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Ennek tudatában:
Love Collector : Last Night / First Night Of Leather (Sweet Time Records) 2024
Na, az egyik számot a kislemezről így játszották koncerten másfél hete:
Slander Tongue : Monochrome (Alien Snatch! Records) 2023
Egy érdekes dolog még a végére: a lemez utolsó száma egy feldolgozás mégpedig egy 1974-es KFC reklámé. Ha érdekel az eredeti >> KLIKK! << ide!
Heartbeeps : Cum Together (Slovenly Recordings) 2023
Új nagylemez kipróbált Bordeaux-i rock n rollerektől, akik előtte a Wild Zeros-ban és a TV Killers-ben nyomultak. Valószínű nem ez a lemez fogja megváltoztatni a véleményed a punk rock zenéről, vagy ilyesmi. Ha hallottál már pár 70-es évekbeli amerikai punk lemezt sok minden ismerős lesz. A dalok viszont olyan nagyon jók, és az egésznek olyan fasza hangulata van, hogy arra kellett rájönnöm, hogy ezt a lemezt hallgattam legtöbbször az utóbbi pár hétben. Tökéletes punk-rock n roll / garage punk PARTY album!
Plusz: Gratulációm aki a borítófotót lőtte és annak is akinek eszébe jutott, hogy ez mehet frontképnek! Alig várom, hogy egyszer meglegyen vinylen és kézben tarthassam.
Lousy Sue : Artless Artfacts (Sweet Time Records) 2023
Már megint egy új Sweet Time Records kiadvány, idén már a harmadik (március van!) Ha így folytatják ott a helyük kedvenc kiadóim között, mint a Big Neck vagy a Goodbey Boozy.
Ezúttal egy számomra eddig ismeretlen indianapolisi trió első nagylemezét adták ki. Pofonegyszerű, dögös punk rock ez, váltott női-férfi énekkel, a 15 dalból kettő lépi át a 2 perces álomhatárt, gondolhatod, hogy a srácok nem szarakodnak szólókkal meg témaváltásokkal. Egy feldolgozást is találunk mégpedig a kortárs Buck Biloxi-tól.
Feltűnt, hogy a rendkívül rokonszenves, középkorú zenészek szívesen viselik jobbnál jobb underground punkzenekarok és lemezkiadók pólóit, amúgy egyikük a legendás Rip Off Records több zenekarának hangzásáért volt felelős úgy húsz-huszonöt éve (pl. az első The Marked Men album, a The Zodiac Killers vagy a The Kill-A- Watts lemezei. Azért ezek nem semmi bandák voltak.)
Timmy’s Organism : Lone Lizard (Sweet Time Records) 2023
Már az elején mondanám, hogy totálisan elfogult vagyok Timmy Vulgar-al kapcsolatban. Nem nehéz kitalálni, a zenekar nevéből, hogy itt ő a főni. Minden amit csinált, csinál nálam csont nélkül bejön. Zene, videók, lemezborítók, színpadi megjelenés. Minden.
Az egész pszichedelikus, de mocskos, LSD áztatta őrület. Előző zenekarai is ezt a vonalat vitték. A Clone Defects a ’90-es évek 2000-es fordulója körül, a Human Eye meg egyből utána ’10 évek közepéig, de utána keresve a korai punk zenekarának, a The Epileptix-ben is kurvára meg voltak már a nyomok.
A Lone Lizard már a sokadik a sorban. Kis és nagylemezeik olyan kiadóknál jelentek meg az évek során, mint az In The Red, a Goner, a Total Punk vagy a Goodbye Boozy, tehát az elit!
A lemez első dala már olyan indítás, hogy beszarsz! Pár másodperces vad dobolás után egy olyan mocskos ős-ROCK riff jön, hogy még magad alá is hugyozol! Nekem egyből beugrott a nagyon korai Monster Magnet, meg a Butthole Surfers – piouhgd albuma, de később sok minden keveredik: Rolling Stones, Electric Eels, Hawkwind és ki tudja még mi.
Kurvajó lemez, jó arányban adagolják a beindult rock vadulást, a lazább akusztikus dolgokat a pszichedelikus elszállásokat.
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Contra / Spam : split (Go Bo Records) 2023
Hoppá, ez kurvajó! Chilei kiadó split kazettája ‘A’ oldalon a chilei Contra, ‘B’ oldalon az argentin Spam zenekarok három-három számával.
A Spam electro-punkját hallgatva olyan régi kedvencek jutottak eszembe, mint a San Diego-i Tit Wrench vagy a londoni Rancid Hell Spawn a ’80-s – ’90-es évekből vagy a maiak közül az X-Acto vagy a Paranoise, akiknek tavalyi közös kislemezéről >> ITT << áradoztam. Kíméletlen dobgép, plusz éles, láncfűrészszerű (elektromos láncfűrész, nem szépen pöfékelő benzines!) gitárok, valamint túlvezérelt ének. GYÖNYÖRŰ!!!!!!
A Contra oldaláról is kábé ez mondható el, de azért ez már inkább hagyományosabb punk, csak NAGYON lo-fi hangzással, az egyik a három közül egy feldolgozás a spanyol Paralisis Permanente-től.
Nem teljesen egyértelmű számomra, de úgy tűnik egy angol kiadónál is megjelent a kazetta, úgyhogy beszerzése nem teljesen reménytelen. Próbálkozni >> ITT << lehet.
a SPAM oldal >> ITT <<
a CONTRA oldal >> ITT <<
Először is a lemezborító. Rég röhögtem már fel hangosan mikor megláttam egy borítófotót. Ez milyen genyó poén már?!
A zene is hasonló mint ez a kép: genyó és hatásos. Old school punk fél órában, 16 számon keresztül, ahogy kell! Nálam minden szám sláger. Kedvenc punk cuccaim hatása kevereg-kavarog egészen a Stoogese/MC5 -ól a Dead Boys-on, a Fear-en át a New Bomb Turk-ig.
De van egy kis ’70-es évek hard rock hangulat is csak úgy, mint némi power-pop, de ha be kell keményedni azt is jól csinálják ezek a New Jersey-i srácok, ugyanis ezelőtt többnyire hard core és Oi bandákban nyomultak.
Egyik kedvencem a ‘Cheap Date‘ című szám amiben van egy kis Turbonegro féle death punk és amikor bejön egy ilyen darkos gitár egyből beugrott a Süllyedő Világ . Ha ez a két zenekar egyszer fellépne együtt Budapesten, azt nagyon bírnám!
100% Punk Rock n Roll! Totálisan ki vagyok elégítve,kösz O.C. Rippers!
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Moron’s Morons – High – Tension Situation (Sweet Time Records) 2023
Varsó, Lengyelország! Őket már a kezdetek kezdete óta ismerem, szeretem. Olyan öt éve küldték el első felvételeiket, amin akkor én személy szerint padlóztam egy nagyot. Annál lepattantabb punk n roll mocskot azóta sem igen hallottam mint a Trash Can Glory! Szerencsére a Slovenly Recordings hamar kapcsolt és 2020-ban megjelent a Looking for Danger, az első nagylemez. Ez már bikán szólt, emlékszem akkor kicsit csalódtam és nem is tetszett annyira, de később NAGYON is megszerettem.
És itt a második album ami egy K-I-B-A-SZ-O-T-T energiabomba!!!!! Hallgatva ez a bő 30 percet tényleg azt érzem, hogy ez már fokozhatatlan. Hahaha! Full punk rock az egész, de megvan benne egy kurvanagy adag AC/DC – Rose Tattoo vibe. Ha már a fél világ ezen az ausztrál bally-rock vonalon pörög, figyeljen oda Varsóra is! Ott van a Moron’s Morons az északi féltekén és kurvára pariban van déli bűntársaikkal! Én nem is ragoznám tovább. Tuti az év egyik legjobb punk rock lemeze!
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A kanadai KLAZO zenekar idei lemeze teljesen levett a lábamról, itt írtam róla ismertető pár hete >> KLIKK! << megígértem, hogy lesz interjú is. Íme. Ja! A csetelés a dobossal, Jesse Allison-nal történt, aki a It’s Trash! Records ügyeit is igazgatja egyszemélyben. Ha szereted a garage trash-t, a mocskos szinti-punk-ot, vagy akár Dead Boys féle action punk-ot, itt könyékig túrkálhatsz a szemétben! >> KLIKK!! <<
És még valami, csak, hogy érthető legyen a *klazomániára vonatkozó kérdésem. A zenekar neve egy betegségre utal, a klazomániára ami egy tourette szindrómához hasonlító idegrenceri baszás, csak itt a beteg kényszeres kiabálástól szenved, ami szintén tikkelés szerűen jelentkezik. Úgy tűnhet, hogy a betegnek fizikai fájdalmai lehetnek, pedig a kiáltozása nincs összefüggésben fizikai kellemetlenséggel. Kiválthatja agyvelőgyulladás, csak úgy mint szén-monoxid-mérgezés, vagy alkoholfogyasztási zavar. A görög eredetű klazo szó jelentése kiabálás/ordítozás. Kellemetlen egy nyavalya lehet….
Csühes Pali – When, whom and why did you start Klazo?
Jesse Allison – I formed Klazo in the spring of 2015 with Rob Brake (vocals, guitar) after I got kicked out of another two piece band for going on a trip to Peru. I formed this band because I wanted to be in a band.
CS.P. – Unfortunately I am a jerk. Does it make sense (to make a band)?
J.A. -It makes sense to form a band if you are going to have fun , release records , play with bands you love , tour and not take people’s shit. You are not a jerk Pali, at least not yet.
CS.P. – As it is common known, you are a duo. You are doing it on purpose, or it is because there are no more rock and roll guys around there?
J.A. -It’s true there is no one in London rock n roll enough to handle the punishment this band gives except for myself and Rob.
CS.P.– What is going around in London nowadays? I wonder what kind of people living there and what are they doing on weekdays, because the first thing I have heard about this place is your band.
J.A. -This is a very interesting question and one that could possibly land in me in jail for treason. I will answer it anyways. London Ontario is the self proclaimed Music City. We have also granted ourselves the title of being a music UNESCO Heritage Site due to historical events and local talent it has produced. We have a wide variety of music , Hip Hop, Metal, Pop Country, Rock Cover Bands and Cringe. The downside of this is that so many of the old ruins are now parking lots , we have very few small venues left to play shows. Help us!
CS.P. – To be honest I was looking around on the musical scene of London. There were two major cultural things I have found: one was Justin Beiber and the other is Nihilist Spasm Band ( i have an Lp from them, one of the most extreme parts of my collection). For me it looks really interesting, as a local how do you see this diversity?
J.A. – First off Bieber is from Stratford Ontario (1 hour north) that’s where he grew up. The Nihilist Spasm Band are the pioneers of Experimental Noise who started in the mid 1960s and had a residency at the York Hotel (currently condemned) .The group had still performed on occasion pre pandemic with some of the original members. I saw them once and chatted with Art Pratten but we were both hard of hearing at the time. I saw their records in Japan once too.
CS.P. – I know you run a label (It’s Trash! Records). Which band is from Killed by Meth compilations what are REALLY fucked up with the meth?
J.A. – You’ ve heard of my label? Sorry about that . Over the course of the series we call Killed By Meth there has been about 72 bands with over 200 different musicians featured. With this comes a diversity of people who live clean and those who do not. I personally haven’t heard of anyone that have gotten heavy into methamphetamines per say . However I do know that there was a singer who passed away suddenly from an overdose a few years ago. He was a talent.
CS.P. – Do you have any Hungarian connection? There was a huge migration to Canada during/after World War II. I wonder if there was any Hungarian cultural effect on rock and roll around your place.
J.A. – This is my first Hungarian connection , I appreciate you reaching out. The only Hungarian culture I’ve experienced is a fantastic restaurant here in London that’s been around for over 60 years. The original founder of the restaurant was a endearingly perverted lady whos husband mysteriously vanished. Try their goulash!
CS.P. – Do you like your neighbours?
J.A. – Yes I like them. They do not listen to punk though .
CS.P. – I hope there will be a sixth Killed by Meth compilation.
J.A. – I will not be releasing any more Killed By Meth records however I heard some rumblings there may be a #6 being released from an unknown figure. Isn’t this how the Killed By Death records ended up?
CS.P. – We havent heard about the Meth Kid since the 3rd episode.
J.A. – The meth kid? Ohhh do you mean the kid on the killed by meth records hahah! I believe he died / escaped the trailer meth label explosion on the cover of KBM #4 . Could this be predicting the future of more album covers ?? The dog was killed and eaten by the family during KBM #3. I heard dog is popular food in Eastern Europe?
CS.P. – No, that’s fake. We don’t eat dog. Gypsies eat hamster, moles, gopher, crows, all kinds of shit. Hungarians eat horses (only for sausage!) and we have a strange dish called ‘pacal’ made from the stomach of cow. Not my favorite….
J.A. – I see my western ignorance has perturbed you. Don’t get me wrong I’ve put alot of questionable meats in my mouth. No pun intended. Pass the Pascal Csuhes!
CS.P. – Do you like Motörhead?
J.A. – Yes. I saw Motörhead , The Damned and Girls School in Glasgow , Scotland while backpacking through the UK when I was 28. A bunch of Scotties got me drunk at the hostel I was staying at and I still chat with one of them to this day.
Cs.P.– Have you got any trick to do Klazo’s dirty sound, or just plug your guitar on and play at 10 vol?
J.A. – Oh the inevitable, talking about gear! .ill keep this short and sweet. An old Ampeg B-25 for the low end , a Fender Deville Combo for the squeals and solos. Yelling . I play an old 4 piece Japanese Stencil kit that’s a tangerine sparkle and just try not to suck.
CS.P. – At 2019 you did an American tour ‘They kalled it Amerika’. How was it? I think this was your last tour before this covid shit?
J.A. -The „They Kalled It Amerika” tour I’d say was our longest tour , farthest tour and maybe the funniest tour Klazo has done. It was 16 days with 13 shows in 9 states. Looking back the name of the tour is ironic considering what has happened in America the last couple of years. We were supposed to meet up with our local friends band in Memphis but due to unexpected circumstances they had to drop…last minute . This always makes booking a tour that much more rewarding. The dates got filled and the bands and people in their scenes were super accommodating. We only had one show get cancelled at a VFW Hall in Knoxville, TN. so we just made our own fun. Is there ever a bad day on tour? Nope.
CS.P. -How do you see the future of small undergound touring bands like you?
J.A. – It takes a certain kind of stupid to book a DIY tour, especially when going to a different country. Living with your friends in a van, getting lost and partying everyday is never dull. I’ve met so many friendly strangers along the way and for that I’m lucky.
CS.P. – Have you ever met a person who suffering from *klazomania?
J.A. -I can’t say I’ve met an individual clinically diagnosed with Klazomania. I have met alot of close talkers, loud mouths and smoke inhalers though.
CS.P. – If i know well, you have got a radio show. Tell me more about this, from where we can get the episodes?
J.A. -I’ve been doing radio since 2010, but I’ve been doing It’s Trash since the beginning of 2013. I’ve managed to do over 180 episodes and you can listen live on the radio station or on mixcloud at your own pace, brought to you by Radio Mutation. Lots of other great shows on there as well..
CS.P. – Favorite old and new bands?
J.A. – I love old random Killed by Death punk alot. The weirder and more alienated the better. There are so many great new bands out there , I cannot list them off. You could hear them all on my radio show though!
CS.P. -Favorite 2 piece bands?
J.A. – The only two piece band that comes to mind would be Montreal Quebec’s Deja Voodoo circa 1981-1990 . They are total weirdos. I first discovered them on the Og Label off the compilation ” It Came From Canada vol. 2. With the classic song „Three men one Coffin” . It’s an entirely different flavour of skronk compared to Klazo , but one that I do enjoy . It’s like mutant rockabilly music that’s been pulled out of the bottom of a river in a rusty Edsel.
CS.P. – Favorite record labels?
J.A. – First and foremost I wanna shout out to Big Neck and No Front Teeth Records for releasing our album ‘Demik Dementia. Thanks for releasing us! I recently got a box Of Goodbye Boozy records in the mail courtesy of a label trade..hmm I got some Feel It Records, Goner and Total Punk Records for Christmas. Slovenly is cool too!
CS.P. – Favorite poison?
J.A. – Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
CS.P. – One of my favorites too.
J.A. – Thanks for the chit chat Pali. and Remember if it’s Raw If it’s Fast It’s Trashhhhh!!!!!
DISCO FEVER is a symptom, which likely prevails in every susceptible human being in case of acute or chronic exposure to a certain rhythm pattern commonly knows as ‘four on the floor’. Scientists have spent thousands of hours on confirming the underlying positive correlation between the above mentioned rhythm pattern and the increased human heart rate. You can now be part of science: just listen to this radio show episode, measure your vital functions and please submit your results via the messaging services of one of our social media platforms. Thank you!
01. Waszlavik László – Falu végén kurta diszkó
02. Public Image Ltd – Death Disco (7″ mix)
03. Lizzy Mercier Descloux – Fire
04. Immortal – Story Of Immortal
05. Righeira – Vamos A La Playa (1981 Original Demo Version)
06. Gabi Delgado – History of a Kiss
07. Julie Wilde – Love Tunnel
08. Banbarra – Shack up
09. The Boston Garden – Lady Pick-Up
10. ESG – Moody (Spaced Out)
11. Tany Welck – Sexy Man
12. The Mighty Tom Cats – Love Potion-Cheeba
13. Methusalem – Time Machine
14. L’Imperatrice – Matahari
15. The Miami Disco Band – (I Wanna) Go Home With You (Original Tom Moulton 12 Mix)
16. Senay – Dalkavuk (Baris K Edit)
17. John Forde – Stardance
18. The Fatback Band – (Are You Ready) Do The Bus Stop
19. Tantra – The Hills Of Katmandu
20. The Sylvers – Stay Away From Me
21. Ihsan Al Munzer – Jamileh
22. Love Childs Afro Cuban Blues Band – Life And Death In G&A
23. Dexter Wansel – The Sweetest Pain
24. Asha Puthli – I’m Gonna Dance
25. John Ozila – Funky Boogie
26. Demis Roussos – I dig you
27. Nancy Nova – The Force
The making of the album VOUS ET NOUS was also full of twists and turns. It started out as a solo effort by Kabyle musician ARESKI. But little by little, as Areski was filling tapes with poems, improvised skits, electronic experiments, North African trance, refined acoustics and medieval drones BRIGITTE FONATAINE would sneak into the studio at nightfall, adding her voice here and there, her whispers and screams, giving fuel to the fire in a total surreal blaze. The album was originally released in 1977. Now you can get it from KYTHIBONG RECORDS. Anyway Fontaine also collaborated such acts as Stereolab, Jean-Claude Vannier, Gotan Project, Grace Jones or Sonic Youth of course.
On their blistering 7″ debut on 12XU RECORDS, Texan band MISSING PAGES channel the anxiety, exasperation, and jubilation born of those delicate moments in life when the casual comforts and routine are stripped away, forcing us to confront the ugly truth of who we really are.
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John Schooley‘s project ROCKET 808 is like Suicide adding Link Wray as a third band member. Debut single out now on 12XU RECORDS. Full-length album in early 2019. Anyway his moment in time, Schooley is the only person who can claim to have been a member of the Crypt, Goner, Sympathy For The Record Industry and 12XU rosters.
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Ground-zero Louisiana-born rocker LINDA GAIL LEWIS is the younger sister and frequent performing partner of Jerry Lee Lewis, whose piano innovations she carries forward. Her present-at-the-creation cred buoys the record while country musicians ROBBIE FULKS – who sings, plays, leads the band, writes most of the songs, and arranges the others – provides an anchoring sensibility, one that savors old sounds but sidesteps nostalgia on the album WILD! WILD! WILD! on BLOOODSHOT RECORDS (US)
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„TERRY is domesticity. TERRY romances the mundane. This is how romance ekes out a triumph amidst mundanity. That’s what Billy Bragg’s New England and Squeeze’s Up The Junction do. TERRY’s suburban escapism moment is Ciao Goodbye.” You can find it on TERRY’s third album I’M TERRY on UPSET THE RHYTHM RECORDS (UK)
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Cleveland based gutter pop band FASCINATING perfectly melds its sharp, no-bullshit pop sensibilities with the raw, in-the-red sound indelibly connected to the midwestern underground. Debut album COMMUNIST POWER on DIRTY WATER RECORDS (UK)
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PINK AIR is the new album from the distinctive and idiosyncratic New York cult band ELYSIAN FIELDS. Their 11th record is a post-apocalyptic rock & roll joyride will be released by OJET in the States and by MICROCULTURES RECORDS in France.
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Swedish band HATER‘s new album SIESTA is the perfect soundtrack for that summer romance and the inevitable break up.
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In some respects New Yorker ANAMON‘s self released debut album PURPLE, GREEN & YELLOW is the fruit of what the hardcore underground once promised to deliver us: the self-reliance, moxie, and quick/dirty recording ethic of the Minutemen and the Meat Puppets, coupled with Fleetwood Mac and Blue Oyster Cult’s flair for drama and sprinkled with the goosebumpy starlit twang old Crystal Gayle and Gram Parsons records give us.
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… and that record is insane, Ivy Claudy the Female Singer is just a total wild woman! super crazy live show and she give you everything! and Buddy Fuzz the guitar player plays like a caveman… this is raw end of time punk no wave at its best!!! The SLOKS are a Super Raw Power Ultra Primitive Dirty Suicide Destructive Garage Punk No-Wave Trashed out Rock’n’Roll combo from Turin, Italy and their debut album out now on VOODOO RHYTHM RECORDS (CH)
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JOSEPHINE FOSTER‘s new album FAITHFUL FAIRY HARMONY is a maze of spirituals, ritual prayers, blues laments, vestal hymns and jubilant benedictions.
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The 3 entreprenors of French trio THE WORLD stay on their ultra-liberal path with NIGHTS, their second album. Transhumanist synths, lyrics of winners, rhythms tuned to convince investors. Turn any car into an SUV. An ideal album to go with team building weekends, administration boards meetings and redundancy plans. it will release soon on KYTHIBONG RECORDS (F)
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SUPERHUMAN HAPPINESS is a musical collective led by Brooklyn multi-instrumentalist Stuart Bogie (Arcade Fire, Iron and Wine, Antibalas). While the first album „Hands” has earned a reputation for ass-shaking, euphoric dance music, the new album BEACON takes a darker and more emotional turn. It is performed by musicians from Antibalas, Rubblebucket, Metropolitan Opera, Angelique Kidjo, Elysian Fields, War on Drugs, Darkside and more.
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Refined R&B grooves and defined jazz harmonies on New Yorker GADADU‘s second album OUTER SONG.
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If you claim MARIJUANA DEATHSQUADS to be the Midwest’s answer to Boredoms (or at least F*ck B*tt*ns), they probably wouldn’t mind the compliment. Debut album TUFF GUY ELECTRONICS on PIONEER WORKS (US)
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BOGIE KAUFMAN MANN’s album VOLUME 1 is a record of improvisations that don’t sound like improvisations because “we wanted to feel like it was a group improvisation all the time, so there was never really a lot of soloing going on – there was a lot of trioing going on.” Playing at low volume on guitar, woodwinds, and percussion, set up close to one another in the same room, headphone-free.
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END OF THE GAME is the anticipated debut full length by EYES OF LOVE, a band helmed by Brooklyn songwriter Andrea Schiavelli. Assembling a crew of some of the most skilled musicians in New York’s underground; Lily Konigsberg (Palberta, Lily and Horn Horse), Sammy Weissberg (The Cradle, Sweet Baby Jesus), Paco Cathcart (The Cradle, Shimmer). These 14 tracks harness the chaos of reckless abandon amid classic structures.
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New Zealand band ORCHESTRA OF SPHERES‘ double LP MIRROR is an exploration of energies and atmospheres, from intense futuristic funk and sonic tape assemblages to windswept reflections from a far flung corner of the world. It combines the band’s ecstatic rhythmic power and ritualistic vocals with an expanded orchestral palette.
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The band JOBS is fueled by truly ambitious compositions that seem to defy all logic in the most profound of ways. They’ve always had a knack for producing melodic head-boppers within bouts of joyous experimentation. You can feel this on their new cassette LOG ON FOR THE FREE CHANCE TO LOG ON FOR FREE on RAMP LOCAL RECORDS (US)
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Globetrotting Swiss-American blues trash duo REVEREND BEAT-MAN & NICOLE IZOBEL GARCIA’s collaborative album BAILE BRUJA MUERTO of course on VOODOO RHYTHM RECORDS (CH)
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WILLIMAM ELLIOTT WHITMORE is a singer-songwriter/banjoist/guitarist/drum-stompin’ solo act from Lee County, Iowa. He meld country, blues, folk, and punk styles. His songs are haunting, rustic, powerful, and byproducts of living his entire life on the family farm and being involved in the hardcore-punk scene in the local community. His brand new album KILONOVA is a collection of 10 cover songs from artists who have influenced him: Dock Boggs, Harlan Howard, Magnetic Fields, Bad Religion, Bill Withers, ZZ Top, Johnny Cash, Red Meat, Jimmy Driftwood and Captain Beefheart.
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„The foundation for what is on the record comes from long before I had any interest in playing jazz. It is heavily rooted in the grunge, indie, and punk rock that I was listening to in high school. We’d write music, rehearse bands, and play shows all summer long in Baltimore clubs like the Small Intestine, Talking Head, and the old Ottobar. The album CRICKETS is just the sound of those summers as a teenager, but with a decade or two of musical development mixed in” – said composer and bassist ADAM HOPKINS about his album. It is the first release of his label OUT OF YOUR HEAD RECORDS (US)
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THE CALLAS is the tip of a Greek artistic squad producing music, artworks, films, magazines, events, art shows, initiated by the brothers Lakis & Aris Ionas. They worked with Sonic Youth drummer LEE RANALDO on the soundtrack of their new feature film “The Great Eastern” and on their new full-length album TROUBLE AND DESIRE which is released now on INNER EAR (GR) and DIRTY WATER RECORDS (UK)
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Throwing Muses’ KRISTIN HERSH has recently released her new album POSSIBLE DUST CLOUDS on FIRE RECORDS (UK)
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TEKSTI-TV 666 is a six-headed shoegazing kraut-punk monster. Armed with no less than four (and sometimes, just sometimes, five) electric guitars. Nowadays they are one of the most in-demand live acts in their native Finland, and select performances abroad have caused a bit of a storm as well. Second album Aidattu tulevaisuus on SVART RECORDS.
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JOHNNY MAFIA. French reverb-soaked slap-backed fuzzed out sonic attack. Inspired by classics like The Ramones, T-Rex, and The Clash, they also draw heavily on contemporary acts like Ty Segall, Jay Reatard, and the Wavves. Their debut album PRINCES DE L’AMOUR is produced by Jim Diamond (The Dirtbombs) and will release on November 9 on DIRTY WATER RECORDS (UK)
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IGUANA DEATH CULT is just a fine Dutch garage rock band who has a new single. Buy the vinyl here.
1. James Joyce once said that if all of Dublin was destroyed, they ought to be able to rebuild it brick by brick just from reading his novels. WILDER MAKER’s ZION is the first chapter in a musical novel that makes the same claim for Brooklyn, NY.
ZION is a kaleidoscopic snapshot of years hustling for a break in New York City: waking up at 5 am to pour coffee for the brownstone-owning elite, waiting for a drug dealer on a city bench outside a blurry house party, moving catastrophically from apartment to apartment in the garbage scented heat, glimpsing euphoria through the ritual of taking your place among the anonymous crowd at a music festival, having your heart shattered in front of an audience at a bar, drunkenly contemplating bodega window displays, circling ever closer to something that could either be perfection or the drain, depending on the day.
Written by guitarist/saxophonist/singer Gabriel Birnbaum and brought to life with longtime collaborators Katie Von Schleicher, Nick Jost (Baroness), Adam Brisbin (Sam Evian, Jolie Holland) and Sean Mullins.
Its influences run from classic 70’s Dylan to blown out free jazz saxophone, from Dr. John’s swampy psychedelia to Ethiopian sounds picked up from Birnbaum’s many years as a member of Debo Band, with hints of Coltrane’s classic quartet and nods to The Velvet Underground. The album ZION will be released in July on NORTHERN SPY RECORDS (US)
2. Everything what you never wanted to know about retail:
ARNDALES is a sardonic post-punk quartet,
a hidden gem at an English countryside warehouse.
Their long-awaited debut album “SHOPS” recently released.
The album “SHOPS” is coming soon on IN THE RED RECORDINGS.
And there is nothing shiny. Just old fashioned music like the old Fall
with a Negativland song which is replaced to mid-Bedfordshire.
3. „This record really began when I got my first analog synthesizer and started making wild and odd noises with it. I sat on the couch with it on my lap and headphones on for two weeks and never found the end to the sounds it could make, and I still haven’t, half a year later” – said Polish-American drummer Tym Wojcik about his new album JITTER VISIONS. He recorded it with his band called CUP. It is released now on AAGOO RECORDS (US). For fans of Slaughterhouse era Ty Segall, Thee Oh Sees and the Beatles.
4. „As the rainbow enters the sky and shines through the rain, all the birds lift their heads, singing. This album lures us into being blindly joyful, shying away from the terrible troubles of this world.”
French band CHOCOLAT BILLY is not a simple thing. For example, they played their first show opening for American avant-garde jazz guitarist Eugene Chadbourne in 2002. And the new album DELICATE DELI is – with a little overdrawn – as if it would be a common effort of Deerhoof and Chemical Brothers. It releases on KYTHIBONG and POTAGERS NATURES RECORDS (F).
5. The female half of Moon Duo Sanae Yamada has written a solo album under the name of VIVE LA VOID during tours and recordings. Coming soon on SACRED BONES RECORDS (US).
6. Chicago-born sometimes Brazil-resident avant-garde jazz musician BEN LAMAR GAY’s debut album DOWNTOWN CASTLES CAN NEVER BLOCK THE SUN a compilation album. Songs were taken from 7 albums he made over the last 7 years but never made the effort to actually release. It is coming in early May on INTERNATIONAL ANTHEM RECORDS (US). Anyway, he is one of the most prolific collaborators in Chicago’s creative music community. For example, he was a core component of Makaya McCraven’s last album Highly Rare, and we praise it.
7. Cold wave disco, krautrock, post-punk, synth-pop. These are what I can say about the music of Canadian duo FREAK HEAT WAVES. And well, there is a strange thing. They named Texan hip-hop pioneer Dj Screw as their main influence. You can check these things if you listen to their new album BEYOND XXXL. It is released on TELEPHONE EXPLOSION RECORDS (CAN). Cassette on French label ATELIER CISEAUX.
8. Cadillac born New Orleans based American traditionalist LUKE WINSLOW-KING plays a mix of old, but maybe eternal American tunes with his band: ragtime, country, blues, gospel, dixie, bluegrass, jazz, rock and roll with minimal and occasionally brass band orchestration. His new album BLUE MESA will be released on 11 May on BLOODSHOT RECORDS (US)
9. The Jack Cades was born in late 2017 when Mike (Lead Guitar, Vocals) and Elsa (Rhythm Guitar, Vocals) decided to record some of their songs at Mole’s (Drums) notorious State Records Studios in Folkestone, Kent. They invited John Gibbs (The Masonics, The Wildebeests) to record bass on some of their songs at the time, which resulted in a mini debut LP „Music for Children”, which will be released on 18th May on DIRTY WATER RECORD (UK). It is a mix of a shared passion for inspirational sounds such as 1960s garage bands, snotty punk from the 1970s and sun-kissed sweaty rhythm n’ blues.
By the way, Jack Cade was the leader of a popular revolt in England in 1450. After the early success, he declared himself Lord Mayor of London. In this position, he initiated a series of tribunals dedicated to seeking out and convicting those accused of corruption. After such a sham trial the Lord High Treasurer and his son were beheaded. But many of the rebels, including Cade, began to engage in looting and drunken behavior. Gradually Cade’s inability to control his followers alienated the initially sympathetic citizens of London, who eventually turned against the rebels. He was murdered and his body underwent a mock trial and was ritually beheaded. Then his body was dragged through the streets of London before being quartered.
10. “Marvin would kick your ass for nothing. A true genius, Marvin was a pure original” said Iggy Pop about the extraordinary musician MARVIN PONTIAC. And if Iggy is so into him than I introduce that true genius to you. MARVIN PONTIAC was born in 1932, the son of an African father from Mali and a white Jewish mother from New Rochelle, New York. The father’s original last name was Toure but he changed it to Pontiac when the family moved to Detroit, believing it to be a conventional American name. (… ) Reportedly Marvin’s music was the only music that Jackson Pollack would ever listen to while he painted, this respect was not reciprocated. In 1970 Marvin believed that he was abducted by aliens. (…) When he was arrested for riding a bicycle naked down the side streets of Slidell, it provided a sad but clear view of Marvin’s coming years. In 1971 he moved back to Detroit where he drifted forever and permanently into insanity. He was killed by a bus accident in 1977.
His only album GREATEST HITS was released posthumously in 1999. And this unstable genius recorded his African rhythm and blues songs with such great musicians as Marc Ribot, John Medeski, Billy Martin, Eszter Bálint and many others. It is recently re-released on NORTHERN SPY RECORDS (US). If you want to know more about MARVIN PONTIAC you can read his strange story here.
11. GOSH! is a minimal psych-pop duo. When I got their new album ODYSSEY I wanted to show it to everybody. Hey, listen to this! So simple, bittersweet and beautiful.
The band has started when Padraig left his psychedelic post-americana band Nude Sunrise and started dating with Claire. One of the first moments they spent together there were guitars. Claire picked the bass and they learned “Badlands” from The Jesus and Mary Chain. Anyway, she never played any instruments before and GOSH! is her
first band. And it is among my brand new favourites. The new album ODYSSEY was written after they got back to Chicago from a chaotic tour. It remembers an underpaid journey as arduous as the real Ulysses’s, full of tragic twists and chemical quicksands. “All while watching the new season of Twin Peaks. It was a dark time, but we channeled that darkness and complete sense of defeat into creativity and in turn have produced something incredibly positive” – said Claire.
The album ODYSSEY will be released in mid-May on NICEY MUSIC (US).
12. “Shit needs to be shaken up. I’m always moved by unrest or agitation. That’s what moves me. We need to shake things up. We like to be shaken up.” It’s the ars poetica of PARLOR WALLS guitarist/frontwoman Alyse Lamb who founded the band with the drummer and simultaneously keyboards player Chris Mulligan.
Their debut album decades after the wall between rock and jazz began to fall took us further down the road towards. Now on the EP EXO – which introduces clarinetist/programmer/multi-instrumentalist Jason Shelton to the band’s lineup -, PARLOR WALLS erode at the divisions between no wave and new wave by balancing melody and what Lamb and Mulligan refer to as “anti-melody.” It helps that the songs bear the recording and mixing touch of Joseph Colmenero, who has served as RZA’s personal engineer over the last decade and has also worked with Philip Glass, Björn and others. EXO will be released soon on NORTHERN SPY RECORDS (US).
13. Murky and mystical Scottish chamber pop trio MODERN STUDIES‘ new album WELCOME STRANGERS is a bricolage where classicism meets experimentalism. It will be released on 18 May on FIRE RECORDS (UK). During the recordings, contributors include sisters, wives, toddlers, freeform saxophonists and The Pumpkinseeds, an ensemble featuring violins, violas, cellos, trombones, and vocals, were brought together to play in a remote village.
14. English duo VIRGINIA WING‘s conceptual pop borrows from The Flying Lizard’s Fourth Wall, Yellow Pop Magic Orchestra and Lizzy Mercier Descloux’s Press Colour. New album ECSTATIC ARROW on FIRE RECORDS (UK)
15. LOCATE S 1 aka Christina Schneider has made the album HEALING CONTEST with Of Montreal’s musicians. It was produced, engineered and also contributed by Of Montreal’s Kevin Barnes who released it on his own label SYBARITIC PEER (US). There are too many chords to be pop, too catchy to be anything else.
Vinyl LP and CD on NICEY MUSIC (US).
16. Hungarian psychedelic prog rock band PROTOPLASMA released their new album – in digital format, but it also will be released on cassette soon.
17. This year the legendary unknown raw and wild synth-punk band PRIMITIVE CALCULATORS turns into 40. They (we) celebrate it with their third album ON DRUGS. The band started in 1978, in the same place and same time than the Birthday Party. After a single, they relocated to London, in the same time than the Birthday Party, and promptly broke up in 1980. But there was a post-split-up single under the name of Zye Ye Ye in England in 1981. The first album was released in 1980. It’s a live recording of a gig supporting the Boys Next Door in 1979. The Boys Next Door was renamed to Birthday Party. The first studio album THE WORLD IS FUCKED was released in 2013. And now the third album ON DRUGS finally here on IT RECORDS (AUS). It is a little bit different than the others. Heartbreak and loss also appear beside nihilism and rage at the world. Even, there is a ballad, a dark, nasty, dire dirge.
18. Norwegian producer Tore Gjedrem of Ost & Kjex channels his love of comix, bohemia and fascination with human vice, the unspoken, the Red Light districts, the alleys of the mind into his alter ego SEX JUDAS. “I wanted to create a world where any musical idea is possible, wound together by the world and word of Judas, the ultimate sinner, reborn as a child of Venus.”
The album GO DOWN JUDAS was made with contributions by his friends in the Oslo scene as hometown legend Dj Pål Strangefruit Nyhus, composer Ole-Henrik Moe, jazz pianist Bugge Wesseltoft, Sidiki Camara from Mali playing that beautiful Ngoni, and multi-instrumentalist Ivar Snuten Winther. Music inspiration ranges from Africa to 80’s NYC, from Bohannon to Quasimoto, from Norwegian New Wave to Acid House. It touches anything from blues, funk, disco and post-punk to IDM, acid house and electronic explorer music. And it’s a fuckin’ funny album.It comes as a 2 x LP and digital release on OPTIMO MUSIC on May 25th.
Our columnist Franz Fekete has written about: Sex Judas brought David Holmes to my mind. There was a summertime open-air party in Budapest, and he was late because of police problems. Hours went after hours. When he finally arrived at dawn I was drunk and smoked so much that I was not able to speak normally. And after he started to play I was just shouting and wallowing on the grass. Same feeling.
19. SHITTY PERSON is the solo-ish project of Seattle based Benjamin Thomas-Kennedy from Lesbian and Fungal Abyss. He said about: „I was really into Spacemen 3 and early Monster Magnet when I wrote this album. I was drawn to the desperation and self-hatred that those records express both musically and lyrically. I’ve always really loved drug music. I had also been studying Religious Trauma Syndrome and how leaving Fundamentalist Evangelical Christianity causes similar symptoms to posttraumatic stress disorder. I come from a long line of preachers and have a lot of resentment about how Christianity destroys children by teaching them to hate themselves.” Debut album JUDGEMENT on the Finnish label SVART.
20. VITAL IDLES write primitive, whimsically brutal minimalist pop songs. They don’t just talk about disorder but often actively demonstrate it e.g. on there debut album LEFT HAND on UPSET THE RHYTHM RECORDS (UK).
21. VERITAHROJA i.e. BLOODSTAINS is another compilation album of unknown and unheard punk rock from the Finnish 1970’s scene. The record opens up with RATTUS – “Täältä tullaan kuolema”. The band is one of the cornerstones of the Finnish 82-hardcore scene. Before settling down to the hardcore form the band made two seven inches with more experimental pieces – including a ska song! “Täältä tullaan kuolema” is a solid 77-punk rocker, which translates as “Here we come death”. Later on, the song was re-recorded with a speedier tempo and a more hardcore sound for the HARDCORE ’83 compilation of Propaganda Records.
GOSH! is a minimal psych-pop duo. OK, there are many. But when I got their new album ODYSSEY I wanted to show it to everybody. Hey, listen to this! So simple, bittersweet and beautiful.
GOSH! started when Padraig left his psychedelic post-americana band Nude Sunrise and started dating with Claire. One of the first moments they spent together there were guitars. Claire picked the bass and they learned „Badlands” from The Jesus and Mary Chain. Anyway she never played any instruments before and GOSH! is her first band. And it is among my brand new favourites.
New album ODYSSEY was written after they got back to Chicago from a chaotic tour. It remembers an underpaid journey as arduous as the real Ulysses’s, full of tragic twists and chemical quicksands. „All while watching the new season of Twin Peaks. It was a dark time, but we channeled that darkness and complete sense of defeat into creativity and in turn have produced something incredibly positive” – said Claire.
I know it coming soon on NICEY MUSIC
Unfortunately at the moment I cannot show the song Lake Shore Drive to you, but you can listen to it in KILLBONOCLUB this Saturday.
By Jonathan, SHILPA RAY could be Patti Smith and Iggy Pop love child with Allen Ginsberg as the midwife. Maybe, I do not know, but her new album DOOR GIRL released now, and it is among the best ones this year. She is coming from New York, living in a love and hate relationship with the city where she works as a door girl at Pianos bar. And this door girl tells stories about the city and its people who are living in a big sweet rotting apple like worms.
She has started to write this album after she was rejected by record labels and booking agents because ‘she doesn’t write strong enough hooks.’ ‘Fuck it! You want a strong hook? I’ll give you a fucking strong hook!’ And then she wrote the first song for the album in about an hour or so, really angry.
Musically this record is all digging into what she felt was indigenous from New York City, so a lot of the influences came from doo-wop, punk, noise, hip-hop and no-wave.
This song ‘EMT Police and the Fire Department’ is about a hot summer night at the Pianos when somebody called the ambulance, the cops, and the fire-brigade, and they arrived at the same time
‘It was like one of those nights in the summer when you know there’s a lot of trouble about to happen, because it gets swampy and hot and everybody goes crazy… I’ve definitely seen people fighting in the front. It breaks out in this massive wave: it gradually happens and then somebody calls out some kind of a sexist or racial slur, because they always just go to that… Then the whole place just goes crazy. I’ve definitely seen somebody break a bottle over a guy’s head before over something really stupid.’
UK DATES: 3 > Brighton – Green Door Store, 4 > London – The Social, 5 > Glasgow – 13th Note Cafe, 7 > Gateshead – The Central Bar, 8 > Hull – Adelphi Club
If you want to know more about her songs, she talks about here