitHere’s a bit of the good old self-promotion – it might be a forgivable sin compared to the joy I feel upon these two tracks.

Los Vargitos and Piresian beach are both home recording bands and we often write songs about each other so we finally took the courage to put two of these together.

You can take it as mutual confession, or cheesy self-revelation or like a tomb for two with weird epitaphs.

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Gustave Tiger – Mitanni Mares


from the EP Mitanni Mares

their next show is coming TOMORROW

A good girl’s guide to bad music – NERVE CITY’S ASLEEP ON THE TRACKS


Nerve-City-Asleep-On-The-Tracks-cover-1„In the years since the debut, front-man Jason Boyer has been busy travelling, touring, moving from Virginia to Florida, and writing an impressive amount of songs. The best of these were selected and recorded in late 2012 with a full band at Memphis’ Electraphonic Recording.”

Farewell to bedroom recordings, hello to a studio recording from a band called Nerve City!

To be honest, I couldn’t really imagine until today how Jason Boyer’s songs would sound without the otherwordly death-invocating sound and the vocals coming from the deepest depths of the sea…or from behind the mirror. And as you can guess, the new songs on Asleep on the tracks indeed sound less fucked-up and less sinister then those from the early EPs, still the band managed to preserve a lot from the easily recognizable style that Jason had developed alone at his home. One of his songwriting strengths is for example balancing between bright and dark harmonies as if he’d put you on a rollercoaster; the other thing he had really mastered throughout the years is writing catchy songs… take the opening track, Rifle of peace or the overtly sixties-influenced track, Fall away and you could see why Nerve City is so fucking great.

It’s not easy to write a review about a band that has been a huge influence on me but I know how much a fan-written post could suck… so to conclude all the enthusiasm I haven’t  fully unfolded in this article, here’s a highly recommended album to get and if you dig it, order a vinyl from the Canadian label Sweet Rot Records!

A good girl’s guide to bad music – FUSEISM’S SEARCH AND SEEK MORE EP

4852866422_203953f166First of all, Fuseism is not something you would call bad-ass music – the Budapest 5-piece is the musical equivalent of a shy and smart good-willing guy from the neighbourhood. Still, Fuseism has a lot to give not only to this kind of people – their music is basically for anybody who’s into indie, punk, shoegaze and catchy melodies. Yeah, the nerdy music fans, you might say but hey, what’s wrong with that..?! Nerdy people have a lot of soul, intellect and they are not afraid to say they care…

Fuseism has released a Demo tape and four short EPs so far (if you haven’t got it yet, save each of them on your hard disk – Downloading is freedom, you know) with their trademark guitar sound, thick bass licks and the unique chanting vocals about despair, pathfinding and self-reflection.

By the way, have you ever heard their semi-ironic song about video games being better than drugs?? I tell you it is worth checking whatever these guys release – and luckily enough they finally released a longer 6-track (with the two instrumental Ultrablast snippets it’s in fact 4 songs) EP yesterday titled Search and seek more.


To do a spoiler, the new songs bring no novelty in terms of style but this style is absolutely theirs and it’s impossible to mistake these guys for something else. 90s and surf punk influenced noisy/dreamy shoegaze sound, energy, hints of dissonance but overall melodic harmony. And one day at a point of mediating with your own self,  you will find yourself mumbling these lines along with the vocalist Rádi who’s the guy responsible for the verbal delivery. Hey, you could do that at any of their shows, I bet you wouldn’t regret it as they are one of Hungary’s best live bands.

For me, the most amazing track on the EP is Comfort and conquer – it is like an early 90s noise rock piece fuelled with more intensity and more melody. It clearly has one of the best guitar tunes ever, it’s gonna give you the chills for sure.

Support the band by going to their shows or spreading the word about them, it’s time to be a believer of Fuseism!

a good girl’s guide to bad music – MÉDEIA FIAI


médeiaHere is an amazing discovery from the Hungarian music scene!

Médeia fiai is hailing from Szeged and they play a very unique mixture of  psychedelia, blues and dark folk.Their latest release Dear Chaos is a compilation of different live recordings and if you dig late autumn evening walks and some haunting thoughts are troubling your soul, here’s something you can deeply dig yourself into.


A MAI NATURE BOYS BULI (több, mint valószínűleg) ELMARAD

ez van, elég egy makrancos furgon.

tehát, becsületkasszás beengedés mellett továbbra is meleg szívvel láttatik minden állhatatos érdeklődő ma este a Trafikban


a program:

21:00 Summer Schatzies

22:00 ETUS

BOB LOG III – The Budapest interview

BOB LOGGet drunk almost every night, work for Mindfuck Office Ltd. and listen to Grown Younger by Sexdrome all day long: Ladies and gents, cats and dogs, the Negative Creep is born. What’s cookin’ for the night? A one man band show, a genre, I seriously don’t like. Doesn’t really sound like a great night, but hey, I really wanted to test the guy and myself. 

The first thing you should forget about Bob Log the III, is youtube videos. It is nothing compared to what you are about to see live. Shows like these are usually about clothes and jokes. Bob is much more. He plays his guitar like it’s last day on mother Earth, constantly leaving your jaws drop. Humour is an important part in music for me, Bob gets a 100 out of the possible 10. No, let’s make that thousand. Songs were cool, but I was waiting for the breaks between songs. I’m sure, the audience weren’t prepared for this show and I know why. You simply can not stare, dance, laugh, kiss and fell in love one at a time. Bob Log doesn’t need a knife to make you a Glasgow smile for the night, he does it with an amazing stage show and personality. This night, the Negative Creep died and the Happy Puppy was born. Thank you Bob Log the III! 

(a special invocation by David)


Tovább / Read more »



It’s been more than a year since their last 2-song EP but the waiting is over now – stay tuned until 15th November when the new Fuseism EP is to be released by Go Away Records with 4+2 brand new tracks – Hungarian nerdy noise rock, dark indie punk and that certain guitar sound!

So, here are three short previews from the upcoming EP



bag of dicks plakát

Naná, hogy a Bag of  Dicks egy kurva jó zenekar – rohadt hangos és úgy recseg két basszuserősítőből a fuzz, hogy kész csoda, hogy eddig nem hallatszott át Belgrádból ide Budapestre; Filip, a zenekar feje, pedig simán rajta lenne egy bolygószintű trúlistán, ha létezne ilyen az országhatáron kívül. 

És hogy mi történik olyankor, ha a Bag of Dicks egy héttel az itteni buli előtt feloszlik? Nos, olyankor jön egy B-terv, ami a végén még lehet, hogy jobban sikerül az eredetinél – ugyanis nem más fog beugrani a dobok mögé, mint Dávid (Románia, Broken Cups, Supernaked…) és ahogy elnézem ezt az új duót, a két sötét hajú, bajszos rocker közül nem tudom megmondani, melyikük a lelkesebb! Egyelőre viszont úgy néz ki, hogy ez lesz az utolsó Bag of Dicks koncert a Földön, akkor meg minek menne idén bárki is idétlen halloweeni jelmezbálba, hm?

Az eredeti terveknek megfelelően játszik a szuperzajos Norms, és a szintipunkot mentális irányból értelmező Létrák is – viszont az eredeti helyszín helyett a MÜSZI-ben lesz a buli, ami egy nagy, és jól esően felszabadult hely olcsó sörrel!

Interview with Bobby Kill from TV Colours

tvcoloTV Colours started as a solo project of Bobby Kill from the Australian punk scene around Dream Damage Records and we have written about this awesome scene many times before, so we asked Bobby some simple questions and he kindly took the time to answer them while already being on tour in Europe.

Come and see him with his band this Saturday in Trafik Klub!


You can also follow their tour blog on their tumblr site



So, without further ado, here is the full-length, uncut interview with Bobby Kill!

Tovább / Read more »

A good girl’s guide to bad music – Gustave Tiger

gustaHere’s Gustave Tiger, Hungary’s new noise scholars who label their music as ‘cathedral punk’  – join them in their fun quest to find the best ingredients from the history of independent music and get soaked in this noisy mixture titled Mitanni Mares

Don’t get fooled, there isn’t anything cathedralish about this EP and this ain’t no punk music, these guys  just have a sweet sense of humour!




Októberben egy igazi bébi első lépéseinek lehetünk szem-és fültanúi, ugyanis Európába, sőt ami még fontosabb, Budapestre látogatGrave Babies. A trió a grunge fővárosának méltán nevezhető Seattle szülötte, de ereiben inkább a sötét, zajos synth pop csörgedezik. Első hanganyagukat a neves Skrot Up kiadó rögzítette és adta ki 2011-ben. Ez olyannyira elnyerte Sub Pop gyermek kiadójának a Hardly Art-nak a tetszését, hogy a Grave Babies második, hosszabb és komolyabb hangvételű megmozdulását már ők vették fel és bocsájtották piacra 2013 elején, amit természetesen a nagyobb, ismert zenei oldalak rögtön a keblükre öleltek.

A babazsúrt a francia Abschaum fogja nyitni, akinek zenéjében szintén fellelhető egy jó adag synth pop, azonban nála zajról szó sincs, inkább a monotónia és a pszichedelia keveredik, remekül harmonizálva egymással. Ha egy Moon Duo és a Disappears lemezt egyszerre elindítunk akkor nagyjából meg is van, hogy mivel hangolódhatunk majd az este fő fellépőire.





köszi a New Meatnek és a GoodBye Paris blognak, ott a helyünk!

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