A következő oldal a nyugalom és a közízlés megzavarására alkalmas!
Böngészését kizárólag:
látogatóknak ajánljuk!
Ennek tudatában:
Moses, Jesus, but even Buddha had anus.
And those were used everyday,
and worked well,
resounded the glory of the Creator.
But now, in the dawn of f’in AI age this artwork
– also resounds the glory of God –
is banned on one of the main forums of the world.
Why? Because, it’s a secret part of an ideal sterile hipster world?
Where just empty smiles and highs, but like a rococo whore we never say arse.
It seems we are living in neverending Dark Ages,
so urgently we should dive back into the antique times,
where a graffiti said
Apollinaris, doctor to the emperor Titus, had a good crap here.
Ergo podex perfectus es. Futue te ipsum et caballum tuum!
What means: So you are a perfect asshole. Go fuck yourself and your horse!
Anyway the banned post was dedicated to the wonderful Butthole Surfers and its fans.
And if you want to learn to swear in Latin