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plus Putin & homophobia: Like a Red Prison:
They had better direct so much energy to their music as to their actions. The boredom kills the ideals.
De a "fenti kép" sajnos nem a Free Pussy Riot nevű bandát reklámozza, hanem a Pussy Riot három letartóztatott, feltételezett tagjának szabadon bocsátását követeli. Azért feltételezett, mert tagadják, hogy bármi közük lenne a zenekarhoz. Akár 7 évet is kaphatnak huliganizmusért. Ha közben bele nem halnak éhségsztrájkjukba.
I have became acquainted with Bob Bert through Instagram and I didn’t just think it would be cool to interview him because he was playing drums for Sonic Youth in the ’80s (after Richard Edson and before Jim Sclavunos), but also because looking at his insta, I was convinced he knew every single soul in the so-called R’n’R underground. I asked him about a lot more than just stars and SY. I stole all the attached photos off his Instagram account. Sorry, Bob.
– In an interview you said: „I’ve lived in Hoboken most of my life, and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” „…home of Frank Sinatra and Steve Shelley.” But Kerouac wrote about Hoboken in OnTheRoad also.: „Dean had a fight with Marylou in their Hoboken apartment — God knows why they went there.” What’s important to know about Hoboken? Are there any places and events you consider cultic about Hoboken and do you think they are important for today’s Hoboken youth, including you, Sonic Youth and your generation?
– Funny, yesterday I was with a friend walking in NYC and he pointed out the apartment where Kerouac wrote On The Road. Hoboken is only a square mile and is right across the river from Manhattan. It was a cool working class place filled with artists musicians, a great rock club Maxwell’s and than soon after the great record store where I worked called Pier Platters. Now it’s a very hard to afford place to live filled with rich people popping out kids and if filled with sports bars and drunken jocks. I still have a few friends here but most of my social life and music life are in NYC and Brooklyn.
– You contacted Sonic Youth after you saw a flyer in a downtown record store saying Sonic Youth needs a drummer. What bands were in Hoboken those days you might have joined and in what respect did SY stand out, what made it special?
– Sonic Youth and pretty much every band I’ve been in has been based out of Manhattan, the bands that were well known in Hoboken in the 1980’s were the Bongos, Yo La Tengo, Individuals. But like I said we had the Club Maxwell’s where every great band played, I practically lived there. Nirvana, REM, Sonic Youth, Beck, Pixies, they all played there on the way up.
– I read that you came to Lausanne with the first SY’s Eurotour in June 83, on your birthday, which turned out to be quite irregular: „…When we finished the set, a riot broke out with small fires, it was nuts and things got crazier. … Sonic Youth definitely paved the way for indie US bands touring Europe. … No one knew who these freaks from NYC were in their nice little towns and we blew whoever was there heads off.” What was your impression, was Europe ready for your music at that time? Did you have a European band you met, whom you knew and did something important at the time?
– Yes what I said before is all true. Europe has always been more receptive to artier out there music than the USA. On one of those early Europe tours we met the band Einsturdste Neubauten, the industrial band from Berlin who blew our minds still a big fan.
– „Sonic Youth’s Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon introduced Bert to Pussy Galore – who happened to be looking for a drummer at the time – at an Einsturzende Neubauten show in Manhattan, and that launched the next stage of his career.” – was your break-up really so friendly that your old band recommended a new one?
– Love it He’s amazing!
– Which are those new bands that we should pay attention to as organizers when they are heading towards Eastern Europe?
A Berlinben élő kanadai elektro-punk Peaches önkéntesekkel készített Free Pussy Riot videója:
Augusztus 17.-én az ítélet napján világszerte (mínusz Magyarország) rendezett tiltakozó demonstrációk részeként a londoni Royal Court Theatherben egy órával ítélethirdetés előtt brit színészek felolvassák a lányok vallomásait. Ahogy kell. Megrendezetten.
rnr666 vélemény a várható ítéletről: Annyit fognak kapni, amennyit előzetesben letöltöttek. Legfeljebb + 1-2 hónap. (Persze ki tudja hányadik fellebbezés után.) Ami mégiscsak a poszt-szovjet orosz kormány liberalizmusának gesztusértékű megnyilvánulása lenne. Egy másik esetben
Az istenkáromlást azok követik el, akik reá hivatkozva nyilatkozni mernek. Akik magukat erre valamilyen oknál fogva felhatalmazva érzik. Akik erre felhatalmazás adnak. Honnan veszi a bátorságot bárki, hogy a leghatalmasabb nevében megszólaljon, elképzelt szándékait közvetítse, vagy – uram bocsá – Istent védelmébe vegye? Sőt, kételkedve az isteni igazságszolgáltatás tökéletességében (ami önmagában eretnekség) ember alkotta intézményeket kérjen fel védelmére?
Nekem csak egy kérdésem lenne hozzájuk. Mégis mit gondoltatok, mi lesz?
Pussy Riot – Putin will teach you how to love the motherland
They are showing progress in music.
Text >
Once upon a time there was a feminist punk rock group in Russia. In the 2012th year of the Lord they went to a church and took some shots for their video clip without music and permission, and created a little scandal. Because of the intervention of guards the action lasted for only 40 secs. They put the clip on internet. In the song they ask Mary to remove Putin from the power. Huge scandal.
Three young women would be hunted down, and the authority laid a charge of „hooliganism motivated by religious hatred” against them.* The defendants were treated as terrorists. The judgement: 1 on parole, and 2 x 2 years in labour camp. The high authority said that the proceedings were not a political, rather a criminal act. But because the act of Pussy Riot was political therefore the judgment was necessarily also political. But the judgement was mild, because these women and their collaborators „can try to destruct our country with undermine our moral basis” – said Putin. The decision begot a big international outcry among civil rights movements and all kind of artists. Madonna was one of the main protesters, but she is just „an aging ex-whore” – said by the Russian vice-president.
*I don’t understand the „religious hatred” because they pray to Mary so they are believers.
The Russian people were divided on the issue. The majority (literally: bolsheviks), i. e. conservative side demanded the strict penalty. They have raised in the soft-Stalinist bolshevik era mainly. The minority, i. e. liberal side protested against the decision. Generally they were born after the fall of communist dictatorship.
Since then there were some hunger strikes by the two jailed 23 and 25 years old public enemies.
A Pussy Riot ügy magyarul az RNRen